Biography of Samuel A. Byarlay

Samuel A. Byarlay. So quickly do great events in the world’s history succeed each other, that perchance some may be lost sight of, but it is not possible for any American to forget the dangers that attended pioneering, following the close of the Civil war, on the western frontiers, nor the heroism displayed by volunteer soldiers in defending the peaceful settlers by driving off the savage foe. Among the prominent residents of May Day, Riley County, is a veteran of the Indian campaign of 1868-9, in the person of Samuel A. Byarlay, merchant and postmaster at this point. Samuel A. … Read more

Biography of Benjamin Franklin Morgan M.D.

Benjamin Franklin Morgan, M. D., is a physician and surgeon of nearly thirty years’ experience, almost all of which time had been spent in the State of Kansas, and the past seventeen years in the City of Clay Center. The name “Dr. Morgan” is a household word in almost every family throughout Clay and surrounding counties, as four of the immediate family have practiced in Clay Center and never since the year 1883 had there been a time when the familiar form and genial smile of one or more of this family of physicians did not form a part of … Read more

Biography of I. A. Robertson

I. A. Robertson has been an increasing factor in mercantile affairs at Alma for a number of years, and was recently honored by the citizens of that town in election to the office of mayor. The Robertsons were pioneers in Jewell County, Kansas, where I. A. Robertson was born in Holmwood Township July 29, 1872. He is of Scotch ancestry, his forefathers having originally lived at Glasgow. They came to New York City and from there to Butler County, Pennsylvania. His grandfather, Thomas Robertson, brought this branch of the family to America. He was a pattern maker by trade and … Read more

Biography of Ollie Ezekiel Reed

Ollie Ezekiel Reed. By his work as well as by his position Ollie E. Reed is one of America’s foremost authorities on dairy husbandry. He holds that chair in the Kansas State Agricultural College at Manhattan. While Professor Reed has contributed extensively to standard works on agriculture and stock raising, all his writings bear the earmarks of practical experience, and the value of his teaching has been largely as practical demonstrator of the most effective methods to be employed particularly in dairy husbandry. He has always lived in close touch with the soil and its products. He was born on … Read more

Biography of Enoch Hassebroek

Enoch Hassebroek. As proprietor of a large general store, at Riley, Kansas, Enoch Hassebroek is a leading factor in the town’s commercial life. The business of modern merchandising is a more or less complex one and experience counts for much. Mr. Hassebroek was carefully trained by his merchant father and for the past fifteen years has been at the head of his own establishment. The modern merchant needs large capital behind him because, an account of the awakened demands of twentieth century customers, he must go to the ends of the world to secure his goods, and he must know … Read more

Biography of Frederick C. Otto

Frederick C. Otto. A prosperous and substantial farmer and a dominating figure in the financial affairs of Riley, Kansas, Frederick C. Otto is also a leading factor in democratic politics in Riley County, at present being the democratic nominee for state senator. The achievements that may be justly credited to Mr. Otto have been fairly won. Deprived early of a father’s protection and assistance, he had, in large measure, his own way to make in the world, and it was through a process of struggle that he advanced for many years only step by step. Industry, frugality, efficiency in everything … Read more

Biography of James Wood

James Wood. Among her valued citizens Kansas can number yet many of her pioneers, not the floating population of her earliest territorial days, but men who came to the state as homeseekers, even before the outbreak of the Civil war. These courageous and resourceful men are universally held in honorable esteem for the great progress made by Kansas was founded upon their hardihood and energy. One of these is found in James Wood, a representative citizen and a substantial farmer of Ogden Township, Riley County. James Wood was born in England, September 27, 1844, the eldest son of William and … Read more

Biography of Theodore Weichselbaum

Theodore Weichselbaum. It is interesting and instructive to chronicle the worthy achievements of so honorable and industrious a life as that of the late Theodore Weichselbaum, for many years active in the business affairs of Riley County, Kansas, for fifty-seven of these being a resident of Ogden. Founded on a sound education, Mr. Weichselbaum’s natural sagacity, shrewdness and great business sense were brought into play and he accumulated a vast fortune through entirely legitimate channels. Theodore Weichselbaum was born June 10, 1834, at Furth, in the Province of Bavaria, Germany, and he died at Ogden, Riley County, Kansas, March 9, … Read more

Biography of Samuel Fremont Goheen

Samuel Fremont Goheen. When the City of Manhattan inaugurated the commission form of government in 1912 they chose as the head of the new municipal system a man who had already given efficient service in public office. The people have since kept him in office, and it is to the credit of the city as well as to the man that so capable a public servant as Samuel Fremont Goheen should be entrusted with such responsibility. Mr. Goheen has been a resident of Riley County more than thirty years, has witnessed and has been an important factor in the progress … Read more

Biography of John F. Overfield

During his service in the Kansas Legislature as a senator from Montgomery County it had been the enviable distinction of John F. Overfield to have become one of the leading members in influence and aetivity of the State Senate. It is said that he had never introduced a bill in behalf of his constituents that had not secured the approval of both houses and hecome a law. Politically Senator Overfield is a republican of the old school, and is by no means ashamed of the description stand-pat republican. He was elected to the State Senate in 1908, and had served … Read more

