Confederate States Staff Officers – M Surnames

List of Staff Officers of the Confederate States Army 1861-1865

Surnames that start with M

  • Mackall, T. B., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. Mackall, April 1, 1862; on Gen. Bragg’s staff June 10, August 31, 1863.
  • Mackall, Wm. W., maj., A. A. G. to Gen. A. S. Johnston, September 21, 1861; lieut. col., A. A. G. to same November 9, and December, 1861; brig. gen., C. S. to Gen. J. E. Johnston, May-July, 1864.
  • Mackey, Thos. J., capt., Engr. Corps, February 15,1862; E. O. to Gen. Pike, March, 1862; maj. and chief engr. to Gen. Price, August 29, 1864.
  • Maclay, W. D., capt., 6th Florida Regiment; A. A. G. to Gen. E. Kirby Smith, April 15, 1864.
  • Maclean, Lauchlan A., capt., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. Sterling Price, commanding Army of the West, July 21, 1862; maj., A. A. G. to same, October 15, 1862, to March 8,1864; same to Brig. Gen. T. F. Drayton, March 30, 1864; died December 23, 1864; stabbed by Lieut. Col. R. C. Wood.
  • Maclin, R. B., maj., Q. M. January 20, 1864.
  • Maclin, Sackfield, chief Q. M., C. S. Army in Texas, May 2, 1861; maj., chief Q. M. to Brig. Gen. Earl Van Dorn, September 4, 1861; maj., C. S. Army, acting chief Q. M. and com’y of Department of Texas, October 19, 1861.
  • Macon, Junius M., lieut., appointed A. A. G., September 30, 1862; same to Gen. H. D. Clayton, May 10, 1863, May 29, and July 22, 1864, March 13, 1865.
  • Macon, Thomas L., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Harry T. Hays, September 18, December, 1862. Madison, T. C., surg., M. D. Army of the Peninsula, April 8, 1862.
  • Magenis, Wm. M., capt., A. A. G. to Gen. J. H. Morgan, December 1, 1862; killed July, 1863.
  • Magoffin, Joseph, capt., A. A. G. to Gen. J. P. Major, 1864.
  • Magoffin, _______, maj., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. H. H. Sibley, February, 1862.
  • Magrath, A. G., jr., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. James Conner, June, 1864.
  • Magruder, A. B., maj., chief com. to Gen. Magruder, January 20, 1862; same to Brig. Gen. W. H. C. Whiting, November 29, 1862.
  • Magruder, George A., jr., cadet, V. A. D. C. to Col. J. Bankhead Magruder, June 10, 1861; lieut., A. D. C. to same September 19, 1861; lieut., C. A. to Maj. Gen. J. B. Magruder, March 31, 1862, to November 28, 1863.
  • Magruder, Lawson W., lieut., O. O. to Lieut. Gen. Pemberton; same to Wm. B. Bate, October, 1862 at Jackson, Miss., March 17 to April 29, 1863, under Maj. G. U. Mayo; same to Maj. Gen. W. H. T. Walker; appointed May 2, 1863; same to Gen. Tyler, April 1, 1863.
  • Magruder, W. T., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. Joseph R. Davis, July, 1861, November 1, 1862, and June 1, 1863 killed.
  • Major, James P., lieut., special V. A. D. C. to Col. Earl Van Dorn, May, 1861; lieut., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. D. E. Twiggs, June 1, 1861; lieut. col., acting engr. to Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn, July, 1862; lieut. col. of artillery, acting C. A. to same, 1862.
  • Major, John B., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. W. G. M. Davis, Novem-ber 11, 1862 same to Col. J. B. Palmer, September, 1863; detailed.
  • Mallett, John W., A. D. C. to Gen. Rodes, November 16,1861; resigned, May 31, 1862; maj. (artillery), P. A. C. S., superintendent of laboratories of Ordnance Department, headquarters at Macon, Ga., September 11, 1863.
  • Mallett, Peter, maj., A. A. G. to Gen. Holmes, May 21, 1862; col., A. A. G., commandant of conscripts, State of North Carolina, Novem-ber 13, 1862.
  • Mallett, R. J., capt., A. A. G. to Gen. H. Cobb, July 1, 1864.
  • Mallory, Edward, capt., A. Q. M. 5th Arkansas Regiment (Col. D. C. Cross), 1st Division, Western Department.
    Malone, Edward, lieut., pro. mar. to Gen. A. M. Manigault, September 20, 1863.
  • Malone, F. A., capt., chief Q. M. 3d Brigade, 3d Division, left wing, Army of the Mississippi, August, 1862.
  • Malone, Thomas H., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. George Maney, May 12, September, 1862, to January 1, 1863; resigned April 29, 1863.
  • Manard, Byrd G., capt., A. A. G. to Gen. John C. Vaughn, 1863-1865. Maney, Jas. D., maj., C. S. to Gen. Maney, August, 1862.
  • Maney; William B., asst. surg. with James E. Rains’ 11th Tenn. Regt., 1861.
  • Mangum, James W., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. J. C. Moore, May 26, 1862, to October 16, 1863.
  • Mangum, Leonard H., lieut., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. P. R. Cleburne, May 19, 1862, November and December, 1863.
  • Manigault, Edward, col., C. O. to Brig. Gen. Beauregard, March 25, 1861; V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. R. S. Ripley, April, 1863.
  • Manigault, Joseph, Iieut., V. A. D. C. to Gen. R. E. Lee, November 8, 1861; staff of Pemberton, August 11, 1862; capt., A. A. A. G. and A. A. I. G. to Beauregard, December 19, 1862 capt., A. A. G., acting S. O., January, 1865.
  • Manigault, S., A. O. O. South Carolina Army, May 25, 1861.
  • Manigault,______, capt. to Gen. Simons, of South Carolina Militia, April, 1861.
  • Mann, John G., lieut., E. O., Prov. Army of Term., at Fort Henry, August 5 to 23, 1861; same to Maj. Gen. B. F. Cheatham, December 30, 1862, to January 1, 1863; same to Gen. Forrest 1863 to 1864.
  • Manning, Brown, lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. Cantey, January 30, 1863, November 20, 1864.
  • Manning, J. H., capt., S. O. to Lieut. Gen. James Longstreet, February 26, November and December, 1863.
  • Manning, John, chief naval bureau of provisions, clothing, and ordnance, State of N. C., May 30, 1861.
  • Manning, John L., V. A. D. C. to Gen. G. T. Beauregard, April, 1861.
  • Manning, P. T., bent., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. James Longstreet, July, 1861; maj., A. D. O to Gen. J. E. Johnston, June, 1862; lieut. col., C. O. to Maj. Gen. James Longstreet, October 14, 1862, to February 26, November and December, 1863.
  • Manning, Richard J., lieut., A. D. O. to Gen. J. E. Johnston, April 26. April 26, 1864, April 20, 1865; maj., same to same April 28, 1865.
  • Manning, T. C., , A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. D. E. Twiggs, August, 1861.
  • Manson, O. F., surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Marable, J. T., surg., with cavalry regiment, 1861.
  • Marchbanks, George, lieut., A. I. G. to Gen. B. R. Johnson, September 20, 1863.
  • Marchman, Joseph, 2d lieut., pro. mar. to Maj. Gen. L. L. Lomax, September, 1863.
  • Markoe, Frank, jr., lieut., S. O. 1st Military District, Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida; staff of Lieut. Gen. S. D. Lee, October 13, 1863-1864; at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Marsh, John H., lieut. (artillery), V. A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. B. F. Cheatham, December 30, 1862, to January 1, 1863.
  • Marsh, John T., 2d Iieut., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. O. F. Strahl, 1863.
  • Marshall, Benjamin T., chief surg., staff of Gen. J. M. Hawes, April 29, 1862.
  • Marshall, Charles, rnaj., A. D. C. to Gen. R. E. Lee, March 22, April 21, 1862, to August 31, 1863; lieut. col., A. A. G. to same, February 25 to November 4, 1864.
  • Marshall, Chas. E., capt., A. A. G. to Gen. H. Marshall, March 19, April 2, 1862; at Abingdon, Va., October 31, 1862; resigned December 5, 1862.
  • Marshall, James Edward, lieut. and adjt. of Mosby’s cavalry, May 15, 1862.
