Walter F. Walker, president of the American Skein & Foundry Company, has developed the business to substantial proportions and has won a place among the representative manufacturers of the city during the eleven years of his residence in Racine. He was born in Dundee, Illinois. December 6. 1871. a son of William E. and Mary C. (Foster) Walker. The father has now retired from active business but still makes his home in Dundee.
In the public schools of his native city Walter F. ‘Walker pursued his education and also attended business college. His activity throughout his business career has always been along the line in which he is now engaged. When a young man of nineteen years he began work in a foundry at Dundee and that he was trustworthy, capable and industrious is indicated in the fact that he was there employed for fifteen years and worked his way upward to the position of assistant manager. in July. 1905, he came to Racine and entered into active connection with the American Skein & Foundry Company as its president. The business had been established five years before under the name of the Racine Steel & Iron Works and on its reorganization the present name was assumed. Mr. Walker is thoroughly acquainted with every phase of the business, both in the practical work of the plant and in the control of the trade relations. Along well defined lines of labor his success has been achieved and he is now one of the substantial manufacturers of his adopted city.
In 1903 Mr. Walker was married to Miss Ida Gaarder, of Janesville, Wisconsin, and they have three children: Elizabeth, Robert and Walter. Mr. Walker votes with the Republican Party and closely studies the political issues and questions of the day, so that he is able to support his position by intelligent argument. He is a member of the Plymouth Congregational church and he always upholds those forces which work for the benefit and uplift of the individual and of the city at large.