Biography of Walter E. Wilson

Walter E. Wilson, banker and business man at Washington, is the present bank commissioner of Kansas. His appointment had brought additional credit upon Governor Capper’s administration as one of those that reflect thorough business administration of state affairs. A native of Kansas and of a pioneer family, Mr. Wilson was born at Manhattan August 21, 1871. He is of an old Virginia family, the Wilsons having come from England and first settled at Jamestown in Colonial times and afterwards moving to the western portion of the state in what is now West Virginia. Their affiliations were all with the North … Read more

Biography of Charles Wesley Peter

Charles Wesley Peter. A valuable, well conducted farm is that owned by Charles Wesley Peter, one of the substantial and respected citizens of Jackson Township, Riley County, a property largely developed through his own efforts and handsomely improved. Mr. Peter has been a resident of Kansas for forty-four years. Charles Wesley Peter was born November 16, 1850, in Jackson County, Indiana. His parents were Jonas and Barbara (Bruenner) Peter, who were born in Switzerland. They were married in the United States and then settled in Jackson County, Indiana, where the mother died after the birth of four children: Susan, Mary, … Read more

Biography of John M. Winter

John M. Winter. Among the respected citizens of Manhattan, Kansas, no one stands higher than John Winter, a reliable business man and since May, 1914, postmaster of this city. He was born at Volkartshain Province Oberhessen, Grosherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany, February 27, 1854, and is a son of John B. and Elizabeth (Greb) Winter. His father belonged to the working class and, although industrious, had accumulated little means, so that, when John had completed his public school training, his future lay almost entirely in his own hands. As soon as possible he began to learn the carpenter trade, in the meanwhile … Read more

Biography of David Henry Edelblute

Among the old established families still numerously and worthily represented in Riley County, is that of Edelblute. Almost sixty years have passed since its founder selected a tract of virgin land in the valley of Wild Cat Creek, built his cabin there, reared his family and passed the rest of an industrious and contented life. The owner of the old Edelblute homestead is David Henry Edelblute, a highly respected citizen of this county and at present a resident of the Village of Keats. David Henry Edelblute was born in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, August 4, 1843. His parents were David and … Read more

Biography of John Melville Kimball

Kansas has many octogenarians. The soil and climate and other conditions are conducive to bringing men and women to a happy and contented old age, but few of them have lived so long in the Sunflower State as John Melville Kimball, who at the age of four score is still young in spirit and can enjoy the wonderful retrospect of years which goes back to the very establishment of the institntions of the state. He is a pioneer settler of Riley County, and for half a century was successfully identified with farming in Manhattan Township until he retired to his … Read more

Biography of Christopher Columbus Michal

C. C. Michal, for the past fifteen years, had been one of the extensive contractors in Southern Kansas, though his work had been done in various parts of the state. His home and headquarters are at Independence, where he is recognized as one of the substantial citizens. Mr. Michal went to the border with the Kansas National Guards, Company K, Second Infantry, as a sergeant and served three months. His ancestors came originally from Ireland and were early settlers in the United States. They located very early in the nineteenth century in Western Indiana near Terre Hante, where Philip Michal, … Read more

Biography of George S. Murphey

For over forty years George S. Murphey had been a banker. Nearly thirty of those years have been spent in Kansas, and as president of the First National Bank of Manhattan he is at the head of one of the strong and stable financial institutions of the state. Most of his life had been spent in the West and he was in the Middle West at a time when it was really the Far West. His birth occurred in Delaware, Ohio, September 24, 1846. His father James Murphey was born in Penusylvania and his mother Rhoda Carpenter was born in … Read more

Biography of Delmar E. Deputy

Long a prominent citizen of Riley County and a successful business man of Manhattan, Delmar E. Deputy, in his capacity of private citizen and as a member of the firm of Deputy & Schellenbaum, publishers of the Manhattan Nationalist, had done much to advance the welfare of his city and county. He was born in Jennings County, Indiana, November 9, 1862, a son of Silvester F. and Jane (Fowler) Deputy, natives also of Jennings County, and descendants of old Virginia ancestors, and with his parents came to Kansas in 1878 and settled in Riley County, where the father became a … Read more

Biography of Lloyd S. Fry

Lloyd S. Fry. When he came to the City of Manhattan in 1883, Mr. Fry engaged at once in the work which had occupied him for a number of years in Pennsylvania and Kansas and which brought him an enviable place among the state’s leading educators. He was employed as a teacher in the College Hill School, and in 1886 was elected superintendent of the city schools of Manhattan, a position he held two years. His record as an educator included two years in charge of the schools of Randolph, one year at Atwood, three years at Hays City. In … Read more

Biography of Grant Elwood Kelsey

Grant Elwood Kelsey. General farming and the raising of live stock are engaging the attention of many foresighted men in Kansas. Many of these have additional interests as had Grant Elwood Kelsey, a well known citizen and prosperons agriculturist of Menoken Township, Shawnee County, but their land and its rich yielding occupies the first place in their affections. Grant Elwood Kelsey was born on a farm in Dearborn County, Indiana, March 14, 1867. His parents were Scott and Mahala (Allen) Kelsey, who are mentioned elsewhere in this work. He attended the country schools in Indiana and later near Topeka, Kansas, … Read more