  • Marshall, John, jr., capt. A. Q. M. Prov. Army of Tenn, 1861.
  • Marshall, L. K., capt., A. I. G. to W. W. Loring, August 20, 1863.
  • Marshall, Thomas, capt., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. T. J. Jackson, July 19, 1861.
  • Marshall, Thomas L., capt., A. Q. M. Prov. Army of Tenn., 1861.
  • Marshall, William J., lieut., special A. D. C. to Col. J. Foster Marshall, June and July, 1862.
  • Marston, B. W., capt., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. D. H. Cooper; A. I. G. to E. K. Smith, June 15, 1863; assigned as I. G. of division, January 23, 1861; capt., I. G. to Maj. Gen. S. B. Maxey, February, 1865; capt.,
    A. I. G. District of the Indian Territory; staff of Brig. Gen. D. H. Cooper, March 23, 1865.
  • Martin, And. B., 2d Iieut., A., A. G. to Maj. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, December 15, 1861.
  • Martin, Benjamin, lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Johnson Hagood, July-August, 1862.
  • Martin, Charles G., maj., V. A. D. C. to Col. R. H. Weightman, 1st Brigade, Missouri State Guard.
  • Martin, Dwight, Rent , A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. H. T. Hays, July 28, Sept., 1862.
  • Martin, E. J., lieut., V. A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. Ed. Johnson, July to September, 1863; lieut.. A. D. C. to same, July I, 1863.
  • Martin, H. N., lieut., A. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. S. D. Lee, May 16, 1863; capt., A. A. G. to same August 3, 1863.
  • Martin, Hugh, surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Martin, Hugh B., cant., O.O. to Brig. Gen. George G. Dibrell.
  • Martin, James G., col., A. G. of North Carolina, June, 1861, to September, 1862.
  • Martin, James G., A. D. C. to Gen. Donelson, November 16, 1861, and A. A. G. January 28, 1862; capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. Daniel S. Donelson, from May 9, 1861, to April 1.7, 1863; A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. Wm. Preston, April 18, 1863, to 1864; commanding post at Abingdon, Va., from 1864, to close of war.
  • Martin, J. D., asst. surg., with Wm. A. Forbes’ 14th Tennessee Regiment, 1861.
  • Martin, J. Henry, lieut., A.. D. C. to Brig. Gen. William H. Jackson, March 1, 1864.
  • Martin, Walter K., lieut., adjt. 4th Virginia Cavalry; staff of Brig. Gen. B.H. Robertson, August, 1861; capt., A. A. G. to same, June 12, 1862; same to Brig. Gen. Thomas T. Munford; same to Brig. Gen. W. E. Jones, May, 1863, and March, 1864; same to Col. William H. Payne, September, 1863 capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. B. T. Johnson, Novem-ber 4, 1864; maj., A. A. and I. G. to Gen. Lomax, 1864.
  • Martin, William A., surg., 54th Alabama Infantry, District Gulf, October 23, 1864.
  • Marvin,______, Rev., chap., staff of Maj. Gen. S. Price, July 13, 1863.
  • Marye, Lawrence S., capt., O. O. to Brig. Gen. John S. Williams, September, 1862; same to Maj. Gen. W. W. Loring, September 20, 1862; capt., O.O. at Richmond’, Va., November 18, 186; capt. (artillery), V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. J. A. Early, December, 1862.
  • Mashburn, Elisha, lieut. col., A. A. A. G. to Col. W. S. Dilworth, October 5, 1861.
  • Mason, Alex. H., maj., chief C. S. Dist. of W. La., June, 1864.
  • Mason, A. P., capt., A. A. G. to Gen. J. E. Johnston, March 1, 1862; maj., A. A. G. to same, December 2, 1862; lieut. col., A. A. G. to same, May 27 to June, 1862 same to Gen. R. E. Lee, August, 1862; A. A. G. to Gen. R. E. Lee, March 6, 1863; same to Gen. J. E. Johnston, summer of 1863 lieut. col., A. A. G. to Gen. Hood, December 8, 1864; same to Gen. Johnston, 1865.
  • Mason, A. S., surg. at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Mason, B. B., capt., A. C. S. to Brig. Gen. Thomas T. Munford.
  • Mason, Charles T., 1ieut., Virginia corps of engineers, November 13,1861; lieut., Eng’r Corps, February 15, 1862 capt, October 1, 1862. Mason, C. M., capt., A. A. A. G. Trans-Mississippi District, south of Red
    River; staff of Brig. Gen. P. O. Hebert, July 12 to August 26, 1862. Mason, C. R., capt., A. Q. M. in charge of railroad transportation, October 1, 1861.
  • Mason, E. E., lieut., Eng’r Corps, February 15, 1862; capt., October 19, 1864.
  • Mason, J.. E., maj., Q. M. to Gen. Ross, October 27, 1862.
  • Mason, John, capt., A. Q. M. commissary train, Artillery Corps, Army Valley District, October 26, 1861.
  • Mason, John C., capt., A. C. S. to Brig. Gen. John W. Frazer, May, 1863 from 62d North Carolina Infantry.
  • Mason, John G., capt., A. D. C. to Gen. D. H. Maury, May 2, 1863, April, 1864.
  • Mason, John P., capt.. A. C. S. to Brig. Gen. John W. Frazer, 1862.
  • Mason, Julian J., maj., C. S. to Brig. Gen. Charles W. Field, April, 1861; assigned from 9th Virginia Cavalry (private); subsequently major, commissary of division.
  • Mason, Richard M., A. Q. M. Prov. Army of Tennessee, 1861; maj., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. G. J. Pillow, August 16, 1861; A. Q. M. (post) at Columbus, Ky., November 2, 1861; maj., Q. M. to. Maj. Gen. W. J. Hardee, November 7, 1861; same to Lieut. Gen. L. Polk, January 1, 1863; maj., chief Q. M. to same, February 20 to June 10, 1864.
    Mason, Robert F., A. Q. M. to Brig. Gen. F. Lee, July 24,1862;maj., Q. M. to Ewell, October 2, 1862; maj., A. A. and I. G. to same, August 3, 1863, to close of war.
  • Mason, William N., jr., lieut., A. D. C., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Mason, Willie T. (of Virginia), lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. E. P. Alexander; appointed March, 1864, from Breathed’s battery, Horse Artillery.
  • Mason, W. R., jr., Iieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Charles W. Field, April 12, 1862; assigned to duty in Conscript Bureau; to same, July, 1863; same to Maj. Gen. Charles W. Field, February, 1864.
  • Mason, ______, V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. R. Ransom, September, 1862.
  • Massengale, W. P., surg., staff of Gen. Caswell, 1861.
  • Massie, Robert T., lieut., Eng’r Corps, May 8, 1863.
  • Massingale, H. T., asst. Q. M. gen. Prov. Army of Tennessee, 186l.
  • Masters, L., capt., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. Charles W. Field, April, 1862; assigned from heavy artillery; with A. P. Hill, August 4, 1863; maj., A. I. G. of division, January, November, 1864; killed in battle, April, 1865.
  • Masterson, William, lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. William Steele; assigned from 4th Texas Infantry.
  • Mastin, C. H., sag., at Memphis, Tenn., December, 1861.
  • Mastin, Charles J., capt., V. A. D. C. to Gen. Breckinridge, January 1, 1863; maj., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. J. C. Breckinridge, February 26, 1863 maj., A. I. G. to same September, 1863; A. A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. William B. Bate, 1864.
  • Mastin, N. H., maj., A. D. C. to Gen. S. A. M. Wood, April, 1862. Mastin, William F., maj., A. A. G. to Gen. S. A. M. Wood, February 17, 1862; same to Gen. S. B. Buckner, January, 26, November, 1863.
  • Mathes, B. N., lieut., A. A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. J. P. McCown; March 31, 1862; capt., A. A. A. G. to same, temporarily commanding Army of the West, June 21, 1862 lieut., A. I. G. to same, January 1, 1863. Mathes, George M., capt., C. A. to Maj. Gen. John P. McCown, January 1, 1863.
  • Mathews, Charles L., capt., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. W. W. Loring, May 1, 1862; same, February, 1864.
