Will Of Lionell Chute

The will of Lionell Chute of Ipswich, dated 4: 7 mo: 1644, was proved in court at Ipswich 7: 9 mo: 1645. The original instrument has not been found, and the following copy is from the record in Ipswich deeds, book i, leaf 15.

The fourth day of the eleventh month Anno Dm 1644 I Lionell Chute of the Towne of Ipfwch in New England Schoolmafter doe make & ordayne this my laft will & Teftament (revoking all form wills by me made.) Item I give vntd Rofe my wife for terme of her naturall life, all this my dwelling howfe with the Barne &all the edifices: (the two chambers over the howfe & entry only excepted which I will that James my fonne fhall have to his only vfe for the Terme of one yeare next after my deceafe with free ingreffe, egreffe, & regreffe & wth the yards, gardens, the home-lott & planting lott purchaffed of Mr. Bartlemew with the Comonage and appurtenances therevnto belonging. And after my wives deceafe; I give the faid howfe, barne, lotts & premiffes with all thappurtenances vnto James Chute my fonne & to his heires. Item I give vnto my faid fonne James Chute & to his heires for ever all & fingular my other lands, lotts, meadow grounds marifhes, with all & finguler their appurtnances & pfitts whatfoever ymdiatly after my deceafe. And I giue more vnto James Chute my fonne (over & above all things before given him) my heffer that is now at goodman white’s farme, & my yonge steere. Item I give him all my books, with all things in my cheft and white box my deepe box with the lock & key; one chaire: foure hogfheads: two Coombfacks two flockbedds two flock bolfters two feather pillows one rugg two Coverlets: two blanketts my cafting nett: my filver fpoone: all my owne wearing apparrell, and that which was his brother Nathaniells: and three paire of fheets, three pillow beeres two table chothes: foure towells: fix table napkins : and the one halfe of the braffe & pewter, & working tooles: & five bushels of englifh wheat. Item I give vnto my frend Jofeph Moffe five fhillings. Item I give vnto the poore of the Church of Ipfwich Twenty fhillings to be diftributed by the Deacons Item my meaning is that my wife fhall haue my cheft after that James hath, empted it. Item all the reft of my goods howfhold ftuff, Cattell, & chattells whatfoever vnbequeathed (my debts & legacies being difcharged & paid) I will that Rofe my wife fhall have the free vfe of them for terme of her life: but the remainder of them at the tyme of her deceafe over & above the valewe of five pounds fterling I giue vnto James Chute my fonne & to his heires & affignes Item I make Rofe my wife executrix of this my laft will & Teftament. And in witneffe that this is my deed I have herevnto fett my hand and feale in the prfence or thefe witnesses herevnder written.

Marke Simonds Lionell Chute

Jofeph Morfe.

Source: The Essex Antiquarian April 1898


Court, Will,

Perley, Sidney. The Essex Antiquarian. Salem, Massachusetts: Essex Antiquarian Monthly Periodical, published 1897-1909. Compiled into 13 volumes by Essex Antiquarian, and republished.

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