Dakubetede Indians

The Dakubetede Indians were an Athapascan tribe located in Oregon, with their territory extending slightly into northern California. They were known by several names, including the Applegate River Indians due to their habitat, Ni’ckitc hitclûm by the Alsea, meaning “people far up the stream,” and Ts’û-qûs-li’-gwûût-me’ tunne by the Naltûnnetûnne. They spoke a dialect identical to that of the Taltushtuntude. The Dakubetede lived along the Applegate River, and in 1780, Mooney estimated that they, along with related groups, numbered around 3,200, though the Dakubetede themselves were not separately enumerated.

Kwalhioqua Indians

Kwalhioqua Indians were located on the upper course of Willopah River, and the southern and western headwaters of the Chehalis. Gibbs (1877) extends their territory eastward of the Cascades, but Boas (1892) doubts the correctness of this.

Kiowa Apache Indians

Kiowa Apache Indians. The name is derived from that of the Kiowa and from the circumstance that they spoke a dialect related to those of the better-known Apache tribes, though they had no other connection with them. Also called: Bad-hearts, by Long (1823). (See Kaskaias.) Cancey or Kantsi, meaning “liars,” applied by the Caddo to all Apache of the Plains, but oftenest to the Lipan. Essequeta, a name given by the Kiowa and Comanche to the Mescalero Apache, sometimes, but improperly, applied to this tribe. Gáta’ka, Pawnee name. Gǐnä’s, Wichita name. Gû’ta’k, Omaha and Ponca name. K’á-pätop, Kiowa name, meaning … Read more

Kuneste Tribe

Kuneste Indians (Wailaki: ‘Indian’). The southernmost Athapascan group on the Pacific Coast, consisting of several tribes loosely or not at all connected politically, but speaking closely related dialects and possessing nearly the same culture. They occupied the greater part of Eel River basin, including the whole of Van Duzen Fork, the main Eel to within a few miles of Round Valley, the south fork and its tributaries to Long and Cahto Valleys, and the coast from Bear River range south to Usal. Their neighbors were the Wishosk on the north, the Wintun on the west, and on the south the … Read more

Dakubetede Tribe

Dakubetede Indians. A group of Athapascan villages formerly on Applegate creek, Oregon.  The inhabitants spoke a dialect practically identical with that employed by the Taltushtuntede who lived on Gallice Creek not far from them.  They were intermarried with the Shasta, who, with the Takilman, were their neighbors.  With other insurgent bands they were removed to the Siletz reservation in 1856.

Chilula Tribe

Chilula Indians (Tsu-lu’-la, from Tsula, the Yurok name for the Bald hills.)  A small Athapascan division which occupied the lower (north west) portion of the valley of Redwood Creek, north California and Bald hills, dividing it from Klamath valley. They were shut off from the immediate coast of Yurok, who inhabited villages at the mouth of Redwood Creek.  The name of the Chilula for themselves is not known; it is probable that like most of the Indians of the region they had none, other than the word for “people”  above them on Redwood creek was the related Athapascan group known … Read more

Kwalhioqua Tribe

Kwalhioqua ( from Tkulxiyo-goa(‘ikc:kulxi, ‘at a lonely place in the woods’, their Chinook name.-  Boas) An Athapascan tribe which formerly lived on the upper course of Willopah river, western Washington.  Gibbs extends their habitat east into the upper Chehalis, but Boas does not believe they extended east of the Coast range.  They have been confounded by Gibbs and others with a Chinookan tribe on the lower course of the river called Willopah.  The place where they generally lived was called Nq!ul´was. The Kwalhioqua and Willopah have ceded their land to the United States .  In 1850 two males and several … Read more

Chetco Tribe

Chetco Indians (from Cheti, ‘close to the mouth of the stream’: own name.-  J.O. Dorsey). a group of former Athapascan villages situated on each side of the mouth of and about 14 miles up Chetco river, Oregon.  There were 9 villages, those at the mouth of the river containing 42 houses, which were destroyed by the whites in 1853, after which the Chetco were removed to Siletz Reservation, Tillamook County, Oregon.  In 1854 they numbered 63 men, 96 women and 104 children; total 262.  In 1877 only 63 resided on Siletz reservation.  These villagers were closely allied to the Tolowa … Read more

Tolowa Tribe

Tolowa Indians. An Athapascan tribe of extreme north west California. When first known they occupied the coast from the mouth of Klamath river nearly to the Oregon line, including Smith river valley and the following villages: Echulit, Khoonkhwuttunne, and Khosatumie of the Khaamotene branch, Chesthltishtunne, Tatlatunne, Ataakut, Meetkeni, Stuntusunwhott, Targhinaatun, Thltsusmetunne, and Turghestlsatun. They were gathered on a reservation in 1862, which was established on leased land, but it was abandoned in 1868, since which time the Tolowa have shifted for themselves. They are much demoralized and greatly reduced in numbers. Their language is unintelligible to the Hupa. In culture … Read more

