Biography of George Mitchel

Last Updated on August 14, 2012 by

George Mitchel, who for twenty-three years has resided upon his present farm in Raymond Township, near Caledonia, has prospered in business because of his close application and untiring energy and a determined purpose to win success if it could be accomplished through diligence and honorable methods. He was born July 8, 1866, in the Township in which he still lives, his parents being Christian and Fredrica (.Minter) Mitchel, both of whom were natives of Germany. The latter was born in 1818, and passed away in 1892, but the mother, whose birth occurred in 1835, is still living. They were married in Racine, where they located in 1863. The father was a carpenter by trade but turned his attention to farming and purchased seventy acres of land in Raymond Township, whereon he established his home, giving his attention to the general development and improvement of that property. He could justly be called a self-made man, for whatever success he achieved and enjoyed was attributable entirely to his own efforts. His political allegiance was given the Republican Party and his religious faith was that of the Evangelical Association. To him and his wife were born six children : Kate, the wife of Gustav Borchardt, an implement dealer of South Milwaukee: George: Charles, who is employed by his brother George: William, who is engaged in the manufacture of barn equipments, having a factory in Milwaukee; John, who is employed in Milwaukee: and Ella, who is living with her mother in that city.

George Mitchel attended the district schools and started out in business life as an employee in a Racine factory, where he remained for two years, but it was his desire to devote his attention to general agricultural pursuits and in 1893 he purchased a farm of eighty acres in Raymond Township, on which he has since lived. In 1916 he purchased thirty acres more, making his holdings one hundred and ten acres. He cultivates the cereals best adapted to soil and climate and is also engaged in dairying, milking Durham cows. Both branches of his business are now returning to him a good income. He has improved the farm in many ways, erecting an attractive residence and good barn, while he utilizes the latest improved machinery to facilitate the work of the fields. He had to incur indebtedness at the time he purchased his place, but he has since discharged all of his financial obligations and as the result of his intelligently directed industry is now in comfortable circumstances.

In 1903 Mr. Mitchel was married to Miss Minnie Guetzkow, who was born in Greenfield, Wisconsin, and they now have two children, Roland and Elmer, aged respectively twelve and nine years. The parents are members of the Evangelical Association and in politics Mr. Mitchel is a republican. He does not seek nor desire office, as it is his wish to give his undivided attention to his business affairs. However, his aid can be counted upon to further movements for the public good and in this County, where his entire life has been passed, his many friends speak of him in terms of warm regard.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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