  • Mathews, H. M., maj., A. D. C. to Loring, March 3, 1862 maj., C. O. to Maj. Gen. C. L. Stevenson, 1862, May 21, 1863 promoted, May 10, 1863; transferred in 1865.
  • Mathewes, J. Fraser, engr., Dept. S. C., Ga., and Fla. (Beauregard), May 26, 1863; capt., E. O. to Gen. W. B. Taliaferro, March 16, April 4, 1865.
  • Mathews, J. W., capt., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. C. L. Stevenson, May to July, 1863, and September 1, 1863.
    Matthews, W. G., capt., A. I. G. to Gen. Gano, 1864.
  • Matthewson, J. P:, lieut., A. A. I. G. to Col. Ed. Crossland, May, 1864. Mattison, J. B., lieut., brig. O. O. to Brig. Gen. J. R. Chalmers, August 17, to September, 1862; lieut., O. O. to Brig. Gen. Patton Anderson,
    September, 1863.
  • Maughs, S. S., lieut., A. A. A.G. to Col. Robert McCulloch, January, 1864. Maupin, Robert L., , V. A. J). C. to Col. F. M. Cockrell, April 29 to June 22, 1863 capt., A. A. G. to report to J. E. Johnston, July 18,
  • Maury, Dabney H., lieut. col., A. A. G. of forces under command of Gen. J. E. Johnston, July 21, 1861; A. A. G. Department of Fredericksburg, Va., August 23, 1861; A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. T. H. Holmes, October 24, 1861; A. A. G. Aquia District (Virginia), December 24, 1861 col., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn, March, 1862; brig. gen., chief of staff, to same, April to June, 1862.
  • Maury, John H., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. D. H. Maury, April 28, 1862 died.
  • Maury, R. B., surg., Gen’1 Hospital, Greenville, Ala., October 23, 1864. Maury, Thomas F., asst. surg., staff of Brig. Gen. James Longstreet, July, 1861; surg., staff of Lieut. Gen. James Longstreet, June and July, 1863; at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Mauzy, Chas. K., asst. surg. with John H. Savage’s 16th Tennessee Regt., 1861.
    Maverick, Lewis, maj., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. X. B. Debray, May 20,
    Maxwell, H. C., , com’y to Col.. A. H. Bradford, 1st Division, Western Department.
  • May, A. H., A. A. G. Dist. West La., March 31, 1864; capt., A. A. G. to Gen. E. Kirby Smith, July 1, 1864.
  • May, Lambert, capt., A. A. and I. G. to Brig. Gen. Patton Anderson, September, 1863; appointed, March 22, 1862.
  • Mayer, Simon, , A. A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. Patton Anderson, Feb
    ruary 9, 1865.
  • Mayes, Joel B., A. A. Q. M. 2d Cherokee Regiment; staff of Col. William P. Adair.
  • Mayfield, J., asst. surg. with C. M. Carroll’s 15th Tenn. Regt., 1861.; at Columbus, Ky., December, 1861.
  • Mayo, George Upshur, lieut., A. O. O. to Brig. Gen. J. H. Trapier; maj., C. O. Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana, Jackson, Miss., April 29, 1863.
  • Mayo, J. H. F., capt., A. C. S. 15th Virginia Regiment; maj., C. S. to Brig. Gen. Alfred Cumming, October 29, 1862; same to Maj. Gen. C. L. Stevenson, 1863, to close of war.
  • Mays, R. G., capt., A. C. S. 40th Regiment Georgia Volunteers; staff of Brig. Gen. S. M. Barton, 2d Military District, February 7, 1863.
  • Mazyck, Edmund, lieut., O. O. with Lieut. Col. J. A. Yates; staff of Gen. G. T. Beauregard, May 30, 1863; lieut., O. O. to Brig. Gen. Johnson Hagood, 1863 same to W. B. Taliaferro, July, 1863.
  • McAden, John H., asst. surg. North Carolina State forces, 1861. McAfee, E. M., , V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. W. S. Featherston, March, 1863.
  • McAfee, John, capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. George B. Hodge April, November 20, 1863; from 2d Confederate Battalion.
  • McAlpine, J. N., surg., senior surg. staff of Gen. S. M. Barton, December 16, 1863.
  • McAnally, Leander, V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Thomas Green July 3, 1863.
  • McArthur, W. J., capt., 1862; maj., A. I. G. to Gen. J. O. Shelby, September 18, 1864.
  • McBlair, Charles H. col., C. A. to Brig. Gen. J. H. Trapier. McBryde, Alfred, lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. A. Buford, March 12, 1863. McCabe, John C., chaplain, with Gen. J. H. Winder, at Richmond, October 28, 1861, December 10, 1863.
  • McCabe, John D., staff of Col. W. A. Crawford, commanding brigade, 1864.
  • McCabe, W. Gordon, , A. A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. R. S. Ripley, August 22, 1863.
  • McCabe, William, lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen J. C. Tappan, February, 1863, to close of war.
  • McCago, W. H., asst. surg., 3d Mississippi, December, 1861.
  • McCaleb, William C., chief surg. of division, staff of Brig. Gen. James R. Chalmers, May 9, 1864.
  • McCall, J. K., capt., O. O. with Maj. M. H. Wright at Atlanta, Ga., November 25, 1862; maj., chief O. O. to Maj. Gen. D. H. Maury, commanding Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, September 6, 1864.
  • McCallum, George B., act. on staff of Brig. Gen. J. C. Brown, Novem-ber, 1863.
  • McCann, Charles, lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. R. A. Pryor, September 21, 1862.
  • McCardle, W. H., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. Charles Clark, September 9, 1861, April 6, 7, and 11, 1862.
  • McCarthy, M., maj., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. W. T. Martin, August 22, 1863, January, 1864.
  • McCarty, F. M., , A. A. A. Gen. to Col. D. H. Hamilton (commanding Sullivan’s Island, S. C.), November 6, 1863.
  • McCarty, W. C., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. J. C. Moore, May 13, 1863.
  • McCaslan, William E., capt., A. A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. E. A. Perry May, 1863.
  • McCausland, George, capt., A. D, C. to Brig. Gen. N. G. Evans, July 24, 1861.
  • McCawley, G. W., capt., A. A. G. to Gen. B. H. Helm, August 17, July 8, 1862, May 1863; appointed A. A. Gen. April 17,1862; A. A. G. to Gen. W. B. Bate, November and December, 1863.
  • McClarty, Clinton, maj., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. J. M. Hawes.
  • McClellan, A. L., A. Q. M., Prov. Army of Tennessee, 1861.
  • McClellan, H. B., maj., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. J. E. B. Stuart, May 2, 1863; assigned to duty at Headquarters Army of Northern Virginia, May 14,1864; on duty at headquarters Cavalry Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, Angust 11 to November 4, 1864.
  • McClelland, J. B., capt., A. Q. M. October 16. 1861. McClelland, lieut., Act. A. Q. M., staff Brig. Gen. F. M. Cockerell.
  • McClenaghan, Cunningham, capt., A. C. S. to Gen. R. S. Ripley, April, 1863; maj., C. S., Department of Sonth Carolina, Georgia, and and Florida, October 30, 1863.
  • McClung, P. M., lieut., 0. O. with Maj. J. A. Brown, chief O. O. South-western Army, January 14, 1863.
  • McClung, S. A., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. S. A. M. Wood, April 6, 7, and 24, 1862; killed.
  • McClure, John F., lieut., A. Q. M. 60th Tennessee Regiment, to Brig. Gen. Charles Clark, April 6 and 7, 1862.
  • McClure, Robt. B., capt., A. A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. William B. Bate until May, 1865.
  • McClure, R. R., V. A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. John P. McCown, January 1, 1863.
  • McConaughey, James W., maj., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. Dandridge McRae, February 14, 1863; resigned October 2, 1863. McConnell, surg. 1st Mississippi, December, 1861.
  • McConnell, W. K., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. Charles M. Shelley, September 17, 1864; same to Brig. Gen. Cantey, October 5, 1864.
  • McConnico, W. L. capt., A. A. A. G. to Col. Joseph Drake, February 7, 1862; maj., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. A. W. Reynolds, October 17, 1863. McCord, R., surg., chief surg. Liddell’s division, Dist. of the Gulf:, October 23, 1864.
