Biography of Moses Alexander

The sturdy German element in our national commonwealth has been one of the most important in furthering the substantial and normal advancement of the country, for this is. an element signally appreciative of practical values and also of the higher intellectuality which transcends all provincial confines. Well may any person take pride in tracing his lineage to such a source Moses Alexander is one of the worthy sons that the Fatherland has furnished to America, and Boise now numbers him among her leading merchants, while in the office of mayor he is capably handling the reins of city government. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Harding

For many years Benjamin Harding was a leading free-soil man and a resident of Doniphan County, Kansas. A native of Otsego County, New York, born in November, 1815, at the age of twenty-five he became a resident of Livingston County, Missouri, and in 1842 entered the Indian trade at the Great Nemaha Agency. He moved to St. Joseph in 1849, but re-entered the Indian trade at Wathena, Kansas, in 1852. In 1854, while serving there as a judge of election he incurred the enmity of the pro-slavery people, and twice reported at Leavenworth to answer charges brought against him, which … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas B. Yates

Thomas B. Yates was born near Culpepper, Rappahannock county, Virginia, February 3, 1836. He lived with his parents until he was twenty and received a common school education. On leaving home, in 1856, he came to Gallatin and engaged in school teaching until 1860 when he was elected superintendent of schools for Daviess county. On account of the troubled condition of the schools in 1861, they being suspended, he resigned and engaged in farming. In 1865 he removed to Chillicothe and engaged in the drug business, in which he continued until 1874. In that year he returned to Gallatin and … Read more

Biography of John D. Graves

JOHN D. GRAVES. Mr. Graves is accounted a prosperous farmer and stock-man of Stone County, Missouri, and like the majority of native Missourians he is progressive in his views and of an energetic temperament. He was born in Livingston County August 28, 1847, to the union of James C. and Lititia (Webber) Graves, the former a native of Virginia, born March 15, 1803, and the latter of Boone County, Kentucky, born October 10, 1808. The Graves family came originally from England and settled in the Old Dominion at a period antedating the Revolution. Joseph Graves, our subject’s grandfather, was born … Read more

Biography of William S. Gooch, M. D.

William S. Gooch, M. D., has practiced surgery and medicine at Mapleton, Kansas, for the past fifteen years, and in point of experience and general ability ranks as the first and leading member of the profession in that community. Doctor Gooch is a Missourian and was born at Meadville, in that state February 6, 1875. His family settled in pioneer times in Northwestern Missouri and the original stock came out of England and established themselves in Kentucky along about the close of the Revolutionary war. Doctor Gooch’s Grandfather Gideon Gooch was born in Kentucky, moved from that state to Northern … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles E. Orcutt

Charles E. Orcutt was born in Middletown, Rutland county, Vermont, February 15, 1845. His parents were Erasmus and Philena (Edgerton) Orcutt, natives of Vermont. While our subject was yet an infant his parents removed to Allegany county, New York, and after living there two years the family removed to Massachusetts, and there, in the Deerfield Academy, our subject received his education. After leaving school be worked on a farm until twenty years of age, when he immigrated to Missouri and located at the city of Chillicothe, where he clerked for a number of years in a drug and book store. … Read more

Missouri Atlases and Plat Books

Sample Missouri Plat Book closeup

198 online plat books and atlases organized by county and ordered by date for the State of Missouri. At the bottom of the page are two items that can help you use these documents in your genealogy research. The first is a blog post Plat Books Revealed: Mapping Generations of History and the second a video where Ben Clark explains what plat maps are used for, how to navigate them, and pulls out a few interesting stories from them.

Biography of George E. Easley

George E. Easley, a native son of Oklahoma and a member of one of the old and prominent families of the state, is now living retired at No. 1326 Johnstone avenue, Bartlesville, receiving a substantial income from his oil holdings. He was born near Pawhuska, Indian Territory, February 19, 1895, his parents being William and Margaret (Reward) Easley, the former a native of Kansas, while the latter was born in Indian Territory and is of Osage extraction. The father came to this state over forty years ago during-the territorial period and has since been an active and influential factor in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles M. Hutchison

Charles M. Hutchison was born in Casey county, Kentucky, October 15, 1837, and is a son of Thomas Hutchison. He was reared and educated in Livingston county, Missouri, and began life as a school-teacher at the age of twenty-three, and followed that business with some interruption for a period of thirteen years. He came to Jamesport in 1870 and began merchandising, which is his present avocation. Mr. Hutchison was married in Daviess county, Missouri, January 1, 1870, to Miss Annie, daughter of James and Rebecca Lindsay, natives of Virginia. Mrs. Hutchison was born in Iowa. They are the parents of … Read more

Biography of Charles A. Leavy, M. D.

