E Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

EAGER,      Dwight F. of Woburn, and Rebecca Boyden, Oct. 8, 1834. EARL,      Elisha and Judith Eastea, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 17, 1831. EARLEY,      John and Mary W. Otis, Jan. 24, 1841. EASTEA (see Easty, Estes, Estey, Esty),      Judith of Sharon, and Elisha Earl, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 17, 1831. EASTMAN,      Eliza and Oliver C. Morse, Nov. 28, 1833. EASTY (see Estea, Estes, Estey, Esty),      Lucy and Joshua Lord, Nov. 4, 1804.      Samuel of Sharon and Elisabeth Hartshorn, Feb. 8, 1797. EATON,      Isaac of Wrentham, and Mrson Ruth Patridg, publishment of intention of marriage, May 30, 1776. … Read more

F Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

FAIRBARK (see Fairbanks),      George [publishment of intention of marriage, Fairbanks] of Dedham, and Polly [publishment of intention of marriage, Polley] Bragg, July 22, 1813.      Mary of Dedham, and Seth Ellis, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 30, 1806.      Sophia H. of W. Boylston, and Seth Chenery, publishment of intention of marriage, May 13, 1838. FAIRBANKS (see Fairbank),      Abner and Polley Tilden, publishment of intention of marriage, Oct. 25, 1818.      David of Deadham, and Lydia Fales, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 10, 1780.      Hannah of Wrentham, and Jacob Clap, publishment of intention of marriage, Jan. 30, 1774.      Ira and Susan … Read more

G Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

GANNETT,      John M. and Hannah Kingsbury, Apr. 2, 1837. GARDNER,      Betsey C., 26, and Pelig [publishment of intention of marriage, Peleg] Griffin, widower [publishment of intention of marriage, omits widower], July 15, 1849. GARSIDE,      John and Susan C. Carroll, May 2, 1837. GATES,      Charles E. and Harriett S. Wales, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 19, 1839. GAY,      Abigail and Francis Cole, Apr. 15, 1827.      Albert C., 20, s. Leonard and Pamelia, and Almira Smith, Sept. 24, 1844, in Framingham.      Almira and Phinehas Ellis, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 3, 1822.      Benjamin and Sarah Coney, Nov. 21, 1771.      Benjamin … Read more

H Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

HACKER,      George and Nancy H. Brown, publishment of intention of marriage, May 2, 1813. HADLEY (see Hadly),      Simon [publishment of intention of marriage, Hadly] and Bulah Lion [publishment of intention of marriage, Lyon], Nov. 15, 1750. HADLY (see Hadley),      Ann and Lemuel Asten, publishment of intention of marriage, Jan. 6, 1750-1. HAGER,      Sylvia, Mrson [publishment of intention of marriage, omits Mrson], and Samuel Johnson, Apr. 26, 1821. HALL,      Abigail and Abner Randall, Dec. 29, 1768.      Benjamin and Ruth Petty, Dec. 11, 1734. (Intention not recorded.)      Caleb and Mercy Rhoades [publishment of intention of marriage, Rhodes], Oct. 5, 1806.      Caroline and … Read more

I Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

IDE,      Patience [publishment of intention of marriage, of Attelburrough] and Joshua Allen, Dec. 11, 1766. INGRARAM (see Ingrom),      Chloe of Foxborough, and Ebenezer Bardens, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 14, 1791.      Chloe of Sharon, and Daniel Page, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 2, 1815.      George L., 21, of Cumberland, R. I., s. Otis and L. A., and Nancy A.      Butterworth, Oct. 14, 1846.      John and Lydia Hunt, May 21, 1823.      Lydia [publishment of intention of marriage, Ingram] and Willard Page, Oct. 27, 1818. INGROM (see Ingraham),      Judah and Benjamin Carrel, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 22, 1759.

A Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

ADAMS,      Almira and Joshua Stetson Jr., Aug. 27, 1823.      Deborah [publishment of intention of marriage, Debroah] and Edward Cleaveland, May 14, 1760.      Experance of Franklin, and Darius Morse, June 23, 1791. (Intention not recorded.)      Experience [publishment of intention of marriage, of Wrentham] and Samuel Guild [publishment of intention of marriage, Guilde], Dec. 29, 1758 [sic, 1757].      George of Wrentham, and Sarah Cleaveland, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 29, 1769.      George and Mrson Rebecca Pettee, [recorded between Apr. 4 and Apr. 26, 1787]. (Intention not recorded.)      Jonathan of Wrentham, and Olive Smith, publishment of intention of marriage, July 16, 1836. … Read more

Nehemiah Posey – Certificate of Marriage, 1777

Posey, Nehemiah, to Anna Posey, Decm. 15, 1777. By John Brantley, J. P. (Certificate) North Carolina Whereas Anna Posey hath this day applied to me for a Chatham County Certificate of Marriage contracted between her that S. Anna Posey and Nehemiah Posey of the same County of said State on the 7th day of June in the year of our Lord 1777. I do hereby Certify that on the day and date above mentioned Nehemiah Posey and Anna Trountham was lawfully Joined together in the Holy Estate of Matrimony. Certified before me this 15th day of Decm 1777. John Brantly, … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – O Surnames

OLDS (see Oles), Lucy of Otis, and Eli Peck of Lenox, Aug. 27, 1848.* C.R.1. Ozias [dup. Oles] and Cordelia Andrews, int. Oct. 4, 1837. OLES (see Olds), Newbury of Egremont, and Abigail Andrews, int. Jan. 10, 1838. Orrin W. of Sandisfield, and Jerusha A. Carier of Norfolk, Conn., Mar. 1, 1849.* C.R.1. OLMSTEAD (see Olmsted), Gideon and Ester Andrus, Feb. 4, 1788.* OLMSTED (see Olmstead), Samuel and Ireny Bunce, int. Aug. 17, 1788. ORCUT, Mary of Gt. Barrington, and Capt. Ezekiel Stone, int. Dec. 24, 1812. OSBORN, Clemina and Gamaliel Edwards, –.* P.R.4.

Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – F Surnames

FAILLIER, Margeurite of Pittsfield, and Olivier Pothier of Pittsfield, Mar. 30, 1848.* C.R.1. FAIRCHILD, Achsah E. of Alford, Berkshire Co., and William B. Fenn of Alford, Berkshire Co., Apr. 7, 1822.* FARNUM, Aurora of Gt. Barrington, and John Sanford, int. Aug. 30, 1808. FENN, William B. of Alford, Berkshire Co., and Achsah E. Fairchild of Alford, Berkshire Co., Apr. 7, 1822.* FINNA, Rhoda and Zenas Northway, int. Apr. -, 1788. FITCH, Ebenezer of Salisbury, and Harriot Hendrick, int. Jan. 21, 1811. Laura Ann and Nathaniel Warren, Oct. 7 [1830]. Laura Z., 18, d. William and Laura, and Aaron Arnold, widr., … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – K Surnames

KETCHUM, Polley of Stockbridge, and Levi Boughton, Oct. 5, 1785, in Stockbridge.* KILMER, Abraham and Elizabeth R. Wilkins, int. Feb. 4, 1843. KING, Ebenezer and Sevilla Benedict, int. Dec. 31, 1822. KINNE, Aaron and Harriett Hewins, int. Dec. 8, 1837. KNAPP, Mehitable and Martin Hendrick [int. Hendricks], Apr. 28, 1814.

Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – L Surnames

LAMBERT (see Lumbert). LANE, Abigail and Nathaniel Willson Jr., int. Mar. 27, 1797. Tryphena and Lt. Josiah Arnold, int. June -, 1807. LANG, Margaret of Gt. Barrington, and John Arnold of Gt. Barrington, May 13, 1848.* C.R.1. LARD, Martha [int. of Gt. Barrington] and John Rees, Nov. – [int. Nov. 9], 1794 LEE, Justin of Hillsdale, N.Y., and Sybil Smith, Feb. 5, 1818. LEECH, Ann of Curtisville, and John Noyle of New Preston, Conn., Oct. 29, 1844, at State Line.* C.R.1. LEET (see Leete), Sarah and Charles Dudley, int. May 13, 1837. LEETE (see Leet), Chauncey and Mary Ward, July … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – V Surnames

VAN DEUSEN (see Van Duesen), Lavinia and Aaron B. Barnes., Oct. 1, 1845, at State Line.* C.R.1. Richard of Stockbridge, and Mary Jane Walker of Gt. Barrington, Mar. 15, 1848.* C.R.1. VAN DUESEN (see Van Deusen), Amanda, 21, and Edwin Pixley, 24, tailor [written in pencil], of New Marlboro, Aug. 29, 1849.* [Van Deusen, C.R.1.] VANHORN (see Van Horne), James of Hillsdale, and Laura Pomeroy, int. Oct. 15, 1811. VAN HORNE (see Vanhorn), Julia Ann, d. James and Laura, and Sylvester Corydon Taylor, widr., laborer, Sept. 26, 1843.* VANKIRK, Michael of Sheffield, and Patty Fleming, Dec. 17, 1815.* VOSBURG, Mary … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – G Surnames

GALLOWAY, Isabel and Jonas Priest, Dec. 16, 1787.* GALUSHA, Nathaniel and Mehitable Hines, May 22, 1788.* GASTON, Martial T. and Miriam Snow, int. Aug. 20, 1837. GILBERT, Anne and Edmond Hull [int. Hall], Sept. 15, 1791. Intention not recorded. GILLET, Anne of Canaan, and Jacob Rees, int. Jan. 2, 1791. Sarah of Canaan, N.Y., and John Benton Jr., int. Feb. 5, 1792. GOODRICH, —, Miss, of Austerlitz, N.Y., and Darwin Stuart of Austerlitz, N.Y., Sept. 12, 1831.* C.R.1. GRENELL, Polly and Alvan Arnold, int. Aug. 23, 1813. [Grenwell 2d, m. Aug. 25, P.R.2.] GRIFFIN, Ebenezer L. [dup. Griffen] and Amanda … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – C Surnames

CADDING (see Codding), Achsah and Peter French, int. June 9, 1838. CALKINS (see Colkins). CALLENDER, Abner of Sheffield, and Mrs. Cornelia Birge of Chatham, N.Y., Mar. 27, 1844, at State Line.* C.R.1. CAPRON, Esther and Noadiah Woodruff, int. Jan. 8, 1791. CARIER, Jerusha A. of Norfolk, Conn., and Orrin W. Oles of Sandisfield, Mar. 1, 1848.* C.R.1. CHAMBERLAIN, Clarinda of Austerlitz, N.Y., and John Ford Jr., Jan. 18, 1844.* C.R.1. Jonathan and Emily Charlotte Niles, Sept. 9, 1821.* Mary E. of Stockbridge, and Edwin Lumbert of Stockbridge, June 25, 1846.* C.R.1. CHAMPION, Harriet of Gt. Barrington, and John L. Rich … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – D Surnames

DAVIS, Edwin of Stockbridge, and Marietta Binton of Stockbridge, Nov. 30, 1848.* C.R.1. DECKER, Tunis and Susanna Wilmath, int. Oct. 12, 1803. DEMING, John C. and Miranda Newell [int. Newel], Sept. 7, 1814. DEVEREUX, Theodore and Hannah Moffitt, May 27, 1790. DIBBLE, Elisha (Diblle) and Phebe Stone, int. Mar. 26, 1791. DRAKE, Polly [int. of Kingsdistrict] and William Cheny [int. Cheney], Jan. 14, 1789. DRESSER, Ezra of Stockbridge, and Sally Stone, int. Oct. 15, 1811. Francis 2d of Stockbridge, and Louisa E. Wentworth, Feb. 5, 1829.* DRYER, Allen Jr. and Esther Bullock of Stockbridge, int. Mar. —, 1795. Anne and … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – M Surnames