  • McCormack, Charles, asst. surg., with Gen. Pillow, 1861.
  • McCown, George W., maj., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. J. P. McCown, November 7, 1861; col., C. A. to Maj. Gen. J. P. McCown, temporarily commanding Army of the West, June 21, 1862.
  • McCoy, A. C., capt., to Brig. Gen. Shelby.
  • McCoy, Henry, capt., A. Q. M., at Richmond, Va., November 14, 1861; capt., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. John H. Winder, January 21, 1865.
  • McCrady, John, lieut., E. O. to Gen. G. T. Beauregard, April to May, 17, 1861; capt., chief engr. District of Georgia; capt. Engr. Corps, March 6, 1864; maj. October 19, 1864.
  • McCranie, George W., capt. (12th Louisiana), A. A. G. to Gen. Thomas M. Scott; maj., P. M. to Maj. Gen. Loring, July 18, 1861.
  • McCraw, S. N., maj., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. George D. Johnston. McCreery, W. W., jr., lieut. (corps of artillery. C. S. Army ), artillery officer to Brig. Gen. J. C. Pemberton, December 10, 1861.
  • McCue, John H., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. J. D. Imboden, January 28, 1863. McCulloch, Alexander, capt., A. D. C. to Brig Gen. H. E. McCulloch, November, 1861; lieut., A. D. C. to same January 1, 1863. McCulloch, R. E., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. Wm. McComb, February 23, 1865.
  • McDade, G. W., surg., at Columbus, Ky., December, 1861.
  • McDaniel, Albert, maj., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. Thomas T. Munford. McDavitt, James C., It., Bankhead’s (Tenn.) batt’y, May 13, 1861 on staff duty with Generals Polk, Maury, Johnston, and Loring, from May 17, 1862, to April 12, 1865.
  • McDonald, Andrew, capt., 60th Virginia Infantry; A. Q. M. to Colonel Smith, April 1, 1862; A. Q. M. at Narrows, Va., December 10, 1863.
  • McDonald, A. W., A. A. A. G. 4th Brigade, 1st Division, Army of the West, September 19, 1862; at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • McDonald, Emmet, capt., V. A. D. C. to Col. R. H. Weightman, 1st Brigade, Missouri State Guard; same to Brig. Gen. N. B. Pearce, August, 1861.
  • McDonald, G., surg., with General G. C. Wharton, June 9, 1864. McDonald, J. W., lieut., – to Col. John D. Martin, commanding 4th Brigade, 1st Division, Army of the West, September 19, 1862.
  • McDonald, Marshall, capt., O. O. to Brig. Gen. M. L. Smith, August, 1862; same, at Selma, Ala., April 24, 1863.
  • McDonald, W. E., capt., O. O. to Gen. T. L. Rosser, November, 1864.
  • McDonald, W. N., capt., O. O. to Gen. Wm. Mahone, 1864-’65.
  • McDowell, Drake, lieut. col., A. D. C. to Gen. M. Jeff. Thompson, July, 1861, to May, 1862.
  • McDowell, George M., surg., to staff of Maj. Gen. William B. Bate, July 24, 1864, until May, 1865.
  • McDowell, Lucien, chief surg. of division, staff of Brig. Gen. James R. Chalmers May 17, 1864.
  • McElrath, J. R, maj., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. E. W. Pettus, December 11, 1862; maj., Q. M. to Maj. Gen. C. L. Stevenson, May to July, November and December, 1863; same 1861 to. close of war.
  • McElwee, W. E., lieut., commander Pioneer Corps; staff of Maj. Gen. C. L. Stevenson, 1863 until close of war.
  • McFadden, J. R., surg., with Brig. Gen. D. C. Govan, July, 1864.
  • McFall, J. K. P., lieut., asst. engr. to Gen. Braxton Bragg, December, 1862, and January, 1863; engr. to Gen. A. P. Stewart, August, 1864. McFarland, Baxter, maj., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. W. F. Tucker; appointed March 10, 1864.
  • McFarland, J. B., 1st lieut., C. S. Infantry; to Brig. Gen. S. D. Lee, June 2, 1863; lieut., A. A. D. C. to same September 4, 1863, and July, 1864.
  • McFarland, J. T., surg., 1st Georgia Sharpshooters, June, 1862; 5th Georgia Cavalry, January, 1863; maj., surg., staff of Brig. Gen. Robert H. Anderson, July, 1864.
  • McFarland, Robert, capt., A. D. C. to Gen. P. R. Cleburne, May 27, 1864.
  • McFarland, William, V. A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. W. W. Loring May 16, 1863.
  • McFarland,_____, Mr., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. John Echols, September, 1862.
  • McFarland, , staff of Col. W. A. Crawford, commanding brig., 1864.
  • McGee, James W., asst. surg., 51st Regiment North Carolina Troops, May 1, 1862.
  • McGee, John P., surg. to General Brown, May 27, 1864.
  • McGee, S. P., asst. surg., with R. M. Russell’s 12th Tennessee Regiment, 1861.
  • McGinnis, Arthur, lieut. col., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. D. M. Frost, March, 1862.
  • McGuirk, John, , A. A. A. G. to Col. Joseph Wheeler, September 26, 1862; lieut. col., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, October, 1862.
  • McHenry, James -W., col., A. G. State of Tennessee, August 16, 1861.
  • McHenry, James W., O. O. at Richmond, December 10, 1863. McInnis, B. L., capt., A. Q. M. McLaughlin’s batt., Arty. Corps, Army Valley Dist., June 12, 1862.
  • McIntire, Hamilton, lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, December 18, 1862; relieved (wounded) December, 1862.
  • McIntire, James D., lieut. (19th Virginia Vols.), A. A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. R. B. Garnett, November 6, 1862.
    McIntosh, James, capt., C. S. Army, A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. Benjamin McCulloch, July 29, 1861.
  • McIntosh, Thomas Spalding, capt., A. A. G. to General McLaws, October 19, 1861; maj., A. A. G. to same, 1861, May 23, 1862; killed at Sharpsburg, September 17, 1862.
  • McKay, Henry Clay, lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Jos. H. Lewis, September 30 and October, 1863; same, 1864; same to Col. George W. Baylor, commanding Major’s cav. brig., April 7-May 18, 1864. McKay, John P., capt., A. C. S. to. Brig. Gen. Walter P. Lane, 1863. McKay, John W., lieut., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. D. McRae, July 14,
  • McKee, J. F., chief surg., staff of Brig. Gen. W. H. C. Whiting, May 1, 1861; same to Maj. Gen. T. H. Holmes.
  • McKim, Randolph H., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. George H. Steuart, April 1, 1862, June and July, 1863 resigned September 1, 1863.
  • McKim, William Duncan, capt., A. A. G. to Brig Gen. I. R. Trimble, November, 1861; promoted maj., February 2, 1863; killed at battle of Chancellorsville, 1863.
  • McKinney,_____, capt., to Brig. Gen. John K. Jackson, Novem-ber and December, 1863.
  • McKinstry, Alex., col., pro. mar., General Bragg’s staff, August 10, 1863. McKnight, A. E., asst. surg., with Matt. Martin’s 23d Tennessee Regt., 1861.
  • McKnight, David, maj., -surg., staff of Brig. Gen. H. P. Bee, May 1, 1862.
  • McKnight, George, maj., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. W. W. Loring, March and May 2, 1863.
  • McKoy, Thomas H., capt., com’y 7th North Carolina troops; maj., com’y to Brig. Gen. James H. Lane, May, 1863, to close of war.
  • McLaughlin, John, Q. M., Pro. Army of Tennessee, 1861; capt., A. Q. M. 10th Tennessee Regt.; A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. L. Tilghman, February 7, 1862.
  • McLaws, A. H., maj., chief Q. M. of division, staff of Maj. Gen. L. McLaws, December, 1862; resigned.
  • McLaws, Lafayette, maj., C. S. inft., assigned as acting Q. M. and com’y of the Confederate forces of General Lawton’s command, April 18, 1861 maj., C. S. Army, A. A. A. G. to same, May 31, 1861.
