Biography of M. S. Newton

M. S. NEWTON. In Arkansas on the 28th of March, 1857, was born the successful merchant and one of Douglas County’s coming men, M. S. Newton. At an early age Mr. Newton began to assume the practical duties of a business life, and by diligence, good habits and a judicious use of natural tact, has developed a character which will tell for usefulness in his day and generation. He has acquired a commercial standing which portends for him that prosperity and rank among his fellowmen vouchsafed alone to those who that died in infancy. The maternal grandparents, Mr. Faine and … Read more

Biography of Lafayette Davenport

LAFAYETTE DAVENPORT. This gentleman is retired from the active duties of life, and is in the enjoyment of a competency which his early industry brought him. He was born in Alabama December 15, 1833, a son of George and Mary (Wimbs) Davenport, both natives of the Palmetto State. The paternal grandfather was a Virginian, and he attained the rank of colonel in the Revolutionary War. He removed from his native State to South Carolina, and there reared his family. George Davenport was nineteen years old when he located in Jefferson County, Ala., and there he continued to make his home … Read more

Biography of Hon. H. C. Tipton

HON. H. C. TIPTON. It has been said by the great Bacon that “the greatest trust between man and man is the trust of giving counsel.” Thus the profession of law is the most momentous and important of human callings, and he who assumes the practice of it takes upon himself the weightiest responsibilities that the confidence and trust of his fellowman can put upon his shoulders. One of the leading attorneys of northwest Arkansas is Hon. H. C. Tipton, who was born in Tennessee in 1840, a son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Anderson) Tipton, the former of whom was … Read more

Biography of Jesse P. Briscoe

JESSE P. BRISCOE. The time has never been that the prescription drug gist was not of as great importance to a community as the physician. Indeed it would be difficult to name a branch of business that is more indispensably important than that devoted to the sale and importation of drugs and the preparation of prescriptions. Neither is there any line of business demanding more ability and scientific knowledge. One of the eminent prescription druggists of Harrison, Arkansas, is Jesse P. Briscoe, who is a gentleman of bright talent and enterprise. He was born in Benton County, Arkansas, May 15, … Read more

Biography of William J. Dearmore

WILLIAM J. DEARMORE. He whose name heads this sketch is a prominent and well-known citizen of Independence Township, Baxter County, Arkansas, his home being about four miles northwest of Mountain Home. He was born in Dyer County, Tennessee, in April, 1845, a son of William J. and Betty (Ellen) Dearmore, who were Virginians but were married and spent their wedded life in Tennessee. The father died there in 1852 at about the age of forty-eight years, and the mother at the home of her son, William J., when in her seventy-second year. William J. Dearmore, the father, was a wood … Read more

Biography of L. A. Saffer

L. A. SAFFER. The vocation of the pharmacist is unquestionably a highly important one in any and every community, for upon his care and skill, almost as much as upon that displayed by the medical profession, oftentimes depends the physical welfare – nay, the life or death of the sick or suffering. Among the favorably known druggists of Harrison, Arkansas, may be mentioned the name of L. A. Saffer, who has an attractive and well-appointed store. He was born in Canton, Illinois, April 5, 1854, the elder of two children born to John M. and Martha M. (Barnes) Saffer, the … Read more

Biography of W. J. Cooper

W. J. COOPER. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is well known throughout the section in which he resides as a man of unblemished reputation, whose energy, perseverance and integrity have placed him in an independent financial position and has won for him the respect of his fellow-citizens. The fine farm on which he resides comprises 178 acres of land, but he is also the owner of real estate in other parts of the county which amounts to some 500 acres. He has ever been an enterprising, thorough and practical farmer, and his valuable property is looked after in … Read more

Biography of Charles Henry Campbell

CHARLES HENRY CAMPBELL. Among the old, intelligent and representative families of this part of Arkansas is the one of which the subject of this sketch is a descendant, and in tracing back the genealogy of the family we find that the ancestors came originally from bonnie Scotland. It is always a pleasure to deal with the history of one who is a member of one of those grand old pioneer families that braved the dangers and privations of life in a new and unsettled country that they might build up a home for their descend-ants and pave the way for … Read more

Biography of Jesse O. Martin

JESSE O. MARTIN, subject of this sketch, is an honorable and progressive farmer, and it is doubtless entirely owing to the industrious and persevering manner with which he has adhered to the pursuits of agriculture that he has arisen to such a substantial position in farm affairs in this county. He has for twenty years made his home in Stone County, Missouri, but is a native of Hot Spring County, Arkansas, where he was born October 17, 1843, being the fourth of eleven children born to John W. and Hannah (Grirer) Martin, both of whom were born in the State … Read more

Biography of D. P. Redwine, M. D.