Umpqua Tribe

Umpqua Indians. An Athapascan tribe formerly settled on upper Umpqua river, Oregon, east of the Katish.  Hale said they were supposed to number not more than 400, having been greatly reduced by disease.  They lived in houses of boards and mats and derived their sustenance mainly form the river.  In 1902 there were 84 on Grande Ronde Reservation, Oregon.  Their chief village was Hewut.  A part of them, the Nahankhuotana, lived along Cow Creek.  All the Athapascan tribes of south Oregon were once considered divisions of the Umpqua.  Parker named as divisions the unidentified Palakahy, the uncertain Skoton and Chasta, … Read more

Taltushtuntude Tribe

Taltushtuntude Indians. An Athapascan tribe or band that formerly lived on Galice Creek, Oregon.  They were scattered in the same country as the Takelma, whom they had probably overrun.  In 1856 they were removed to Siletz Reservation, where 18 survived in 1877.

Naltunnetunne Tribe

Naltunnetunne Tribe (‘people among the mushrooms’) An Athapascan tribe formerly living on the coast of Oregon between the Tututni and the Chetco.  They were not divided into villages and had a dialect distinct from that of the Tututni.  The survivors are now on the Siletz reservation, Oregon. numbering 77 in 1877, according to Victor

Navajo Tribe

Navajo Nation, Navajo Indians, Navaho Indians, Navaho Tribe (pron. Na’-va-ho, from Tewa Navahú, the name referring to a large area of cultivated lands; applied to a former Tewa pueblo, and, by extension, to the Navajo, known to the Spaniards of the 17th century as Apaches de Navajo, who intruded on the Tewa domain or who lived in the vicinity, to distinguish them from other “Apache” bands. Fray Alonso Benavides, in his Memorial of 1630, gives the earliest translation of the tribal name, in the form Nauajó, ‘sementeras grandes’ – ‘great seed-sowings’, or ‘great fields’. The Navajo themselves do not use … Read more

Tatsanottine Tribe

Tatsanottine Indians, Tatsanottine People, Tatsanottine First Nation (‘people of the scum of water,’ scum being a figurative expression for copper). An Athapascan tribe, belonging to the Chipewyan group, inhabiting the northern shares and eastern hays of Great Slave lake, Mackenzie Dist., Canada. They were said by Mackinzie in 1789 to live with other tribes on Mackenzie and Peace rivers. Franklin in 1824 said that they, had previously lived on the south side of Great Slave lake. Gallatin in 1836 gave their location as north of Great Slave lake on Yellow Knife river, while Back placed them on the west shore of Great … Read more

Lassik Tribe

Lassik (Las’-sik, the name of their last chief). A people of the Athapascan family formerly occupying a portion of main Eel River, Cal., and its east tributaries, Van Dozen, Larrabee, and Dobbin creeks, together with the headwaters of Mad River. They had for neighbors toward the north the Athapascan inhabitants of the valley of Mad River and Redwood Creek; toward the east the Wintun of Southfork of Trinity River; toward the south the Wailaki, from whom they were separated by Kekawaka Creek; toward the west the Sinkine on Southfork of Eel River. They occupied their regular village sites along the … Read more

Tututni Tribe

Tututni Indians. An Athapascan tribe or group of small tribes formerly occupying villages along lower Rogue River, Oregon, and on the coast north and south of its mouth. Parrish in 1854 located 8 bands on the coast and 3 on Rogue river.

Wailaki Tribe

Wailaki Indians (Wintun: ‘northern language’). An Athapascan tribe or group of many villages formerly on the main Eel River and its north fork from Kekawaka Creek to within a few miles of Round Valley, California. After some fighting with the whites they were placed on Round Valley Reservation, where a few of them still reside. Their houses were circular. They had no canoes, but crossed streams by weighting themselves down with stones while they waded. They lived by the river during the wet months of the year, when their chief occupation was fishing, done at especially favorable places by means … Read more

Hupa Tribe

An Athapascan tribe formerly occupying the valley of Trinity river, California from south fork to its junction with the Klamath, including Hupa valley.  They were first mentioned by Gibbs in 1852; a military post was established in their territory in 1855 and maintained until 1892; and a reservation 12 miles square, including nearly all the Hupa habitat, was set apart in Aug. 1864. The population in 1888 was given as 650; in 1900, 430; in 1905, 412. They are at present self-supporting, depending on agriculture and stock raising. When they first came in contact with the whites, in 1850, the … Read more

Navaho Indians

Navaho Indians, Navajo Indians. Located in northern New Mexico and Arizona with some extension into Colorado and Utah. With the Apache tribes, the Navaho formed the southern division of the Athapascan linguistic family.