Biography of Horace D. Bennett

(III) Horace D., son of George and Sally dum) Bennett, was born’ in the town of Geneva, Ontario county, New York, June 29, 1828. His education was acquired in the Geneva district school, and under private tuition in a select school during two winters. Early in life he commenced to assist his father in the cultivation and management of the homestead farm, and in this manner has acquired a thorough mastery of all the details connected with an agricultural life. With the exception of the years spent at school, and the time spent in the service of his country, Mr. Bennett has centered his time and attention on the cultivation of the land he owns, and in this enterprise he has achieved a considerable amount of success. His farm is well kept and carefully managed, business principles being observed even in the minutest details. At the outbreak of the civil war in 1861, Mr. Bennett was instrumental in recruiting Company D, One Hundred and Fifth New York Infantry, and served as first lieutenant in this company, Colonel Fuller commanding. He was, in many of the important engagements of the war, among them being: Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock Station, the second battle of Bull Run, and a number of others. During these engagements he was in command of Company K, and after a few months Colonel Fuller resigned and Colonel Carroll took command of the regiment. Mr. Bennett returned to his farm in 1862, and again took up his peaceful pursuits, with which he has since been identified. He has been prominently identified with political matters in that section of the state, in connection with the affairs of the Republican party. His first presidential vote was cast for John C. Fremont, and he has never been missing from the polls since he cast his first vote. As supervisor for the town of Geneva he has done good service for two terms. It is owing to the vigorous measures he introduced that the time of election was changed from the spring to the fall of the year, Geneva being the first town to make the change. He is also the father of a measure which granted Geneva a special charter of its own. He rendered good service as town assessor for two terms; was road commissioner for several terms; a member of the board of elections for many years; delegate to the county conventions several times, and has always been a staunch supporter of the principles of his party. He and his family are members of the North Presbyterian Church.

Mr. Bennett married, January 25, 1854, Harriet A. Jacques, who was born in Wayne county, New York, in 1826, and died in Geneva, February 22, 190g. They have had children: 1. Mrs. Calvin Dye, who resides in the home of her father, and has one daughter, Catherine, wife of Charles C. Dorsey. 2. Lois M., who was graduated from the Genesee Normal School, and has been engaged in teaching for a period of twenty years; at present she is a greatly beloved teacher in the Geneva high school.

It is men of the stamp of Mr. Bennett, who render the country in which they live the home of prosperity; while striving to achieve success, this success would be welcomed only as it rests upon a foundation of truth and honor. Deceit and duplicity are foreign to his nature and false representations are to be scorned. Justice, rectitude and equity are the roles of his conduct, and he would tolerate no dubious measures either in private or public life.



Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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