Biography of Doctor Horace Hatch

The son of Honorable Reuben and Eunice (Dennison) Hatch, was born at Tunbridge, Vermont, May 23, 1788. He was educated at Dartmouth College, where he graduated in 1814, and studied medicine at the same institution, receiving the degree of M. D. in 1817. He settled in the practice of his profession at Norwich the same year, where he pursued the active and laborious duties of a country physician for twenty years. He married January 9, 1821, Mary Yates, daughter of Thomas Smith. His children were born here. In the year, he built upon nearly the same ground where Captain Joseph Hatch had first fixed his abode, the brick dwelling house, now the residence of Mrs. Converse, widow of Doctor Shubael Converse, who in 1837 purchased the property and succeeded to the business of Doctor Hatch; the latter removing to Burlington, Vermont, where he prosecuted his profession for another period of twenty years. In 1861 Doctor Hatch accepted an appointment in the Treasury department at Washington where he continued about four years. While thus employed he rendered valuable service in visiting and relieving many sick and wounded Vermont soldiers in hospitals in and about Washington, whose days and nights of suffering were cheered by his kindly sympathy and by delicacies and comforts provided from his generous purse.

In 1865 he became a resident of New York City, where he died Oct. 28, 1873. Mrs. Hatch had died previous to his removal from Burlington. Doctor Hatch held a high standing as a physician and was distinguished for his benevolent and amiable disposition.

His son, A. S. Hatch, of the late banking house of Fisk and Hatch, was well known in financial circles in the metropolis, and throughout the country as a wealthy and public spirited citizen. In 1883-4 he was president of the New York Stock Exchange. He has devoted largely of his time and fortune to the establishment and support of city missions among the poor and destitute of the great city. Hon. Joseph D. Hatch of Burlington, and Albert G. Hatch, Esq., of Windsor, were younger brothers of Doctor Hatch.

Converse, Hatch, Smith, Yates,



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