  • McLean, Eugene E., maj., chief Q. M.. to Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, July, 1861; maj., supervising Q. M. at Memphis, Tenn., December 4, 1861; maj., Q. M. in charge of supplies and transportation, staff of Gen. A. S. Johnston, March 30, 1862 maj., chief Q. .M. department of supply and transportation, staff of Gen. G. T. Beauregard, May 6, 1862.

    McLean, Frank J., lieut. (Gannet’s cavalry), A, A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. B. R. Johnson, February 12, 1861.
    McLean, H. R., maj., com’y to Gen. Arthur P. Bagby.
  • McLean, William S., asst. surg., North Carolina State forces, 1861.
  • McLean, _____, lieut. col., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. James S. Rains, July, 1861; col., A. A. G. to same, Missouri State Guard, March, 1862.
  • McLeary, W. T., surg. (22d Tennessee), at Columbus, Ky., December, 1861.
  • McLemore, O. K., Iieut., A. A. A. G. to Brig. Gen.. D. R. Jones, July, 1861; capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. John Bratton.
    McMahon, Edward, maj., chief Q. M. to Gen. Samuel Jones, February 6, 1863 maj., chief Q. M. Department of Western Virginia and East Tennessee, December 10, 1863.
  • McMahon, F. S. S., surg., staff of Brig. Gen. S. A. M. Wood. Senior brig. surg. to Brig. Gen. M. P. Lowrey.
  • McMahon, J. H., A. Q. M., Pro. Army of Tennessee, 1861 maj., Q. M.; ordered to report to Maj. Eugene E. McLean, Jackson, Tenn., March 13, 1862.
  • McMahon, W. J., maj., brig. com’y to Brig. Gen. J. C. Vaughn, Smith’s division, 2d Military District, February 7, 1863.
  • McMain, W. H., lieut., M. S. K., October 17, 1862.
  • McMicken, M. B., maj., assistant to chief Q. M. to Gen. Braxton Bragg, July 17,1862 maj., chief Q. M. to Gen. Bragg, June 10, 1863; maj., chief Q. M. Army of Tennessee, November and December, 1863 maj., (thief Q. M. Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida; staff of Gen. J. E. Johnston, 1865.
  • McMillan, John P., capt., judge-advocate on military court of Lieut. Gen. J. C. Pemberton, February 13, 1863.
  • McMurphy, A. M., lieut., O.O. to Brig. Gen. A. Gracie. McMurtry, col.,to Brig. Gen. James S. Rains, Missouri
    State Guard, July, 1861.
  • McNairy, Frank H., maj., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. B. F. Cheatham, May 9 to July 9, 1861, in Prov. Army of Tennessee; capt., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. B. F. Cheatham, P. A. C. S., July 9, 1861, to close of war; resigned December 22, 1863.
  • McNeil, J. D., capt., A. C. S. 42d Mississippi Regiment; to Brig. Gen. J. C. Moore, February 8, 1863.
  • McNeil, , col., A. I. G. District of Texas, February 16, 1861. McNeill, Geo. W., maj., A. A. D. C. to Gen. H. M. Bee, April 10,1864-killed.
  • McNeill, Harry, lieut., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. James R. Chalmers, July 21,1863.
  • McNeill, James F., col., judge-advocate on military court of Lieut. Gen. E. K. Smith, December 20, 1862.
  • McPhail, C. C., capt., O. O. at Asheville, N. C., September 23, 1863.
  • McPhail, George W., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. J. D. Imboden, May 28, 1863, 1864, till close of war.
  • McPheeters, William M., asst. sUrg., staff of Maj. Gen. S. Price, July 13, 1863; chf. surg. to Churchill, 1864.
  • McRae, G. B., lieut., E. O. to Gen. Cheatham, April 2, 1864.
  • McRae, James A., surg., 5th North Carolina State forces, 1861. McRae, Jas. C., capt., A. A. G. to Col.
  • Mallett, May 30, 1862. McRea, J. C., capt., O. O. to Brig. Gen. W. H. C. Whiting, May 1,1861
  • same to Maj. Gen.. T. H. Holmes; maj. (North Carolina troops), A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. L. S. Baker, June, 1861.
  • McRae, J. F., maj., brig. surg., staff “of Brig. Gen. James H. Lane; succeeded Robert Gibbon and was transferred.
  • McRea, ____, capt., commanding conscript camp at Ponchatoula, La,, July 14, 1862.
  • McSwine, Hugh R., capt., A. Q. M. to Gen. O. F. Strahl, 1863.
  • McWhorter, R. L., maj., brig. Q. M. to Brig. Gen. V. J. B. Girardey, 1862.
  • McWhorter, W. El., maj., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. G. M. Sorrel.
  • McWillie, William, jr., 2d lieut., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. Richard I I. Anderson, March 11, 1862; lieut., A. D. C. to same December 4, 1862, September, 1863.
  • Meade, Edward B., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. James II. Lane, May, 1864; lieut., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. W. B. Taliaferro, July, 1864; promoted captain and served till close of war.
  • Meade, Richard, 2d lieut. (cavalry), A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. William B. Taliaferro.
  • Meade, It. K., jr., lieut., asst. engr. to Maj. Gen. T. J. Jackson, May 10, 1862; Iieut., acting C. O. to same, May 27, 1862; lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. W. B. Taliaferro, September, 1862.
  • Meade, It. K. Sr., Capt., E. O., to Gen. Magruder, July 10, 1861; capt., E. O., A. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. L. O’B. Branch, March, 1862 maj., E. 0. to Maj. Gen. James Longstreet, June, 1862.
  • Meadors, John C., capt., A. C. S., 37th Alabama Regiment; staff of Brig. Gen. J. C. Moore, Maury’s division, Army of the West, February 8, 1863. Means, E. J., V. A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. Richard H. Anderson, September, 1863.
  • Meatns, Wm. B., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. M. W. Ransom, July 1, 1863.
  • Meares, William B., asst. surg., 20th North Carolina State forces, 1861.
  • Mebane, S. R., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. S. B. Maxey, April, 1864.
  • Mechling, W. T., capt., A. A. A. G. to Col. Earl Van Dorn, May 3,1861; capt., special V. A. D. C. to same, May, 1861; A. A. A. G. to same, May 24, 1861; maj., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. H. P. Bee, April 10, 1864.
  • Meein, J. Lawrence, capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. S. Garland, jr., June and July, 1862.
  • Meem, John G., jr., lieut., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. E. K. Smith, February 3 and May 31, 1862; capt., A. D. C. and A. A. G. to Lieut. Gen. E. K. Smith, July 7, 1862, March 10, 1863.
  • Melton, George W., maj., brig. Q. M. to Brig. Gen. B. H. Robertson, spring of 1863.
  • Melton, Samuel W., maj., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. M. L. Bonham, July, 1861; maj., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. G. W. Smith, November 7, 1861; June to August 30, 1862.
  • Memminger, C. G., jr., lieut., chief S. O., Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida; staff of Lieut. Gen. W. J. Hardee, january 6, 1865.
  • Memminger, Robert W., capt., A. A. G. to Gen. R. E. Lee, December 24, 1861; maj., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. J. C. Pemberton, June and July, 1862.
  • Memminger, Thos. B., surg., Medical Examining Board, Charleston, S. C., August 26, 1864.
  • Menees, George W., asst. com. Prov. Army of Tennessee, 1861; A. C. S. to Gen. J. E. Johnston, March, 1864.
  • Mercer, George A., capt. (1st Georgia Volunteers), A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. H. W. Mercer, November 161 18612 to June, 1862; same to Gen. J. A. Smith, November 16, 1861.
  • Meriwether, Minor, maj., E. O., to Maj. Gen. L. Polk, April 1, 1862; maj., E. O. to Maj. Gen. W. W. Loriug, March, 1863; maj., Eng. Corps, October 27, 1863; lieut. col., March 17, 1864.
  • Meriwether, W. W., capt., A. C. S., at Canton, Miss., March 7, 1863. Merrill, Henry, maj., Engr. Corps; staff of Maj. Gen. T. H. Holmes, 1863.
  • Merrimon, Augustus S., capt., A. C. S., State service N. C., May 31, 1861.
  • Merrimon, Branch H., lieut., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. R. B. Vance, 1863; from 29th North Carolina.
  • Merriweather, James Fox, asst. surg., staff of Brig: Gen. James R. Chalmers, November 1, 1863.
