Biography of John A. Lanman

John A. Lanman is one of the best known men in Wallowa County, and also in eastern Oregon, having spent a career of exceptional success in the capacity of rider of race horses in this section, while in his business enterprises since that time he has manifested talent and energy that have commended him to his fellows. John A. was born in Wayne County, Iowa, on October 23, 1859, being the son of William and Betsey (Dobson) Lanman, natives of Illinois. They soon removed to Iowa after their nuptials, about 1843, and twenty years subsequent to that time they crossed … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas R. Akins

One of the leading and well known citizens of Wallowa County is the gentleman whose name is at the head of this article and who is the operator of one of the important business industries of the county, being proprietor of the Enterprise hotel and is one of those who have been enterprising and up to date in the promotion of the welfare and interest of both the county seat and the county, being a man of good capabilities and energy. Mr. Akins was born in Missouri, in 1857, being the son of S. J. and Mary H. (Burns) Akins, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William H. Bacon

He has the distinction of being one of those who assisted in bringing the wilds of nature to well tilled farms and building thereupon comfortable homes in this section of the county, and much credit is due these worthy pioneers for this praiseworthy work. It is with pleasure that we accord to this gentleman representation in the history of Wallowa County, since he has done much towards the development of the county and the material progress since he has been here. His life of morality and uprightness has been an example in the community where he has resided and his … Read more

Biography of William H. Saylor, M.D.

William H. Saylor, M. D., was born in Wapello County, Iowa, August 17, 1843. His parents were Conrad G. and Mary A. (Black) Saylor. In 1852 he was brought by his parents across the plains to Oregon, and in the fall of that year arrived in Portland. In the succeeding spring the family went to Olympia, Washington Territory, remaining there until the summer of 1854 when they removed to a farm which his father had purchased in Rock Prairie. Here our subject lived until the breaking out of the Indian war of 1855 when the family, removed for protection to … Read more

Biography of William Wallace Spaulding

William Wallace Spaulding was born at Chalmsford, Massachusetts, near the city of Lowell, in 1839. He is of English descent, his ancestors having emigrated from England and settled in Chalmsford several generations ago. His early life was spent at home on a farm, during which period he received a good common school education which was supplemented by one year’s course of instruction at an academy in Mount Vernon, New Hampshire. After leaving school he went to Boston, where for four years he was employed in a butcher shop. He then purchased his employer’s business and conducted it for a year, … Read more

Biography of George B. Markle

Among the young business men of Portland none have exerted a more powerful influence toward advancing the material progress of the city during the past few years than George B. Markle. The various projects he has been largely instrumental in creating and successfully carrying out, have been far reaching in their wholesome effect upon the prosperity of Portland, and justly entitle him to a prominent place in the commercial and financial history of the city. He is a native of Pennsylvania, having been born in Hazleton, Lucerne county, on the 7th of October, 1857. Until the age of twelve he … Read more

Biography of William Strong

The name of William Strong is thoroughly associated with the judicature both of Oregon and Washington. His marked characteristics are indelibly impressed upon the system of law of both States, especially that of the latter. To long and distinguished service as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court and in the ex-officio character of Judge of, the District Courts in both States while they were Territorial Governments, must be added his connection with their legislation and also his brilliant career as a law practitioner, for over a generation, in all the Courts of both States. He was born at St. Albans, … Read more

Biography of Joseph Schoewaiter Smith

Joseph Schoewaiter Smith, was born in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, June 20, 1824. His ancestors at an early day emigrated from England and Wales and settled in New Jersey and their descendants are now scattered all over the United States. At the age of eight years he accompanied his parents to Clermont County, Ohio, and three years later to Vermilion County, Indiana. He received such education as a farmer’s boy of ambition could receive at that day in a pioneer neighborhood. During the summer he worked on the farm and in the winter attended such schools as the county afforded. He … Read more