1757, July 11, Fort Loudown Letter 3

Last Updated on November 9, 2012 by

May it Please your Excellency

On the 2d Instant M. Grim arrived here with 99 Head of Catle, they are the best brought up yet and deserves to be continued in the Imploy.

I have sent Patrick Troy and Patrick Gallahan with 20 Horses to be Loaden with Salt, and as Salt is an Ariticle much made use of here I have order’d Henry Gallman to sent two waggons to Town to be Loaden with 50 bushels Salt, And if the Ozenbrigs and plains I wrot for in my former is not sent, it may be Loaden in the waggons.

There is Bread Kind in Store and on the Road Suffitient to Serve to the 1 of December next. Inclosd a List of Certificates Ifsued since my former, I Shall be oblidged to Ifsue for Small sums for want of Cash here, I a with due Respect

Your Excellencys

Most humble and most Obedient Servant

John Chevillette

History, Letters,

Lyttelton, William Combe Baron Thomas Lyttelton. Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas. 1812.

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