Biography of J. J. Keeter

J. J. KEETER. He whose name heads this sketch is one of the practical and successful farmers of Marion County, Arkansas, and has made his way to the front ranks among the energetic farmers of the county, owing to the attention he has always paid to each minor detail, and his desire to keep out of old ruts. He is a native of the Old North State, his birth occurring January 5, 1834, a son of James and Elizabeth (Justice) Keeter, who were born and spent their lives in North Carolina, of which State the paternal grandfather, John Keeter, was … Read more

Biography of Adam Guthrie, Jr., M. D.

ADAM GUTHRIE, JR., M. D. This gentleman is an exceptionally successful and popular physician of Quitman. He is scholarly and well informed in every branch of his profession, is intelligent and well posted on all matters of public interest and stands well in the community, both as a citizen and as a professional man. His father, Adam Guthrie, Sr., is a native of Nelson County, Kentucky, his birth occurring near Bardstown in 1826. In his veins flows sturdy Scotch blood and from his Scottish ancestors he has inherited many of his most worthy traits of character, being industrious, thrifty and … Read more

Biography of William T. Davenport

WILLIAM T. DAVENPORT. Among the worthy residents of Searcy County, Arkansas, it is just to say that Mr. Davenport occupies a conspicuous and honorable place, for he has always been honest, industrious and enterprising, and as a result has met with more than ordinary success. He is a man well known in agricultural circles, and is recognized as a careful, energetic farmer, who by his advanced ideas and progressive methods has done much to improve the farming interests of his section. He was born in Alabama, October 13, 1822, a son of George W. and Mary (Weemes) Davenport, the former … Read more

Biography of Judge W. B. Flippin

JUDGE W. B. FLIPPIN. It is a pleasure to describe a man of unusual personal merit-the possessor of a combination of gifts so rare, so varied and so comprehensive that happiness and success in business were bound to follow the application of his qualities to the solution of almost any problem of life. It has been said, and truly said, that “some men are born great, some have greatness thrust upon them and some achieve greatness,” and to this last most important class belongs the subject of this sketch, Judge W. B. Flippin, who was born in Monroe County, Kentucky, … Read more

Biography of J. R. B. Moore

J. R. B. MOORE. Within years of recent date the remarkable growth of the real estate business has given it a prominence and placed it in a position that is attained by very few other elements in this country. This increase and promotion can be nothing less than a reflex of the progress and prosperity of every general interest in the community, and constitutes strong reason for gratification among all observant and appreciative business men. J. R. B. Moore has an excellent knowledge of real estate, as well as the general routine work of a real estate agent, and has … Read more

Biography of Jacob H. Wolf

JACOB H. WOLF. There is not a more popular citizen and official in Baxter County, Arkansas, than Jacob H . Wolf, who has several times served in the capacity of sheriff of the county, and whose conduct of the affairs of that office has been such as to commend him to the good opinion of the general public, irrespective of party affiliation. He was born in what is now Baxter but was then Izard) County, Arkansas, March 31, 1845, a son of William M. and Phcebe E. (Kellow) Wolf, the former of whom was born in Kentucky, but was only … Read more

Biography of Capt. Gillum Hopper

CAPT. GILLUM HOPPER. There is no greater pleasure for the hand and pen of the historian or biographer to perform than in recording the life and achievements of a man who, through his own unaided efforts, has secured a comfortable competency and the general acknowledgment of being an honest man and esteemed citizen. Gillum Hopper, whose success in life is the result of honesty, industry and good management on his part, first saw the light in Warren County, Tennessee, in 1841. His parents, Moses and Rebecca (Hicks) Hopper, were natives of Kentucky and Tennessee, respectively, the former born in 1802 … Read more

Biography of John E. Ball

JOHN E. BALL. One of the progressive farmers of Howell County, Missouri, is John E. Ball, who was born in Abbeville District, S. C., in 1850, a son of James Wilburn and Mary (Mosley) Ball, who were born in the Palmetto State November9, 1817 and 1807, respectively. About 1859 they came to what is now Clay County, Arkansas, by wagon, and there the remainder of their lives were spent, she dying in 1865 and he in 1872. They were farmers by occupation and for some time during the Civil War the father of the subject of this sketch served in … Read more

Biography of H. A. Young

H. A. YOUNG. Since 1868 this worthy business man has made his home in Marion County, Arkansas, and for the past twenty years he has been very successfully engaged in mercantile pursuits, the liberal patronage which he receives being a hearty indorsement of his upright methods of conducting his affairs. He was born in northern Georgia June 17, 1848, a son of John and Evaline (Hicks) Young, both of whom died many years ago, the father while on his way home from the gold fields of California in 1848. His family consisted of four children: H. A. and Mary J., … Read more

Biography of John Bailey Heffley

J0HN BAILEY HEFFLEY. John Bailey Heffey has devoted the greater part of his life to the calling of a farmer and stock raiser, and has met with more than the average degree of success by his industry and good management, accumulating a fair share of this world’s goods. Like other representative men of the county he came originally from Marion County, Tennessee, of which his parents, Philip and Hannah Sharp Heffley, were also natives. In that State the father died when our subject was about five years of age and the mother afterward removed to Henderson County, West Tennessee, where … Read more

