Biography of Francis Morrill Cutting

Francis Morrill Cutting, who died on November 15, 1888, was a valued citizen of Newport, Sullivan County. He was born in the neighboring town of Croydon, November 28, 1825, a son of Francis and Keziah (Hudson) Cutting. His grandfather, Benjamin Cutting, who enlisted in the Continental army when a young man, Croydon. Francis Cutting, son of Benjamin, was born in Croydon, and there spent his life of seventy-eight years. He owned about five hundred acres of land, and was extensively engaged in farming and stock-raising. His first wife, Keziah Hudson, a native of Goshen, N.H., died at the age of seventy-six; and he subsequently married Miss Mary Rollins. By the first wife he had nine children, by the second two; and of the whole family seven are now living.

Francis Morrill Cutting grew up on a farm, acquiring his education in the schools of his native town. After reaching man’s estate, he engaged in farming and cattle-raising, purchasing land in the western part of Newport. A wise manager, square in his dealings, and a good practical farmer, he had a valuable property, comprising some five hundred acres, his farm in Newport alone covering one hundred acres. In politics Mr. Cutting was a Democrat, in religious belief a Methodist. He was a man of sterling character, conscientious and honest, and was respected by all who knew him.

Mr. Cutting was married July 25, 1855, to Hannah A., daughter of Dimmick and Hannah (Colby) Baker. She was born in Meriden, N.H., October 4, 1832. Mrs. Cutting is a member of an old New England family. Her ancestors came from England. Joseph Baker was born April 13, 1678, and lived to a ripe old age. He married Hannah Pomroy, July 8, 1702. She died, leaving two children; and he married Abigail Bissell, who bore him nine children. The Hon. Dr. Oliver Baker, a son of Joseph Baker by his second wife, was Mrs. Cutting’s grandfather. He was born in Tolland, Conn., and was one of the early settlers of Meriden, N.H. He died October 3, 1811. His brother served in the Revolutionary War, and was taken prisoner by the British and nearly starved, having nothing but raw frozen turnips to eat while confined in an old church in New York. He offered his silver watch for another turnip, but was refused. When he was released, Oliver carried him home, some of the way on his back. He afterward died of small-pox.

Dr. Oliver Baker married, November 23, 1780, Dorcas Dimmick, who died October 19, 1849. They were the parents of ten children. Dimmick Baker was born in Mcriden, March 18, 1793. A shrewd business man, a good farmer, a successful stock dealer, and a prosperous merchant, he amassed a large estate for those days. He died at the age of eighty-three. His wife, Hannah Colby, was born February 7, 1794, and died March 17, 1856. They were the parents of five children-Elias, Edward, Hannah, Helen F., and Cyrus E. Three of these are living: Mrs. Hannah A. Cutting, of Newport, N.H.; Dr. Cyrus E. Baker, of Claremont, N.H.; and Mrs. Helen F. Cutting, of Newport, N.H. The Baker homestead, a grand old place, located near Kimball Union Academy, where all the children received a liberal education, all becoming teachers, is now owned by the fifth generation. Dimmick Baker was a Republican. He was connected with the Congregational church.

Mrs. Hannah A. Baker Cutting has resided in the village of Newport since 1892. She still owns the farm which her husband cultivated, retaining it for the sake of old associations. An active and liberal member of the Methodist church, she gave the electric lights now used in the church edifice, and was instrumental in making the present parsonage a part of the church property. She has long been active in Sunday-school matters, and has served as President of the Ladies’ Aid Society,



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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