Wanapam Indians
Wanapam Indians were located in the bend of Columbia River between Priest Rapids and a point some distance below the mouth of Umatilla River, and extending east of the Columbia north of Pasco in the present state of Washington.
Wanapam Indians were located in the bend of Columbia River between Priest Rapids and a point some distance below the mouth of Umatilla River, and extending east of the Columbia north of Pasco in the present state of Washington.
Wallawalla Indians were located on the lower Wallawalla River, except perhaps for an area around Whitman occupied by Cayuse, and a short span along the Columbia and Snake Rivers near their junction, in Washington and Oregon. They are now on Umatilla Reservation, Oregon.
Swinomish Indians were located on the northern part of Whidbey Island and about the mouth of Skagit River in the present state of Washington.
Swallah Indians were located on Orcas Island and San Juan Island in the present state of Washington, and the group to which they belong.
Suquamish Indians were located on the west side of Puget Sound, according to Paige (1857) claiming the territory from Applegate Cove to Gig Harbor in the present state of Washington.
Squaxon Indians were located on North Bay, Puget Sound, Washington.
Spokan Indians were located on the Spokane and Little Spokane Rivers, southward to, and perhaps including, Cow Creek, and northward to include all of the northern feeders of the Spokane in the states of Idaho, Montana and Washington.
Snoqualmie Indians were located on Snoqualmie and Skykomish Rivers in the present state of Washington.
Snohomish Indians were located on the lower course of Snohomish River and on the southern end of Whidbey Island in the present day State of Washington.
Skin Indians were located on Columbia River from The Dalles to a point about 75 miles above in the present state of Washington.
Skilloot Indians were located on both sides of Columbia River above and below the mouth of Cowlitz River in present states of Oregon and Washington.
Skagit Indians were located on Skagit and Stillaguamish Rivers except about their mouths in the present state of Washington.
Senijextee Indians were located on both sides of the Columbia River from Kettle Falls to the Canadian boundary, the valley of Kettle River, Kootenay River from its mouth to the first falls, and the region of the Arrow Lakes, B. C. The Lake Indians on the American side were placed on Colville Reservation.
Semiahmoo Indians were located about Semiahmoo Bay in northwest Washington and southwest British Columbia.
Satsop Indians were located on Satsop River, a branch of the Chehalis, in Washington State.
Samish Indians were located on Samish Bay and Samish Island, Guemes Island, and the northwest portion of Fidalgo Island. The Samish were later placed on Lummi Reservation.
Sahehwamish Indians were located on the innermost inlets of Puget Sound in Washington state.
Quileute Indians were located on Quilayute River, on the west coast of Washington. They are now on the Quileutc and Makah Reservations.
Queets Indians were located on Queets River and its branches in Washington state.
Puyallup Indians were located at the mouth of Puyallup River and the neighboring coast, including Carr Inlet and the southern part of Vashon Island in the state of Washington.