Biography of Thos. S. Glover

Thos. S. Glover was born in Troupe County, Georgia, in the year 1836, and migrated with his parents to the state of Mississippi. When only a boy he came to Texas with his uncle William Glover in the year 1845, and stopped for a time in Harrison County, and in the fall of the same year moved to Hopkins County. Thomas was only ten years of age at this time. They settled near where the old town of Tarrant was located. Mr. Glover relates many incidents of early life in Texas. It was at this old town that he first … Read more

Slave Narrative of Mrs. Celestia Avery

Interviewer: Ross Person Interviewed: Celestia Avery Location: Georgia Place of Birth: Troupe County, LaGrange GA Age: 75 “A Few Facts Of Slavery” As Told By Celestia Avery—ex-Slave [MAY 8 1937] Mrs. Celestia Avery is a small mulatto woman about 5 ft. in height. She has a remarkably clear memory in view of the fact that she is about 75 years of age. Before the interview began she reminded the writer that the facts to be related were either told to her by her grandmother, Sylvia Heard, or were facts which she remembered herself. Mrs. Avery was born 75 years ago … Read more