Skin Indians. Taken from a town name.
Skin Connections. The Skin belonged to the Shahaptian division of the Shapwailutan linguistic stock.
Skin Location. On Columbia River from The Dalles to a point about 75 miles above.
Skin Villages
- Ka’sawi, on the Columbia opposite the mouth of Umatilla River.
- Skin, opposite the mouth of Deschutes River.
- Uchi’chol, on the north bank of the Columbia in Klickitat County.
- Waiya’mpam, about Celilo.
- Eneeshur is used by Lewis and Clark for part of the above people, perhaps all of them.
Skin Population. Mooney (1928) includes the Skin in a group under the general name Tapanash, which he estimates to have numbered 2,200 in 1780.