  • Metcalf, _____, Mr., V. A. D. C. to Gen. G. T. Beauregard, April 6 and 7, 1862.
  • Mettauer, H. A., surg., staff of Gen. A. H. Colquitt.
  • Meyer, Adolphe., capt. -, to Gen. J. S. Williams, December, 1863.
  • Mhoon, John, lieut., acting engr. to Maj. Gen. S. Price, July 13, 1863; same to Gen. Marmaduke, June 11, September 15, 1864.
  • Michaeloffsky, Chas. J., lieut., prov. mar. to Gen. Deas, September 20, 1863.
  • Michel, J. G., act. asst. surg., reserves of Liddell’s division, Dist. of Gulf, October 23, 1864.
  • Michie, Junius, asst. surg., staff of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, January 28, 1862.
  • Mickle, Belton, capt., A. Q. M. to Brig. Gen. John B. Villepigue, October, 1862; same to Maj. Gen. W. W. Loring, March to May 16, 1863.
  • Middleton, J. Motte, A. D. C. to Gen. R. S. Ripley, July 24, 1863.
  • Middleton, John J., jr., capt., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Thomas F. Drayton, November 24, 1861, and March 20, 1862; capt., A. Q. M. 15th South Carolina Regiment and acting div. Q. M. McLaws’ division, November 15, to December, 1863 maj., div. Q. M. to Maj. Gen. L. Mc-. maj., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. E. P. Alexander; appointed April, 1864.
  • Miles, E. L., capt., A. C. S., general government agent for Commissary Department, Stevenson’s division, February 7, 1863.
  • Miles, W. Porcher, col., V. A. D. C. to Gen. G-. T. Beauregard, April 13, 1861.
  • Millard, Wesley, capt., A. C. S. 43d Mississippi; stair of Brig. Gen. L. Hebert, Maury’s division, Army of the West, February 8, 1863.
  • Millen, George W., A. A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. J. B. Magruder, May 3, 1862.
  • Miller, H. M., capt., A. C. S. to Brig. Gen. William R. Cox, November, 1862.
  • Miller, H. V., chief surg., Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, March 22, 1863.
  • Miller, James A., surg., 18th North Carolina State forces 1861; maj., brig. surg., staff of Brig. Gen. James H. Lane September, 1862; transferred.
  • Miller, R., surg., M. P. Dist. of Gulf, October 23, 1861.
  • Miller, Wm. H., maj., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. George B. Hodge April, 1863; from 27th Virginia Partisan Rangers.
  • Miller, _______, capt., E. O. to Brig. Gen. Lloyd Tilghman, February 7, 1862.
  • Milligan, James F., capt., S. O. Department of Norfolk; staff of Maj. Gen. B. Huger October 26 to November 18, 1861 same department of the Appomattox June 27, 1862; same at Petersburg August, 1862.
  • Mills, A. G., capt. (Company C, 9th Mississippi. Regiment), A. A. I. G., to Brig. Gen. James R. Chalmers September 25, 1862; same August 30, 1863.
  • Mills, A. N., capt., A. A. G. to Gen. W. R. Scurry, November 10, 1862.
  • Mills, Columbus, surg., 16th North Carolina State forces 1861. Mills, C. S., capt., A. Q. M. 1st Texas Regiment; A. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. J. B. Hood, September, 1862.
  • Mills, Thomas L., lieut. (10th Louisiana), V. A. D. C. to Col. Edmund Pendleton, commanding Starke’s brigade, December, 1862.
  • Mills, Thomas S., capt., A. A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. Richard H. Anderson August 15, September 29, 1861; same to Col. J. Patton Anderson, commanding brigade, October 26, 1861; capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. John Bratton; appointed May 31, 1862; maj., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. Richard H. Anderson, July 14, December, 1862, to November 4, 1864 same to Maj. Gen. William Mahone.
  • Millsaps, R., maj., A. I. G. to General Loring, July 15, 1864.
  • Milner, Willis J., lieut., A. A. A. G., to Brig. Gen. M. P. Lowry, May 27, 1862.
  • Miner, F. W., capt., V. A. D. C. to Col. Douglas H. Cooper, October 2, 1862.
  • Mingle, John, asst. surg., at Richmond December 10, 1863.
  • Minnegerode, Charles, jr., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee 1862; same to Maj. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, August, 1863, and September, 16. 1863.
  • Minnick, Wm. J.. capt. A. D. C. to Gen. L. Polk from May, 1863, to death of General Polk; A. A. A. and I. Gen. on staff Lieut. Gen. A. P. Stewart till close of war.
  • Minor, C. L. C., lieut., O. O., at Dublin Depot, Va., February 5, 1863.
  • Minter, J. F., capt., special V. A. D. C. to Col. Earl Van Dorn May, 1861 capt., A. A. Q. M., to Brig. Gen. Earl Van Dorn September 4, 1861; capt., A. Q. M. at San Antonio, Tex., September 14, 1861 maj., Q. M. Dept. October 2, 1861; maj., chief Q. M. to Lieut. Gen. E. K. Smith March 10, 1863.
  • Mister, M. K., 2d lieut., A. A. D. C. (15. Tenn. Cav.), to Col. Jas. J. Neely, May, 1864.
  • Mitchell, Chas. E., lieut., to Brig. Gen. J. C. Tappan, April 10,1864. Mitchell, G. D., capt., A. Q. M. at hospital at Catoosa Springs, Ringgold, and Tunnel Hill, Ga., 1863.
  • Mitchell, H. A., surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Mitchell James, capt., A. A. G. to Gen. R. E. Lee for assignment, December 20, 1862.
  • Mitchell, Julian, maj., acting div. com’y to Maj. Gen, R. E. Rodes July, 1863.
  • Mitchell, R. W., surg., with J. V. Wright’s Tenn. regt., 1861; staff Col. W. H. Carroll, 1861.
  • Mitchell, Samuel, maj., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. N. B. Pearce May, 1861.
  • Mitchell, S. P., maj., chief Q. M. to Lieut. Gen. Longstreet February 26, 1863.
  • Mitchell, Thomas R., capt., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. L. E. Polk August to October, 1863; assigned from 35th Tennessee; killed near Shelbyville, Tenn., December, 1861.
  • Mitchell, W. S., chief surg., staff of Maj. Gen. R. E. Rodes, July, 1863; surg., staff of Gen. Bryan Grimes.
  • Mobley, William M., asst. surg. Ala. Corps Cadets, Dist. of Gulf October 23, 1864.
  • Moise, T. S., maj., Q. M. to Gen. P. O. Hebert, September 2, 1861; dismissed December 11, 1862.
  • Molony, P. K.. capt., adjt. 1st South Carolina Volunteers; A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. Johnson Hagood, July, 1862, August 28 to October 27, 1863; killed in battle August, 21, 1864.
  • Molony, Robert, com’y 13th Arkansas Regiment; staff of Col. J. C. Tappan, 1st Division, Western Department.
  • Molloy, Ferdinand, maj., A. C. S. to Brig. Gen. J. B. Villepigue June 9, 1862; maj., assistant to thief of sub. to Gen. B. Bragg July 17, 1862; maj., chief com’y to Gen. G. T. Beauregard October 17, 1864.
  • Moncure, J. C., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. C. J. Polignac, 2d La. Brig. June 18, 1863; maj., A. A. G., District of Western Louisiana April 21, 1864.
  • Monroe, G. W., surg., asst. M. D. to Maj. Gen. Edward Johnson, December 9, 1864.
  • Monroe, T., maj., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. M. M. Parsons, July 10, 1863. Monroe, Thomas, maj., brig. Q. M. to Gen. M. M. Parsons July 10, 1863; maj., Q. M. to Maj Gen. Sterling Price March 8, 1864.
  • Monsarrat, Geo. H., capt., O. O. at Nashville, Tenn., August 23, 1861; A. A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. W. H. Carroll November 29, 1861. Montague, T. C., asst. surg., staff of Gen. A. S. Johnston, Jan. 6, 1862.
  • Montgomery, A., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. A. M. Scales; appointed July 20, 1863.
  • Montgomery, C. R., capt., A. Q. M. Cutshaw’s battn. Arty. Corps, Army Valley Dist., February 27, 1864.