M’CLARIN, Hanah and Garet Easland, Feb. 20, 1787.* MERRELL (see Merrill), Seth of Sheffield, and Anne Moffitt, int. Nov. 3, 1800. MERRILL (see Merrell), Sarah B. of Pittsfield, and Lewis Thompson, int. Apr. 24, 1823. MESSENGER, Luna of Becket, and Michael Browillette of Springfield, Jan. 21, 1848.* C.R.1. MIGHLES (see Miles), Lucretia [int. Miles] of Stockbridge, and Isaac Rees, Mar. 31, 1795, in Stockbridge. MILES (see Mighles), Silvah of Stockbridge, and John Rees Jr., int. Apr. 28, 180o. MILLEN, Joel and Diadimmie Noteware, int. Nov. 28, 1812. MILLIGAN (see Milligen), Gilbert and Marrilla [dup. Marilla] Parish, int. Sept. 5, 1837. … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – R Surnames

RACE (see Rees), Andrew and Clary Stephens, Jan. 18, 1788.* RAWSON, Mary and Silas Barns Jr., int. Oct. 2, 1809. RAYNSFORD, Carmi of Sheffield, and Cynthia Fosket, Dec. 29, 1811. REED, Elkanah and Laura Crocker of Lee, int. Oct. 3, 1803. Polly and Ebenezer Piper, int. — [1795]. Polly and Milo M. Parrish, Dec. 18, 1832. Rhoda and Martin K. Hendrix, Feb. 18, 1847, at State Line.* C.R.1. Solomon and Polly French, int. May 1, 1798. Thomas 3d, 25, farmer, s. Solomon dec’d and Amy dec’d, and Jane S. Wilson, 24, d. Rufus and Joan, Jan. 1, 1846.* [Jane L. … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – W Surnames

WALKER, Mary Jane of Gt. Barrington, and Richard Van Deusen of Stockbridge, Mar. 15, 1848.* C.R.1. WALLACE, Tho[ma]s N. of New Marlboro, and Jane Rogers of New Marlboro, Apr. 11, 1848.* C.R.1. WALTERMIRE, Geo[rge] and Lydia H. Arnold, Mar. 21, 1839.* P.R.2. WARD, Clarissa and Nathaniel M. Fosket, Nov. 28, 1821.* Evilina and Hiram H. Bidwell, Jan. 27, 1831.* C.R.1. Mary and Chauncey Leete, July 27, 1832.* C.R.1. [July 1, P.R.4.] WARNER, Sarah of Stockbridge, and Obediah French, Jan. 14, 1790.* Thankful of Sandisfield, and Josiah Arnold, Jan. 23, 1787, in Sandisfield.* WARRINER, Gad N. (Narriner) of W. Springfield, and … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – H Surnames

HALE, Esther of Tyringham, and Thomas French, int. Dec. 28, 1816. [m. Jan. 1, 1817, P.R.3.] HALL, Edmond (see Edmond Hull). Gideon Jr., lawyer, of Winchester, Conn., and Lydia Louisa Fosket, 20, d. Nath[anie]l and Clarissa, Jan. 30, 1844.* HALSEY, Stephen W. and Mary L. Thompson, Apr. 4, 1843 HAMILTON, John, harness and trunk maker, of Albany, N.Y., and Agnes E. Morgan, 17 y. 6 m., d. Miles and Lucy, Aug. 24, 1843 HAMLIN, Joseph and Abigail Benton, Jan. 31, 1788.* HARMON, Gordan and Laura M. Barnes, int. Nov. 21, 1831. [Barns, m. Dec. -, C.R.1.] HART, Isaac of Stockbridge, … Read more