Tututni Tribe

Tututni Indians. An Athapascan tribe or group of small tribes formerly occupying villages along lower Rogue River, Oregon, and on the coast north and south of its mouth. Parrish in 1854 1 located 8 bands on the coast and 3 on Rogue river. The gentile system prevailed among them, men marrying outside of their own villages, and a child belonging to the village of its father; yet they can not be considered as one tribe, as villages warred one upon another without violation of national unity or tribal sentiment 2. The Tututni were removed to Siletz Reservation as prisoners of war in 1850. They formerly practiced polygamy, widows being buried alive in the graves of their deceased husbands 3. In 1854 4 the total population was 1,311, consisting of 448 men, 490 woolen, 205 boys, and 168 girls. According to Parrish the bands were:

  • Nasohmah (Nasumi, a Kusan village)
  • Chocreletan (Chocrelatan),
  • Quahtomah (Kwatami)
  • Cosuttheutun (Kwasatthlkhuntunne)
  • Euquachee (Yukichetunue)
  • Yahshnte (Chemetnune)
  • Chetlessentun (Chetlesiyetuuue)
  • Wishtenatin (Khwaishtunnetunne)
  • Cheattee (Chetco)
  • Tototin (Tutntunne)
  • Mackanotin (Mikonotunne)
  • Shistakoostee (Chastacosta)

Dorsey gave the following list of former bands or villages on the coast north of Rogue river:

  • Chemetunne
  • Kaltsergheatunne
  • Kosotshe
  • Kwatami
  • Kthukhwuttunne
  • Kwusathlkhuntunne
  • Natutshltunne
  • Niletunne
  • Yukichetunne

The following were on both banks:

  • Chetlesiyetunne
  • Etaatthatunue
  • Kunechuta
  • Kushetunne
  • Mikonotunne
  • Targheliichetunne
  • Targhutthotunne
  • Testthitun
  • Thethlkhuttunne
  • Thechuntunne

On or near the coast south of Rogue river were the following:

  • Aanetun
  • Chetleschantunne
  • Enitunne
  • Khainanaitetunne
  • Kheerghia
  • Khwaishtunnetunne
  • Nakatkhaitunne
  • Natthutunne
  • Nuchumatuntunne
  • Sentethltun
  • Skumeme
  • Tsetintunne
  • Tsetnttunne

Kuthntetmetseetuttun was on the coast just north of Rogue river.


  1. Ind. Aff. Rep. 1854, 495, 1855[]
  2. Dorsey in Jour. Am. Folk-lore, iii, 232, 1890[]
  3. Everette, Tutu M. vocab., B. A. F 1883[]
  4. Ind. Aff. Rep. 1854, 495, 1855[]

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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