Biography of Thomas Henry Acklam

Thomas Henry Acklam, who has been a lifelong resident of Racine County, now makes his home on section 35, Mount Pleasant Township, and since 1S92 has resided upon this place, which comprises one hundred and thirty-five acres. Its improvements are all the work of his hands and its excellent appearance indicates his careful supervision and progressive methods. From early boyhood his attention has been given to the work of the fields. He was born in Racine, August 29, 1852, and is a son of George W. and Harriett (Bean) Acklam. In his youthful days he attended the common schools and … Read more

Biography of William Wellborn Acklam

Throughout practically his entire life William Wellborn Acklam has been a resident of Racine County and from the age of fifteen years has been dependent upon his own resources, being therefore a self-made man. He was born July 27, 1854, of the marriage of George and Harriett (Bean) Acklam, and in his youthful days attended the common schools of Racine and afterward the district schools of Mount Pleasant Township, but his textbooks were put aside when he reached the age of fifteen and he started out in business on his own account. For two years he worked in the lumber … Read more

Biography of Edmund T. Acklam

Edmund T. Acklam, vice president of the firm of D. P. Wigley & Company, has advanced step by step in his business career until he has reached the place of responsibility and prominence which he now occupies. He was born in Racine County, October 7, 1877, a son of Thomas and Martha (Roskilly) Acklam, who were also natives of the same County. The paternal grandfather arrived in Racine during the pioneer epoch of the history of the county, while the maternal grandfather. Richard Roskilly, a native of England, established his home in Southport, now Kenosha, Wisconsin, in 1842. Later he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Acklam

The decade of the ’40s brought to southeastern Wisconsin many citizens who became permanent residents and were active in promoting conditions that have brought about present-day progress and prosperity. To this number belonged George Acklam, who arrived in Racine in 1849, being at that time a man of about thirty-two years, his birth having occurred in England in 1817. He pursued a common school education and there engaged in farming until 1848, when he determined to embrace the opportunities offered in the new world and crossed the Atlantic to the United States. For a year he resided in Adams County, … Read more