1840 Census Index, Sterling, Lamoille County, Vermont

Name Page
Bages, Lownia 80
Baker, Arad 80
Baker, John 80
Bingham, Elijah 80
Black, Isaac H. 81
Brackett, Isaac 81
Bugbee, Olney 81
Bugh, Oliver 81
Childs, Artemas 80
Clark, Reuben 80
Darling, Bamack 80
Dike, Linus 81
Dike, William 80
Dike, Zedacster 80
Eaton, Ephraim 80
Eaton, Hartwell 80
Eaton, Moses 80
Gates, Nathan B. 80
Gragg, Mc Daniel 80
Gragg, Nancy 80
Kempbell, Asaph 80
Mosher, Silas 80
Paine, Amos 80
Pike, Samuel F. 81
Smith, Moses B. 80
Sonders, Oliver 81
Velars, Moses 80
Werner, Jonathan 80
Wilkens, Etha 81
Wilson, Huldah 80
Wilson, James 81

1840 Census,

Partridge, Dennis N. 1840 Census Index for Lamoille County Vermont © 2001. Web.

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