Biography of G. L. Stacy

Last Updated on March 18, 2012 by

G. L. Stacy was born in Williamson County, Tennessee, in the year 1825. He married Mary Bell in his native state when he was twenty-two years of age. In the year 1857 he came to Hopkins County, and began the business of farming, and has pursued this business all his life. Mr. Stacy has five children living, three of whom live in Hopkins County. Lark, his oldest son, married Miss Neely Earnest, the stepdaughter of Dr. Stark, a Baptist preacher; Miss Ellen married Mat Baker; Miss Dollie married Eff Kimmins, and lived upon their father’s farm. Mr. Stacy has lived an exemplary life sober, honest, industrious and just in all the relations of life. He has accumulated means sufficient to give his boys a good home, which they appreciate. He has assisted his girls in many ways. His companion, whom he married at the age of sixteen, still lives to cheer and brighten her husband in the declining days of his life. She is hale and hearty, and presents the appearance of one of long life. Very recently his sister who has lived for a lifetime at the old Tennessee home visited her brother in Hopkins County. The brother and sister had not seen each other since they separated at the old home, away back in Tennessee, forty-nine years ago. Mr. Stacy did not recognize his sister. Age had wrinkled her brow and furrowed her cheek, which was smooth and fair when they last saw each other. On recognizing his sister his emotions overcame him and he gave way to a flood of tears. She remained with her brother for a week and then returned to her home, which is now in Collin County, Texas.

Mr. Stacy is a member of the Baptist church, and has lived a religious and consistent life. His family are members of the church of their father’s choice, which is a source of much pleasure and satisfaction to their parents. Mr. Stacy has endeavored to use his talents in the interest of good morals and good citizenship. His home has been one of generosity and hospitality. His invitations to friends on public occasions are never limited. Everybody is welcome at his house, and all are aware of the fact. He has ever been ready to assist in any enterprise that would benefit his county, a liberal supporter of schools and other improvements for his neighborhood. He is seventy-eight years of age, and while the shadows are closing around him he feels that he has nothing to fear.



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