Biography of Thos. S. Glover

Thos. S. Glover was born in Troupe County, Georgia, in the year 1836, and migrated with his parents to the state of Mississippi. When only a boy he came to Texas with his uncle William Glover in the year 1845, and stopped for a time in Harrison County, and in the fall of the same year moved to Hopkins County. Thomas was only ten years of age at this time. They settled near where the old town of Tarrant was located.

Mr. Glover relates many incidents of early life in Texas. It was at this old town that he first met Miss Ruth Lindley, a daughter of Uncle Eli and Sallie Lindley. Their first meeting was attended with some romance. An acquaintance was cultivated, which resulted in their marriage. From this union fourteen children were born, eleven are living. They are six girls and five boys. Five of these children are living at the home of their parents. They are all healthy, well born children. When Mr. Glover came into Hopkins County it was almost an uninhabited wilderness. But little attention was given to the law, though there was an organized court held at the county site. The pioneer citizens had no patience with thieves, thugs and evil doers.

When a horse-thief was caught stealing or in possession of property not his own, no redress was sought by the law. He was immediately swung up on the most convenient limb, and that was the last of the transaction. They stole no more, of course. The author has seen three horse-thieves, each minus one ear, hanging to one huge tree in a deep forest growth. This gruesome sight was not pleasant to behold. Every citizen was a law unto himself. The bowie knife and pistol were his bodyguards. These weapons were a part of his dress, and nearly all disputes were settled by one or the other of them. Men had to be men and stand up like men among men. A coward was not recognized by the ladies, but a man was rewarded and appreciated by them for brave and courageous deportment. William Glover had employed Mr. Fanning to haul a load of salt from Grand Saline. When the salt was delivered Glover paid Fanning for his services, and Fanning expressed satisfaction. Upon the return from a buffalo hunt in which they were all successful Mr. Fanning demanded more pay. Glover refused and attempted to reason with Fanning, but to no good effect. Fanning said: “My name, sir, is Hugh J. Fanning. I am a blood cousin to General Fanning of Alamo fame, and I fear no man on earth.” Mr. Glover replied: I am not related to General Fanning of Alamo fame, but, sir, I am not a coward when it becomes necessary for me to act in defense of what I know to be right.”

Fanning immediately left Glover and returned in the afternoon armed with a rifle gun, a six-shooter and an ugly bowie knife. Mr. Glover was at his wagon with his family when Mr. Fanning came up. Mrs. Glover, observing Fanning’s, approach, ran to her husband’s side and begged and prayed to Fanning not to kill her husband. Fanning walked coolly around the wagon in order to get a better view of his intended victim. During this time Glover had taken from the side of his wagon a single barrel flint and steel shotgun. Fanning shot at Glover, but missed his aim, his shot taking effect in the clothing of Mrs. Glover’s infant child, which she had carried all this time in her arms. Quite a large hole was shot through the infant’s clothing. Glover then shot, and killed Fanning on the spot. The last words he ever spoke were: “Bill, you have killed me.” This incident occurred just across the county line and not in Hopkins County. Mr. Glover tells of an exciting bear chase in which Sam Bromley was sent for with his dogs Old Trimbush and other dogs. The bear was caught, carried to old Tarrant, dressed, weighed and divided. It was the custom of the hunters to have the owners of the dogs fire the first shot. On this occasion this rule was violated, so the hunter who fired the first shot was called up to treat the entire crowd, which he did, the hunters filling their Spanish gourds with liquor, and going to their respective homes with bear meat and whisky.



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