  • Montgomery, Daniel A., surg., 13th North Carolina State forces, 1861.
  • Montgomery, E. F., capt., A. Q. M. 6th Battalion Tennessee Cavalry (Lieut. Col. T. H. Logwood), 1st Division, Western Department.
  • Moutgomery, H. B. T., capt., A. C. S. to Gen. John K. Jackson, March 4, 1863 (Bridgeport, Ala.).
  • Montgomery, Hugh W., maj,, commanding Crescent (Louisiana) Regiment Infantry; A. A. A. G. to Gen. E. Kirby Smith, October 17, 1864.
  • Montgomery, Jno. H., capt. A. C. S. to Gen. W. H. Wallace, 1864.
  • Montgomery, William, surg., staff of Brig. Gen. James J. Archer, June to July 28, 1862.
  • Montgomery, Wm. M., maj., A. Q. M. to Gen. Benj. McCulloch, May 25, 1561; died May 27, 1862.
  • Moore, B. L., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. F. A. Shoup, June and July, 1863.
  • Moore, Benjamin Rush, col., IT. A. D. C. to Gen. W. B. Bate, March, 1865.
  • Moore, Charles B., maj., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. Dandridge McRae, February 14, 1863; Q. M. to Brig. Gen. T. J. Churchill, January 18, 1864.
  • Moore, Charles F., capt., asst. chief Q. M. to Gen. J. E. Johnston, summer of 1863.
  • Moore, C. L., maj., Q. M. to Brig, Gen. J. C. Tappan; appointed February, 1865 continued to close of war.
  • Moore, D. G., acting asst. surg., reserves of Liddell’s Division, Dist. of the Gulf, October 23, 1864.
  • Moore, D. L., capt., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. B. R. Johnson, April 6 and 7, 1862.
  • Moore, Edwin L., capt., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. William B. Taliaferro, December, 1862 maj., A. 1. G. to Maj. Gen. Edward Johnson, September, 1863 maj., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. J. B. Gordon, November 4, 1864.
  • Moore, Geo. H., asst. surg., 1862, hospital at Aberdeen, 1862; surg. of 6th Mississippi Regt. Cavalry (Harrison’s regt.), Mabry’s brig., 1862; resigned August, 1862.
  • Moore, John A., capt., asst. surg. 2d Tennessee Infantry, Col. William B. Bate, C. S. Army, April 27, 1861, to April 6, 1862.
  • Moore, J. B., capt., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. J. C. Brown, November, 1863.
  • Moore, J. Blue, maj., assigned to Army of Tennessee Sept. 29, 1864; maj., asst. chief Q. M. to Gen. J. E. Johnston, 1865.
  • Moore, J. C., capt., A. C. S. to Gen. Hood, September 13, 1864. Moore, John C., col., to Maj. Gen. W. J. Hardee, July 5, 1862; col., presiding judge on military court of Lieut. Gen. W. J. Hardee, February 13, 1863.
  • Moore, John C., lieut., A. A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. J. S. Marmaduke, March 4, 1864, September 15, 1864; same to Brig. Gen. John B. Clark, jr., 1864; sr. A. A. G. to same August 31, 1864.
  • Moore, John L., surg., staff of Brig. Gen. J. B. Clark, jr., August 31, 1864 maj., surg. to Brig. Gen. Marmaduke, September 15, 1864.
  • Moore, L. W., maj., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. William Steele, 1864. Moore, M. H., col., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. M. Jeff. Thompson, October 11, 1861.
  • Moore, M. S., surg., in charge at Fort Sumter, S. C., March 3, 1863.
  • Moore, P. T., col., V. A. D. C. to Gen. J. E. Johnston, June, 1862; col., presiding judge on military court of Maj. Gen. Samuel Jones, December 20, 1862.
  • Moore, Samuel, capt., A. A. G. to Gen. J. R. Jones, October 14, 1862.
  • Moore, Samuel H., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. E. A. O’Neal.
  • Moore, Samuel J. C., capt., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. D. R. Jones, April and May, 1863; same to Col. Bradley T. Johnson, July, 1863; A. G. Valley District, July 28, 1864; chief of staff to Gen. Early, September 23, 1864, until he retired from the valley.
  • Moore, Samuel M., lieut., A. A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. R. E. Rodes, July, 1863.
  • Moore, S. P., asst. surg. gen. C. S. Army, October 18, 1861; surg. gen., 1863.
  • Moore, Thos. J., lieut., artillery officer to Maj. Gen. D. H. Hill, July to September, 1862.
  • Moore, W. E., Iieut., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. E. McNair, 1862.
  • Moore, W. E., capt., chief com’y to Maj. Gen. W. J. Hardee, December 5, 1861; maj., chief com’y to same April 6 and 7, 1862 maj., chief of sub. to Gen. J. E. Johnston summer of 1863 to 1865.
  • Moore, W. F., capt., 51st Virginia Infantry; A. Q. M. East Tennessee, December 10, 1863; same to Gen. G. C. Wharton, September 17, 1864.
  • Moore, W. G., capt.; A. I. G., staff of Gen. Win. McComb.
  • Moore, William H., capt., A. Q. M. 44th Tennessee Regiment, 1862; capt., A. Q. M. to Brig. Gen. J. A. Smith, August 22, 1862,; maj., Q. M. to Gen. Granbury, May, 1863.
  • Moore, W. M., lieut. col., A. Q. M. to Gen. M. Jeff Thompson, July, 1861, to May, 1862.
  • Moore, W. V., lieut., A. A. I. G. to Gen. F. C. Armstrong, April 21, 1864.
  • Moore,______,E. O. to Brig. Gen. S. B. Buckner, February, 1862.
  • Moorhead, J. C., lieut., brig. insp. to Gen. A. Gracie, November and December, 1863.
  • Moorman, George, lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Lloyd Tilghman October 29 to December 6, 1862; captain, A. A. G. to Gen. W. H. Jackson, January 6, 1863, February, 1864.
  • Moorman, George Triplett, capt., A. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. J. P. McCown November 7, 1861; lieut. (artillery), A. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. B. R. Johnson February 12, 1862.
  • Moorman, S. M., maj., C. S. to Gen. B. H. Helm July S, 1862, and May, 1863; appointed A. C. S., captain, October 3, 1862.
  • Mordecai, J. Randolph, capt., div. Q. M. to Maj. Gen. Wm. B. Taliaferro; appointed February 1, 1865 promoted major.
  • Morehead, John L., lieut. col., A. D. C. to Gov. Zebulon B. Vance, of North .Carolina, September. 1862, to April 26, 1865.
  • Moreno, S. A., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. J. K. Jackson July 21, 1862, February 2, 1863, to March 14, November and December, 1863 and 1861; same to Brig. Gen. George P. Harrison March, 1865.
  • Moreno, Theodore, capt. of engrs. (Camp Anderson), Dept. S. C., Ga., and Fla., la., Gen. Beauregard, May 26, 1863.
  • Morerod, Eugene R., 2d lieut., acting com’y 33d Regiment Tennessee Volunteers (Col. Alexander W. Campbell).
  • Morey, John B., capt., A. Q. M. to Brig-. Gen. S. G. French November 9, 1861; maj., chief Q. M. to same November 9, 1861.
  • Morgan, A. S., maj., in charge of the manufacture and repairs of field transportation and the supplying and recruiting of mules and artillery horses in the District of Arkansas, office at Washington, Ark; reports to Maj. C. D. Bill, chief. insp. of field transportation Trans Mississippi Department February 14, 1865.
  • Morgan, Calvin C., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Basil W. Duke September 15, 1864; promoted captain on same staff December 1, 1864.
  • Morgan, Charles S., capt., brig. insp. to Brig. Gen. J. D. Imboden November, 1864, till close of war.
  • Morgan, Charlton H., capt., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. John H. Morgan December 9, 1862.
  • Morgan, George H., Iieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. George G. Dibrell; promoted from Shaw’s cavalry battalion.
  • Morgan, J. B., maj., A. A. D. C. to Gen. Colquitt, 1862.
  • Morgan, John L., maj., chief Q. M. to Maj. Gen E. K. Smith May 31, 1862.
  • Morgan, J. M., capt., A. Q. M. to Brig. Gen. George G. Dibrell. Morgan, R., capt., A. A. G. May, 1862.