Biography of Col. John J. Kemp

COL. JOHN J. KEMP, deceased. The influence of a good man will be ever expanding with the lapse of time, and his deeds of charity and acts of kindness will live to commemorate his name and perpetuate his memory. It can be truly said that a good man has been gathered to his fathers, but his virtues live after him, and his name is everywhere mentioned with respect and honor. He was born in middle Tennessee August 6, 1818, and his death occurred May 31, 1893. His early education was obtained in the State of his birth, and having been … Read more

Biography of Daniel Phillips

DANIEL PHILLIPS. Among the honored and well-to-do tillers of the soil of Newton County, Arkansas, may be mentioned Daniel Phillips, whose many years of hard labor have been rewarded with abundant means. He is now in the enjoyment of a comfortable income, the result of intelligent management and undeviating industry, and enjoys the esteem and confidence of all with whom he has had business relations. He was born in Morgan County, Tennessee, August 27, 1846, being the sixth of nine children born to Jesse and Parmelia (Everage) Phillips, both of whom were born in the Old North State. The former … Read more

Biography of Robert Franklin Livingston

ROBERT FRANKLIN LIVINGSTON, better known as “Casey Livingston,” was born in Izard County, Arkansas, in 1853, the son of Robert and Polly (Finley) Livingston, who were also natives of Izard County. The father died in Baxter County, six miles below the mouth of North Fork, in 1870, at the age of forty-three years, and his widow three months later, at the age of thirty-three years. The paternal grandfather also spent his last days in Izard County. Robert Livingston was a successful tiller of the soil, and he and his wife were worthy and active members of the Baptist Church, and … Read more

Biography of Hon. Samuel Leslie

HON. SAMUEL LESLIE. Among the representative and venerable citizens of Searcy County, Arkansas, and one who is a splendid type of the enterprise, industry and self-reliance of the early Arkansas pioneer, it is a pleasure to introduce to the readers of this volume the subject of this sketch. Considerably more than half a century ago he braved the dangers, trials and privations of pioneer life in order to establish a home and competency for his growing family, and where now are waving fields of grain then stood the mighty monarch of the forest. He was born in Barren County, Kentucky, … Read more

Biography of Thomas Benton Musick

THOMAS BENTON MUSICK. This gentleman, who resides in James Creek Township, Marion County, Arkansas, has been remarkably successful as a husband-man, and a biographical compendium of the Ozark Region would be incomplete were not mention made of him, for he is a man of much public spirit; he donates liberally to all public enterprises and gives his influence to every just measure for the promotion of the common good. He was born on White River, just below the mouth of James Creek, in 1856, His parents, Andrew Benton and Louisa (Locia) Musick, having been born in Cole County, Missouri, in … Read more

Biography of Thomas W. Storey

THOMAS W. STOREY. The responsible position of sheriff and collector of Stone County, Arkansas, is filled by Thomas W. Storey, who is one of the most energetic, enterprising and intelligent of men. He is a native of Jackson County, Ga., born September 22, 1841, a son of William H. and Elizabeth (Garner) Storey, who were also born in Georgia, he in Franklin County and she in Gwinnett County. In 1869 they went from Georgia to Arkansas and after one year’s residence in Izard County the father died, in his fifty-seventh year, the mother’s death occurring in 1885. Mr. Storey was … Read more

Biography of M. L. Aderhalt

M. L. ADERHALT. This gentleman is one of the most extensive farmers and stock-men of Boone County, Arkansas, and although he resides in Harrison he operates a farm about two miles south of that place. He has made his home in this county since 1867, but was born in the Old North State April 17, 1843, being the third of seven children born to M. E. and Mary E. (Rudisill) Aderhalt, the former of whom is still engaged in farming in his native county of Gaston, N. C. His father, Jacob Aderhalt, came from Germany and settled in North Carolina … Read more

Biography of William F. Boyd

WILLIAM F. BOYD. This gentleman is one of the substantial and prosperous farmers of Searcy County, Arkansas, and is well known as one of its best citizens. All his property has been accumulated by honest toil and good management, and he is now the owner of one of the best farms in this section, comprising 270 acres. Mr. Boyd first saw the light of day in this county February 1 , 1854, a son of John S. and Sarah J. (Leslie) Boyd, both of whom were born in Tennessee, the former being a son of Charles Boyd, one of the … Read more

Biography of David A. Eoff

DAVID A. EOFF. This gentleman is the capable and efficient sheriff and collector of Boone County, Arkansas, has resided in this section all his life and was born here December 29, 1852. His grandfather, Alexander Eoff, was a Tennessean, came to this section of Arkansas at a very early day, settled on an unimproved tract of land on which he resided until advancing years compelled him to desist from work, when he gave his farm to one of his sons, with whom he afterward moved to Lead Hill where he died in 1890 at the advanced age of ninety years. … Read more

Biography of J. W. Coker

J. W. COKER, county sheriff. Connected with the history of the elections of Marion County, Arkansas, no name is more prominent or has borne with it more eclat than that of Coker. This gentleman is admirably adapted to the position he fills, for he is courageous, energetic and wide-awake, yet he has at the same time a pleasant and affable manner, is full of business, and attends to his duties very promptly. As he was born in the county January 29, 1852, and has lived here all his life, the people have had every opportunity to judge of his character … Read more