D. P. REDWINE, M. D. Few, perhaps none save those who have trod the arduous paths of the profession, can picture to themselves the array of attributes, mental, physical and moral, and the host of minor qualities essential to the making up of a good physician. His constitution must be of the hardiest to withstand the constant shock of wind and weather, the wearing loss of sleep and rest, and contact with disease of all kinds. The above are but a few necessary remarks introducing Dr. D. P. Redwine, who is a native of Searcy County, Arkansas, where he was … Read more

Biography of Nathaniel G. Tracy

It is a pleasure to chronicle the history of a man whose life has been one of honor and usefulness, and although he is considerably past the zenith of his career, Mr. Tracy has accumulated sufficient means to enable him to enjoy most thoroughly the comforts and conveniences of life and the society of his numerous friends. Although he has attained the age of sixty-six years he still keeps up the active and industrious life that brought him in such substantial rewards, and many men much younger than he display less activity, mentally and physically than does Mr. Tracy. He … Read more

Biography of Dr. Calvin J. Floyd

DR. CALVIN J. FLOYD. He whose name heads this sketch has built up a large practice by steady devotion to duty and the constant exercise of energy and judgment, and, though he belongs to the younger class of physicians, he has already made an excellent reputation for himself in this most honorable, if laborious, line of human endeavor. The Doctor was born in Independence County, Arkansas, December 15, 1859, a son of E. N. and Martha (Russell) Floyd, the former of whom was born in Jackson County, Ala., and is now living on a farm on Crooked Creek in Boone … Read more

Biography of Hon. James H. Murphy

HON. JAMES H. MURPHY. In scanning the lives and enterprises of the citizens of Newton County, it is interesting to note the exercise of enterprise in every walk of life. James H. Murphy, one of the prominent farmers and stockraisers of Jackson Township, Newton County, Arkansas, is a native of Madison County, Arkansas, born in 1840, to the union of John J. and Perlinda (Davis) Murphy, both natives of Tennessee, the father born in Giles County about 1813, and the mother in Maury County in 181I. When quite young the father went to Johnson County, Illinois, where he met and … Read more

Biography of Anderson Carlton

ANDERSON CARLTON. A lifetime of hard earnest endeavor in pursuing the occupation to which he now gives his attention, coupled with strict integrity, honesty of purpose and liberality in all directions, has resulted in placing Anderson Carlton among the truly respected and honored agriculturists and stockmen of Newton County. Like other representative men of the county he is a native of North Carolina, born in Wilkes County in 1825. His parents, Alfred and Polly (Ellison) Carlton, were also natives of Wilkes County, N. C., the former born in 1805 and the latter in 1806. This worthy couple celebrated their nuptials … Read more

Biography of Joshua W. C. Hinkle, M. D.

JOSHUA W. C. HINKLE, M. D. The profession of medicine, while a very inviting field for the student and humanitarian, is one that demands much self-denial and the exercise of repression and the sacrifice of the ordinary methods of advancing one’s interests. Among the physicians of repute in Stone County, Arkansas, the subject of this sketch holds a prominent place for his attainment in his profession, his courteous treatment of his brethren, the success he has attained in the practice and his broad and considerate and devoted care of those who require his professional services, all combine to make him … Read more

Biography of Davis M. Trammell

DAVIS M. TRAMMELL. Mr. Trammell is the owner of a valuable farm of 160 acres in Taney County, and is one of those thrifty, energetic farmers for which the county has become well known. In the conduct of his affairs he has shown good judgment and business foresight, and is well known for his intelligence and excellent judgment. Mr. Trammell is a native of Searcy County, Arkansas, born January 19, 1856, and a son of Jared H. and Louisa (Beechum) Trammell, natives of Illinois. The father was reared in that State, but in 1833 moved from there to Arkansas and … Read more

Biography of Hon. Edwin E. Rosson

HON. EDWIN E. ROSSON. There is no class of men who more surely rear up visible monuments to their industry and their enterprise than the hardworking and thrifty farmers of a community, and among these Hon. Edwin E. Rosson holds a prominent place. He was born on the place on which he now lives in Richwoods, September 11, 1856, and is a son of Simeon Ellis and Mary (Whitfield) Rosson, who were born, reared and married in Hardeman County, Tennessee. and thence moved to Arkansas in 1842, locating in what is now Bickell’s Cove. In 1844 they came to Richwoods … Read more

Biography of James P. Herron

JAMES P. HERRON. A noble class of men have built up the agricultural interests of Mountain Home Township, Baxter County, Arkansas, and have made it a garden spot in the great commonwealth of the State. Among those who have been active and efficient in the work is he whose name stands at the head of this sketch. He has been identified with the farming interests of the county almost from his birth, and in every walk of life has conducted himself in an honorable, upright manner. He was born in what is now Baxter (then Fulton) County, November 20, 1855, … Read more

Biography of Hon. Joshua Chilton

The gentleman whose name we now give was for many years identified with the best interests of Shannon County, Missouri, and although he has now passed from earth’s activities it is but just and satisfactory that his life’s narrative be recounted among those who have done excellent service in subduing the wilderness and bringing it into its present fine condition physically, mentally and morally. Mr. Chilton was born in Wayne County, Tennessee, September 28, 1818, and was a son of Thomas Chilton, who was a native of Maryland. Thomas Chilton was partly reared in his native State and then moved … Read more

Biography of Hon. Napoleon B. Allen

HON. NAPOLEON B. ALLEN. Like all self-made and distinguished men Hon. Napoleon B. Allen commenced life with limited means and worked his way to the front by careful and studious attention to business, honesty and integrity, and the following of the various traits that combine in making a man respected and honored. He was born at Mammoth Springs, Arkansas, May 27, 1851. The son of William and Matilda (Evans) Allen. The father was a native of Illinois, but was reared in St. Louis. In 1830 he went to where Mammoth Springs, Arkansas, is now situated, and was one of the … Read more