Biography of Edmund T. Acklam

Last Updated on August 13, 2012 by

Edmund T. Acklam, vice president of the firm of D. P. Wigley & Company, has advanced step by step in his business career until he has reached the place of responsibility and prominence which he now occupies. He was born in Racine County, October 7, 1877, a son of Thomas and Martha (Roskilly) Acklam, who were also natives of the same County. The paternal grandfather arrived in Racine during the pioneer epoch of the history of the county, while the maternal grandfather. Richard Roskilly, a native of England, established his home in Southport, now Kenosha, Wisconsin, in 1842. Later he removed to Yorkville Township, in Racine County, and became identified with its agricultural development, while Thomas Acklam, the father of Edmund T. Acklam, carried on farming in Mount Pleasant Township.

Reared on the old homestead, Edmund T. Acklam pursued his education in the district schools and in 1901, when a young man of twenty-four years, began work at the orphan asylum, where he remained for five years and a half. He then came to Racine and in 1908 entered the employ of the firm of D. P. Wigley & Company, millers and wholesalers and retailers of milling, products. This business was established in 1895, when D. P. Wigley purchased the flour and feed business of Kent & Smith. From that beginning he developed the business into a large wholesale and retail enterprise, which from time to time has demanded larger quarters. The plant is thoroughly equipped with the most modern grinding machinery devices for the rapid handling of all cereal products and shipments are made in train-load quantities. Working his way-upward in connection with this firm Edmund T. Acklam was, in 1910, elected to the vice presidency of the company and is in charge of the Junction branch of the business. He has made himself thoroughly acquainted with every phase of the trade and his enterprise and sound business judgment are proving important elements in the continued growth and development of their trade connections.

In 1902 Mr. Acklam was married to Miss Maude Osburn, of Union Grove, a daughter of Stephen Osburn, one of the early settlers of Racine County who followed the occupation of farming. The only child of this marriage is F. Elva. Mr. Acklam belongs to the Royal Arcanum and his political allegiance is given to the Republican Party where national issues are involved, but at local elections he considers only the capability of the candidate without regard to his party affiliation. He belongs to the Commercial Club and the Junction Business Men’s Association and through those organizations co-operates in systematic effort for the advancement of the business interests and trade relations of Racine. His is a creditable career, for along well defined lines of labor, characterized by industry and integrity, he has won the prominent place which he now occupies.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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