Saluda Indians

Saluda Tribe: Meaning unknown.

Saluda Connections. These are uncertain but circumstantial evidence indicates strongly that the Saluda were a band of Shawnee, and therefore of the Algonquian stock.

Saluda Location. On Saluda River.

Saluda History. Almost all that we know regarding the Saluda is contained in a note on George Hunter’s map of the Cherokee country drawn in 1730 indicating “Saluda town where a nation settled 35 years ago, removed 18 years to Conestogo, in Pensilvania.” As bands of Shawnee were moving into just that region from time to time during the period indicated, there is reason to think that this was one of them, all the more that a “Savana” creek appears on the same map flowing into Congaree River just below the Saluda settlement.

Saluda Population. Unknown.

Saluda Connection in which they have become noted. The name Saluda is preserved by Saluda River and settlements in Saluda County, Polk County, N. C.; and Middlesex County, Va.



Swanton, John R. The Indian Tribes of North America. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 145. Washington DC: US Government Printing Office. 1953.

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