Dr. Charles A. Leavy, who in the practice of medicine is specializing on diseases of the ear, nose and throat in St. Louis, was born in Palmyra, Missouri, September 25, 1873. His father, the late James Leavy, was a native of St. Louis, where his father, who was of Irish descent, settled at a very early day. James Leavy was a sculptor who won professional prominence and he was also a Civil war veteran who served with the rank of corporal in Company G, Thirtieth Missouri Volunteer Infantry for three and a half years, being wounded in the battle of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Clark

John W. Clark was born in Chillicothe, Missouri, September 4, 1853. He is the son of Dr. John K. Clark, a native of Kentucky, who is practicing his profession at present in Farmersville, Missouri. Mr. Clark was educated at Spring Hill, Livingston county, Missouri. He commenced life for himself on, the North Missouri Railway, and continued that business for two years, then served an apprenticeship, learning the watch-making trade at St. Joseph, Missouri, under August Wetteroth, who is regarded as one of the best workmen in the country. After finishing his apprenticeship he went to Denver and thence to Deadwood, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Bower Broaddus

Bower Broaddus, attorney and counselor at law, devoting his attention to civil law practice in Muskogee, was born in Chillicothe, Missouri, May 30, 1888, a son of Elbridge Jackson and Emma (Hollingsworth) Broaddus, the former also a member of the bar. Liberal educational opportunities were accorded Bower Broaddus, who obtained his more advanced training in the Missouri State University and in the Kansas City School of Law, from which he was graduated in 1910. Seeking the opportunities of the growing southwest he came to Muskogee in the same year and here opened a law office. Through the intervening period he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Hutchison M.D.

George Hutchison was born April 11, 1834, in Casey county, Kentucky, and is the son of Judge Thomas Hutchison, a native of Virginia, who is now residing in Livingston county, Missouri. His mother’s maiden name was Polly Ann Tate, and she was a native of Lincoln county, Kentucky. Our subject was seven years old when his parents immigrated to Missouri and settled in Livingston county where he was reared and educated. He began the study of medicine with Dr. J. W. Rose, of that county, in 1861 and after three years of preparatory study entered the Medical College at Keokuk, … Read more

Biography of Alexander M. Dockery

Alexander M. Dockery was born in Livingston county, Missouri, February 11, 1845. His father is a distinguished minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Sarah E. McHaney, his mother, was a native of Kentucky; of their family of three children, the subject of this sketch is the only survivor. He received a thorough classical education in Macon Academy, Macon, Missouri. In 1863 he entered the St. Louis Medical College, from which he graduated in March, 1865, receiving his diploma. Dr. Dockery then located for the practice of his chosen profession in Linneus, Missouri, where he pursued the practice of medicine … Read more

Biography of William Edward Davis

William Edward Davis is the youngest state auditor Kansas had ever had and one of the youngest men who ever held such an official dignity in any of the states. It may also be added, to express a general opinion current at the capital and over the state, that Mr. Davis’ administration as suditor had been a synonym of efficiency and economy. He represents that splendid type of young American manhood which had drawn attention by its capacity for accomplishment. Though most of his life had been spent in the Middle West, he was born in West Virginia, and his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joshua H. Higdon

Joshua H. Higdon was born in Franklin County, Indiana, June 25, 1845. He is the son of Peter W. Higdon, a native of Ohio, and was reared and educated in his native State. He learned the blacksmithing business in Decatur county, Illinois, and worked at that trade in connection with farming until the outbreak of the ” War between the States.” He enlisted in October, 1863, in Company H, One Hundred and Twenty-third Regiment Indiana Volunteers and served bravely in the cause of the Union throughout the war. He was engaged in the battles of Chattahoochie, Kenesaw Mountain, Columbia and … Read more

Biography of Fred Burris

Fred Burris of Wichita is county poor commissioner of Sedgwick County. He has been a resident of that city ten years, and previously had acquired an extensive acquaintance in Kansas as a traveling salesman. Something more than passing mention should be made of his administration as county poor commissioner. He has introduced new methods and system and has given distinction to his method of handling the routine cases which come under his jurisdiction. For many years he has taken a deep interest in charity work and in his trips to other cities and other states has observed how the problems … Read more