Slave Records

Louisiana Slave Records

Last Updated on April 19, 2023 by Dennis Knowing the Slave owners will help the researcher in finding records for Slave Ancestors. Hosted at LAUSGenWeb Archives of African American Genealogy Louisiana Slave Sales, 1800-1832 Mabry/Maybery Slave Records Maryland Slaves Sold to Louisiana Plantation Owners Emancipation Freeing Thomas Jackson from Slavery Carroll Parish Inventory of Nancy

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Alabama Slave Owners

Last Updated on April 19, 2023 by Dennis Many wills contained information about slaves.  Reading these wills may provide the reader with a clue on their ancestors. Statewide Alabama Slave Owners Slaves in the Records of the Monroe Session, North Alabama Presbytery – 1823-1827 Autauga County Alabama Slave Owners Slaves deeded from George Anderson to son William

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