Work at Eutawville, South Carolina
Work at Eutawville, South Carolina
Work at Eutawville, South Carolina
The Last Bazaar
Work at Grahamville and Camden, South Carolina
Experiences During the Civil War
Membership Kershaw Ladies Aid Association
Work at Bethany Hospital and Abbeville, South Carolina
Women’s Activities at the Capital and Columbia, South Carolina
Charleston Wayside Hospital and Soldiers Depot
The Days that are Dead
South Carolina Women in the Confederacy
Recollections of the First Year of the War
Yankee Raid Through Anderson
William Henderson, blacksmith, Oakland; born in Gurnsey Co., Ohio, Sept 25, 1831, where he learned and worked at the blacksmith trade until the fall of 1858, When he emigrated West and located in Lawrence Co., Ill., where he followed his trade until 1862, when he enlisted as a private in the 60th I. V. I., and went forward to battle for the Union; he served with his regiment one year, when he was detailed as blacksmith in the Quartermaster’s Department at Chattanooga, Tenn., where he remained until the fall of 1865, when he returned and worked at his trade at … Read more
Josiah H. Busbey, book-keeper, Okaland; born in Coles Co., Ill., Jan. 6,1847, where he engaged in farming and attended school until Feb. 24, 1864, when, he enlisted in the 66th I. V. I., and went forward to battle for the Union; the 66th was composed of picked men from the various Northwestern States, elected for their skill and accuracy in handling the rifle, and in the army was known as the Western Sharpshooters; they always led the advance, and in important battles were detailed in squads to silence rebel bat-tries, which duty they often accomplished by their unerring aim, and … Read more
H. D. Williams, firm of Williams & Carter, merchants, Oakland; born in New York City Feb. 10, 1846; he emigrated West with his parents when 9 years of age and located in Edgar Co., Ill., where he attended school and engaged in farming until August, 1862, when he enlisted as private in the 66th I. V. I., and was immediately sent to the front; he was first engaged in the battle of Corinth, Miss., where his regiment suffered severely, losing fully one-third of its men in killed and wounded; he then went to Danville, Miss., where he remained nearly one … Read more
L. C. Thornton, farm implements, Postmaster, Oakland; one of the pioneers of Edgar Co., Ill.; born in Washington Co., Ind., Dec. 15, 1825; he removed with his parents in 1829, being then 4 years of age, and located in Edgar Co., Ill., where he attended school, and engaged in farming until Sept. 10, 1861, when he enlisted as private in Co. E, 66th I. V. I; this regiment was composed of picked men from the various Northwestern States, selected for their skill and accuracy in handling the rifle; the 66th was known in the army as the Western Sharp-shooters, and … Read more
W. H. Roberts, farmer, See. 9, T. 13, R. 14 W.; P. O. Kansas; born in Muskingum Co., Ohio, Oct. 17, 1840, where he followed farming until 20 years of age, when he emigrated to Illinois with his parents, and located in East Oakland Tp., Coles Co., on Sec. 6, where his father, Thomas Roberts, now lives; here he assisted his father farming until Aug. 8, 186,2, when he enlisted in the 79th I. V. I., and went forward’ to battle for the Union; going to Louisville, Ky., he joined the army of Gen. Buell, who had been driven back … Read more
S. A. Reel, physician and surgeon, farmer, stock-raiser and dealer in stock, Oakland; born in Gibson Co., Ind., May :3, 1829, where he attended school and engaged in farming until 18 years of age, when he taught school and studied medicine for two years in Missouri and Arkansas, when he cut a raft of lumber, which he took down the Mississippi River to New Orleans, and, after disposing of the same, he returned to Indiana, then to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he attended the Eclectic Medical School one term; in the fall of 1852, he located in Pleasant Grove Tp., Coles … Read more
James H. Pierson, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Oakland; born in Warren Co., Ohio, April 6, 1847, where he engaged in farming until Feb. 15, 1863, when, at the age of 15 years, he enlisted as private in Co. A, 12th Ohio V. I., and went forward to battle for the Union; he was in many hard-fought battles, among which were South Mountain, Antietam, 2d Bull Run, Winchester, Cedar Creek, Lynchburg and was with the 16th Army Corps under Gen, Hunter in front of Richmond; at the battle of Winchester, he was wounded and sent to the hospital for two … Read more
W. J. Peak, physician, surgeon and druggist, Oakland; born in Warsaw, Gallatin Co., Ky., April 3, 1836, where he devoted his whole attention to his studies until he attained his majority, the last four years exclusively to the study of medicine, graduating from the St. Louis Medical College in the winter of 1860; he immediately commenced the practice of medicine at Warsaw, Ky., for a short time, when, in the spring of 1861, he located in Johnson Co., Mo.; during the summer, and in the fall of the same year, he went to Texas, where he was placed, from force … Read more