Biography of H. E. Kastensen

Last Updated on August 9, 2012 by

The rich farming country near Franksville contains many excellent properties, among which is the Evergreen Lawn Farm, the home place of H. E. Kastensen, who has resided thereon since 1886, purchasing a tract of land of one hundred and twenty acres, which has responded readily and richly to the care that he has bestowed upon it. To other fields of labor he has also extended his efforts and is regarded as a wide-awake, alert and progressive business man. He was born in Denmark, February 10, 1852, a son of Kastensen Ericksen and Laura Kastensen, who were also natives of Denmark, born in 1815 and 1830, respectively. The father, who was a shoemaker, died in his native country in 1865, after which the mother came to the new world, passing away in 1905. Both were consistent members of the Lutheran church. Their family numbered five children, of whom three are yet living: H. E.; Andrew, a farmer of Raymond Township; and Lena, the wife of Sam Nelson, who is employed in the shops at Racine.

H. E. Kastensen obtained his education in the schools of Denmark, remaining in that country until his life record covered two decades. In 1872 he crossed the Atlantic and made his way to Racine, after which he was employed as a farm hand through the summer months, while in the winter season he worked in the logging camps of Northern Michigan. He was not afraid of hard labor and resolved that his industry must win him success. Little by little he added to his savings until he was able to purchase his present farm in 1886. The place comprises one hundred and twenty acres of arable land and its productiveness has been greatly enhanced through his utilization of modern farming methods. He has rebuilt the home, having now a nice residence, and there is also a good barn which he erected, together with other substantial buildings. on the place. He does considerable dairying, having from fifteen to twenty cows, mostly Holsteins. His farming and dairying interests, however, have not comprised the full extent of his business activities, for he is now vice president of the Franksville Telephone Company and for twelve years was treasurer of the Raymond Stone Crusher Company.

In 1886, in Racine, Mr. Kastensen was married to Miss Camella Rasmussen, who was born in Denmark, and they have become the parents of five children: Harvey, who is engaged in farming in Raymond Township; and Irvin, Clara. Edmond and Arthur; aged respectively twenty-six, twenty-three, nineteen and sixteen years, and all at home. The youngest son is a student in the high school at Union Grove.

The parents are prominent members and active workers in the Baptist church and for twenty years Mr. Kastensen has been treasurer of the Danish-Norwegian State Baptist Convention. He is much interested in the political situation, voting with the Republican Party, and for fifteen years served as a member of the town board, but resigned about two years ago. He has also been a member of the school board for twenty years and was on the insurance County board for a number of years. No public duty that devolves upon him is neglected and no obligation which he incurs is ever forgotten. He fully meets every responsibility and is ready to face any emergency with the strength that comes from a right conception of things and an understanding of that which is most worth while.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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