Biography of John C. Hood

Last Updated on August 9, 2012 by

John C. Hood, clerk of the circuit court of Racine County and a native of the city of Racine, was born October 18, 1869. a son of Samuel and Alice A. (Coy) Hood. The father, whose birth occurred in Oxford, Pennsylvania, was a son of Thomas Hood, also born in the Keystone state. In the year 1838 Thomas Hood brought his family to Racine and entered a government claim of one hundred and sixty acres near the city. With the pioneer development of the district he was closely associated and he became a prominent and influential resident of his Township. His son, Samuel Hood, embarked in the lumber business in Racine and was for many years proprietor of one of the leading lumber yards of the city, conducting a growing and profitable business. He was interested in all projects for the welfare and benefit of the community and at one time served on the school board. He married Alice A. Coy, a native of England and a daughter of John Coy, who came with his family to the United States in 1832, settling at Utica, New York. The year 1848 witnessed his arrival in Racine, after which he engaged in business here as a contractor. Both Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hood were members of the Baptist church and in politics he was an earnest republican. He died September 21, 1905, after a residence of sixty-seven years in this County, and his widow departed this life May 15, 1912. They were both representatives of old families of the County and from early pioneer times down to the present representatives of the Hood family have taken an active and helpful part in much that has contributed to the development and improvement of this section of the state.

John C. Hood, entering the public schools of Racine at the designated age for educational development, passed through consecutive grades to the high school and started upon his business career as bookkeeper in the employ of the American Seating Company, being thus engaged at the time of the outbreak of the war with Spain, when his patriotic spirit prompted his enlistment, and on the 28th of April, 1898, he joined Company F of the First Regiment at Racine, with which he remained until mustered out on the 19th of October of the same year. He returned to the employ of the American Seating Company, with which he continued for another year, and that he was received back into the ranks of its employees after a period of absence is indicative of the appreciation on the part of his employers of his faithfulness and capability. The succeeding three years were passed in the government employ in Washington, D. C., where he occupied a position in the department of agriculture, and for one year he was in the Racine post office. He then again accepted a position with the American Seating Company, in which connection he continued for two years. On the 3rd of November, 1914, at the regular election, he was chosen for the office of clerk of the circuit court and assumed the duties of that position on the 1st of January. 1915.

On the 14th of January, 1908, Mr. Hood was united in marriage to Miss Mary Palmer, a daughter of C. H. Palmer, of Racine, and their children are John and Marion. In this city they have a wide acquaintance and many friends. Mr. Hood is identified with various fraternal and social organizations, being affiliated with the Knights of Pythias, the Royal Arcanum, the Commercial Club and the Spanish War Veterans’ Association. His connection with military affairs covers not only the period of his enlistment for the Spanish-American war, but also eight years’ service as a member of the National Guard of Wisconsin, in which he was holding the rank of second lieutenant when mustered out in 1898, just -prior to the time when he enlisted for national defense. His religious faith is that of the Episcopal Church, while in politics he is a stalwart republican, having staunchly indorsed and supported the principles of the party since age conferred upon him the right of franchise. He represents one of the oldest families of the County, the name of Hood having been associated with the history of Racine for seventy-eight years. It has always been a synonym for progressiveness and good citizenship and these characteristic family qualities are manifest in the life of John C. Hood.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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