Biography of George Crook Dye

George Crook Dye. One of the representative men of Chautauqua County, Kansas, is George Crook Dye, mayor of Niotaze and proprietor of a large mercantile business there, and a bank director, and also one of the leading agriculturists of the county, profitably operating 530 acres of fine land. Mr. Dye had spent his entire life in Kansas and is devoted to her every interest.

George Crook Dye was born February 12, 1879, at Niotaze, Kansas. He is the only son of his father’s second marriage, and his parents were Enoch and Mrs. Delia (Sheldon) (Pendleton) Dye. His mother was born in 1842, near Burr Oak, Michigan, and died in 1881, at Niotaze, Kansas. To her second marriage but one child was born, but three children survive from her first marriage, namely: J. H., who is a merchant residing at Havana, Kansas; Etta M., who is the wife of F. W. Kalb, who is in a plumbing business at Independence, Kansas; and W. L., who is in a brokerage, loan and investment business at Independence. The Pendletons were early settlers in the American colonies, crossing from England in 1653. The first governor of New Hampshire was the head of the family branch to which the mother of Mayor Dye belonged.

Enoch Dye, father of Mayor Dye, was born at Antioch, Ohio, in 1845, and died in October, 1909, at Niotaze, Kansas. His father was George W. Dye, who was born at Antioch, Ohio, in 1820, and died there in 1892. The Dye family is of English extraction and the old family records tell of two brothers of the name coming to the American colonies prior to the Revolutionary war. One settled in New Jersey and it was on his farm that the historic battle of Monmouth was fought. The other brother located in Virginia and it is from that branch that the present bearers of the name in Kansas have descended.

While working on his father’s farm near Antioch, Enoch Dye heard the call to arms when President Lincoln asked for volunteers to help suppress rebellion, and he was one of the first to answer that call, enlisting in July, 1861, in the Second West Virginia Cavalry. He was a brave and faithful soldier and continued in the army until the close of the Civil war and was honorably discharged and mustered out in July, 1865. Mr. Dye saw hard service, participating in such fiercely contested engagements as the battles of Winchester and Five Forks. Later he had General Sheridan as his commander, and at Winchester was under General Crook, a beloved officer remembered in the naming of his son. At one time the gallant Custer was colonel of his regiment.

When the war was over and four years of his life had passed by, Enoch Dye concluded to push westward and made his first stop near Jacksonville, Illinois, engaging in farming there until 1873, when he came to Kansas. He secured land in Chautauqua County and became a prosperous farmer and stockraiser. He was never active in politics but supported the republican party because he believed in its principles. He was thrice married. One daughter survives of his first marriage: Mary E., who is the wife of D. A. Greer, who is a farmer located two miles south of Niotaze. His third marriage was to Mrs. Miranda H. (Sibley) Essex, who survives him and is a highly esteemed resident of Caney, Kansas. To that marriage one daughter was born: Lera A., who is the wife of Charles H. Parker, who is a farmer and auctioneer residing at Caney.

George Crook Dye attended the public schools in Chautauqua County. In 1895 he entered the Kansas State Agricultural College at Manhattan, where he remained until 1897, when he put the instruction he had received to a practical test and continued as a farmer until 1901. Mr. Dye still owned two valuable farm properties, one of 170 acres situated one mile east and another of 360 acres, located three miles south of Niotaze. After retiring from the active management of his farms, Mr. Dye embarked in a general mercantile business at Niotaze, which he had expanded into a very complete establishment, its location on Main Street being in the business heart of the town. Mr. Dye is one of the directors of the Niotaze State Bank. In politics he is a prominent republican and is serving admirably as mayor of the town. He is identified with Niotaze Lodge No. 438, Odd Fellows. He is a man of high personal character and for many years had been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and is a trustee of the local body.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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