  • Morgan, Richard C., maj., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. A. P. Hill March 23,-26, June and July, 1862, November, 1863; same to Gen. Breckinridge January 19, 1862.
  • Morgan, R. S., lieut. and adjt. to W. H. Payne, appointed September, 1861.
  • Morgan, Samuel W., A. Q. M. gen. Prov. Army Tenn., 1861.
  • Morgan, W. C., col., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. M. L. Bonham March, 1861.Morisey, S. B., surg. 51st Regiment North Carolina troops May 1, 1862.
  • Morris, George W., maj., A. D. C., acting adjt. to Col. R. H. Weightman, 1st Brigade, Missouri State Guard.
  • Morris, John. jr., lieut., O. O., at Richmond, Va., February 18, 1863; at Fredericksburg, Va., February 26, 1863.
  • Morris, John, col., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. John S. Williams September, 1862.
  • Morris, Thomas, com’y 2d Regiment Mississippi Partisans; staff of Brig. Gen. James R. Chalmers April 27, 1863.
  • Morris, William, capt., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. J. R. Anderson June and July, 1862.
  • Morris, Wm. M., surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Morris, W. J., lieut.. Engr. Corps August 18, 1862 lieut., E. O. to Lieut. Gen. L. Polk January 1, 1863; capt. May 5, 1863; capt., chief engr. to same June 10, 1864.
  • Morrison, J. H., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. J. C. Pemberton January 10 to June, 1862, and February, 1863.
  • Morrison, Joseph G., lieut., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. T. J. Jackson July 23, September, 1862, to April 4, 1863.
  • Morrison, R. H., jr., lieut., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. D. H. Hill October 20, December, 1862.
  • Morrison, Richard T., lieut., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. Sterling Price September 7, 1862, March 8, 1864.
  • Morrison, S. B., surg., with Gen. A. L. Long, October 10, 1864.
  • Morrison, W. W., A. C. S. to Gen. L. S. Baker, June 15, 1864.
  • Morrow, William, asst. surg. Prov. Army of Tenn., 1861.
  • Morse, C. N., lieut., adjt. to Lieut. Col. Edward Higgins, commanding Forts Jackson and St. Philip, La., April 18,1862; post adjt. at Fort Jackson, La., April 27, 1862.
  • Morton, John W., jr., capt., acting C. A. to Maj. Gen. N. B. Forrest, May 12, 1864.
  • Morton, Richard, capt., asst. engr. to Maj. Gen. John B. Magruder, November 25, 1861., maj., Nitre and Mining Corps, Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Morton, Robert C., lieut. (artillery), Subordinate Nitre Corps, October 16, 1862.
  • Moses, Gratz A., surg., Engineer Hospital, Dist. of Gulf, October 23, 1864.
  • Moses, R. J., maj., C. S. to Maj. Gen. D. R. Jones, December, 1862; C. S. to Brig. Gen. H. L. Benning, 1863; maj., chief com. to Lieut. Gen. James Longstreet, February 26, November and December, 1863.
  • Moss, J. A., capt., A. C. S. 26th. Louisiana Inf.; staff of Brig. Gen. S. D. Lee, Smith’s division, Second Military District, February 7, 1863.
  • Mott, John R., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Henry L. Benning, January 17, 1863.
  • Mott, Walter B., asst. surg. 15th North Carolina State forces, 1861. Mott, _____. lieut., A. A. G., October, 1862.
  • Muldon, Samuel C., maj., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. A. M. Manigault, June 2 and August 5, 1863.
  • Mulherrin, S. H., maj., C. S. to Brig. Gen. E. McNair, 1862; maj. C. S. to Maj. Gen. E. C. Walthall, June 19, 1864; same to Brig. Gen. D. H. Reynolds, November 4, 1864, to May, 1865.
  • Muller, Samuel, asst. surg., staff of Gen. R. E. Lee; assigned to duty at Coosawhatchie, S. C., January. 9, 1.862; at Fort Sumter, S. C., March 3, 1863.
  • Mumford, W. T., lieut., A. A. G. to Col. Edward Higgins, commanding artillery river batteries at Vicksburg, July, 1863.
  • Munday, W . S., maj., C. S. to Gen. Daniel S. Donelson, January, 1862, to April, 1863.
  • Munford, E. W., maj., V. A. D. C. to Gen. A. S. Johnston, April 6, 1862.
  • Munford, W. B., , V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. William A. Quarles; killed at battle of Franklin, Tenn.
  • Munson, R. A. B., asst. surg., staff of Gen. T. J. Jackson, January 6, 1862.
  • Murdaugh, John W., capt.. 0. O. to Brig. Gen. W. G. M. Davis. Murdoch, William IL, asst. brig. surg., staff of Brig. Gen. R. B. Vance, 1863; from 39th North Carolina.
  • Murfree, James B., asst. surg., Prov. Army of Tenn., 1861.
  • Murkland, A. W., capt.; with Gen. Winder, Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Muroe (or Munroe), D. D., capt., A. A. G., at Richmond, by order of Gen. Winder, December 10, 1863.
  • Murphy, John J., maj., C. S. to Maj. Gen. L. Polk; appointed 1861; maj., chief com’y to Gen. A. P. Stewart, October 22, 1861; same to Lieut. Gen. L. Polk, August 27, 1862, to June 10, 1864.
  • Murphy, R. G., asst. surg., General Hospital at Greenville, Ala., October 23, 1864.
  • Murray, Edward, lieut. col., A. A. G. to Gen. R. E. Lee, December 30, 1862, to August 31, 1863, and November 4, 1861.
  • Murray, J. Adair, lieut., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. J. B. Magruder, May 2 to November 28, 1863.
  • Murray, J. H., coL, V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. John B. Hood, July 10, 1862.
  • Muse, William F., Comdr. N. C, Navy, May 16, 1861.
  • Musser, R. H., lieut. col., judge-advocate; staff of Gen. J. B. Clark, sen., March, 186.; afterwards lieut. col. and col. 9th Missouri Infantry.
  • Myers, Abraham, capt., A. Q. M. State service of North Carolina, June 18, 1861.
  • Myers, A. C., lieut. col., Q. M. Gen. C. S. Army, March 25, 1861; same, chief of Quartermaster’s Department of Virginia; staff of Maj. Gen. R. E. Lee, May 31, 1861; col., Q. M. Gen. C. S. Army, June 24, 1861.
  • Myers, Charles H., Iieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. S. G. French, May 12, 1862; promoted capt., A. A. G. to same, November 5, 1862; maj., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. S. G. French, July, 1863; resigned April 2,1864.
  • Myers, D. Emmett, lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. A. Buford, August 11, 1863 (capt. Co. E, 9th Kentucky Cav.), capt., A. A. I. G., 1864. Resigned Feb. 22, 1865.
  • Myers, E. T. D., capt., Virginia Corps of Engineers, November 16,1861; E. O. to Maj. Gen. John B. Magruder (at Gloucester Point), Novem-ber 25, 1861 capt. Engr. Corps, February 15, 1862; maj., October 19, 1864.
  • Myers, Henry, maj., C. O. to D. H. Maury, April, 1864.
  • Myers, J. A., -, A. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. J. B. Kershaw, June, 1862; lieut., O. O. to same, December, 1862.
  • Myers, Simon, maj., C. S. to Brig. Gen. W. S. Featherston, 1863; served to close of war.
  • Myers, William B., lieut., Virginia Engineers; staff of Maj. Gen. John B. Magruder, November 25,1861 capt., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. W. W.’ Loring, May 15, September 20, 1862; maj., A. A. G. to same, October 14, 1862; maj., A. A. and I. G. to Maj. Gen. Sam. Jones, commanding Department of Western Virginia., December 10, 1862; A. A. G. to Lieut. Gen. J. B. Gordon, April 8, 1865.
  • Myrick, John D., capt., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. W. W. Loring, June 14, September 20, 1862; capt., A. D. C., acting C. A. to same, March, 1863; capt., A. D. U. to same, May 16, 1863; C. A. to same, August 1, 1863; promoted maj. arty.

Civil War,

Confederate States of America. Army. List of staff officers of the Confederate States army. 1861-1865. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1891.

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