Biography of George T. Caystile

Last Updated on August 8, 2012 by

George T. Caystile, who has been treasurer and manager of the Carroll Coal Company since its organization in 1910, was born in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, December 13, 1868, a son of Robert and Hannah (Nield) Caystile. The father was a native of the Isle of Man and in his boyhood was brought to the United States, after which he learned and followed the moulder’s trade. At an early period in the development of Racine he removed westward to this city. He married Hannah Nield, a daughter of James Nield, who was one of the first meat packers of Wisconsin and at one time conducted a prospered as the years passed on and later he retired from that field of activity, turning his attention to agricultural pursuits. At a subsequent date, however, Mr. Nield again took up his abode in Racine, where he lived retired from active business cares throughout his remaining days. He was, however, retail meat market on Main Street in Racine. Mr. Nield’s business affairs a prominent factor in the building operations which brought about the development of the northwestern part of Racine and in many ways was closely connected with the progress and improvement of city and County. Robert Caystile served throughout the Civil war, having enlisted at Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, as a member of Company K, Twenty-second Wisconsin Infantry, with which command he rendered signal service to his country in defending the Union. He died at Racine, December 8, 1886, and Mrs. Caystile is still living, being one of the oldest residents of the city.

Although born in Sheboygan Falls, George T. Caystile has spent the greater part of his life in Racine and is indebted to its public school system for the educational privileges which he enjoyed. His textbooks, however, were put aside when he reached the age of fourteen years, for at that time he became an employee of the firm of E. L. Hedstrom & Company, dealers in coal. He has since been connected with the business, covering a period of more than a third of a century. He has remained through the various changes which have occurred in ownership, and when the Carroll Coal Company was organized, on the 1st of May, 1910, successors to Joseph C. Carroll, he was elected treasurer and manager and has since been active in directing the operations of the company. This is one of the foremost enterprises of the kind in Racine, their annual sales reaching a large figure. They deal in anthracite and bituminous coal, also in coke and wood, and from the beginning they have conducted their business in recognition of the policy that “satisfied customers are the best advertisement.”

On the 6th of December, 1893, Mr. Caystile was united in marriage to Miss Anna Reid, of Racine, a daughter of W. A. and Mary (Nixon) Reid. The Nixon’s were pioneer residents of this County and secured government land near Hood’s Creek. To Mr. and Mrs. Caystile have been born two daughters, Helen and Geraldine. Fraternally Mr. Caystile is an Elk and is also connected with the Royal Arcanum and the Royal League, being advisory archon of the latter. In politics he maintains a non-partisan course at local elections, while at national elections he votes with the Democratic Party. He prefers that his duties of citizenship shall be done as a private citizen rather than an office holder and since starting out in business life on his own account has concentrated his efforts upon his daily duties in that connection. He has always been associated with the coal trade and his knowledge of the business in principle and detail is comprehensive and exact, while the spirit of enterprise and laudable ambition that has ever actuated him has brought him to the goal of success.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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