Biographical Sketch of W. B. Newton

W. B. Newton, Postmaster, blacksmith and farmer, Section 2, P. O. Arizona, is a native of Chautauqua County, N. Y.; came to Barry County, Mich., in 1851; came to Tekamah, Neb., in 1857; the following year removed to his present locality. He owns 267 acres of land; about two hundred twenty of this he has improved. In 1868, he opened a general store; continued this business till 1879, when he sold out to Mr. Ellis. He was appointed Postmaster in 1869, which office he still holds. He opened a blacksmith shop in 1865, which he has since continued. He owns … Read more

Migration of Families out of Norwich VT

At the first enumeration of the inhabitants of eastern Vermont, as made by the authority of New York in 1771, Norwich was found to be the most populous of all the towns of Windsor County, having forty families and 206 inhabitants. Windsor followed with 203, and Hartford was third with 190. The aggregate population of the county (ten towns reported) was then but 1,205, mostly confined to the first and second tiers of towns west of the Connecticut River. Twenty years later, in 1791, Hartland led all the towns of the county with 1,652 inhabitants, Woodstock and Windsor coming next … Read more

Selina Minerva Todd Newton of Wolcott CT

NEWTON, Selina Minerva Todd8, (Ezra L.7, Ezra L.6, James5, James4, James3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 27, 1832, in Wolcott, Conn., died Feb. 17, 1911, married Nov., 1853, Joseph Newton, who was born April, 1822, died June 29, 1901. Children: I. Jennie Augusta, b. Feb., 1855, m. John M. Baldwin, who was of Woodbridge, Conn., and had issue: (1) Lena May, b. Sept. 20, 1877, d. Aug. 17, 1878; (2) Harry Miles, b. Sept. 15, 1879, d. April 2, 1908; (3) Edith A., b. March 18, 1883, m. May 16, 1906, Arthur S. Butler; (4) Clarence Joseph, b. May 18, 1889; … Read more

The Wilson Family, Somerset and Barter Hill Branch

The Wilson family, Somerset and Barter Hill branch

In the preparation of “The Wilson family, Somerset and Barter Hill branch” I have discovered two lists of the names of the sons and daughters of Col. Ben and Ann Seay Wilson of “Somerset” in Cumberland County, Virginia, in addition to the list found in my father’s notes. None of these was arranged in the same chronological order. It was my good fortune in 1915 to find the Bible, claimed to be the Bible of Col. Ben and Ann Seay Wilson of “Somerset” in Cumberland County, Virginia. At that time this was in the hands of Miss Clementine Reid Wilson, Col. Ben’s great-granddaughter, and it was my privilege to copy, with the aid of a reading glass, for the ink was badly faded, the names of their children from that Bible in the same chronological order in which they were recorded. This chronological order, and military records found, support each other. I therefore believe that this sketch contains the most accurate chronological list of Col. Ben’s and Ann Seay Wilson’s children to be found outside of his Bible.

Families of Ancient New Haven

Four Corners New Haven Connecticut

The Families of Ancient New Haven compilation includes the families of the ancient town of New Haven, covering the present towns of New Haven, East Haven, North Haven, Hamden, Bethany, Woodbridge and West Haven. These families are brought down to the heads of families in the First Census (1790), and include the generation born about 1790 to 1800. Descendants in the male line who removed from this region are also given, if obtainable, to about 1800, unless they have been adequately set forth in published genealogies.

Newton, Donald – Obituary

Haines Boy Drowns In Old Cesspool Neighbors and friends of the Lee Newton family of Haines were shocked Wednesday afternoon when news of the death of their five-year old son was learned. The lad was found shortly after he was missed, in an old cesspool in front of the Tom Smith residence. He had been with his father, an employee of the Haines Lumber Company, but a few minutes before and was evidently on his return to the home when he crossed a cesspool connected with the plumbing in the Smith residence. The covering broke through and little Donald came … Read more

Partridge Family of Norwich Vermont

Samuel Partridge, Sr., was born in Preston, Connecticut, in 1721. He married Ruth Woodward, and with her and seven of their children (one son remaining in Connecticut to care for the “old folks”) came to Norwich for a permanent settlement about 1765, and settled on a hill farm about one mile west from Norwich village, which farm remained in the possession of the Partridge family for three generations, until sold by the representatives of the estate of Abel Partridge, of the third generation, to the late Deacon John Dutton, who demolished the old mansion. The farm is now owned by … Read more

First Settlements in Norwich Vermont

Having glanced thus briefly at the action of the Norwich proprietors in opening a way to reach their new township in the wilderness, and in dividing up a portion of its surface into lots suitable to become the homesteads of future settlers, let us pause a moment and see what had meantime been done in the work of actual settlement. I am indebted to Rev. Edmund F. Slafter of Boston for an interesting account of what was unquestionably the first attempt at settlement made within the limits of the town. I quote from the Slafter Memorial: “Samuel Slafter [of Mansfield, … Read more

Biography of James Hale Newton

When a man’s manifold activities in the field of banking, building, and general business win for him the title of “Grand Old Man,” his place as leader is firmly established. Thus was James Hale Newton regarded in Holyoke, Massachusetts. He was of a long-established New England family, which originated in England. The pioneer ancestor was Richard Newton, who settled in Massachusetts in 1638, and afterward was admitted as freeman of the colony. For many years he lived in Sudbury, then settled in Marlborough, where with eight others he founded the township, and died’ there when nearly a hundred years old, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ivah Newton

Ivah Newton, born in Phillipstown, Mass., came to Hinsdale when a young man, married Sally, daughter of Daniel Rugg, one of the pioneers of the town, and settled in the northeastern part, where Hosea Butler now lives. He was the father of seven children, only three of whom are now living. Albert G., eldest son of Ivah, married first Emily Ide, who was the mother of his nine children. For his second wife he married widow Ruth Wood, of Templeton, Mass. Mr. Newton finally settled on the farm his son Rawson H. now occupies. Here he passed the latter thirty … Read more

The genealogy and history of the Ingalls family in America

The genealogy and history of the Ingalls family in America

Edmund Ingalls, son of Robert, was born about 1598 in Skirbeck, Lincolnshire, England. He immigrated in 1628 to Salem, Massachusetts and with his brother, Francis, founded Lynn, Massachusetts in 1629. He married Ann, fathered nine children, and died in 1648.

Marriage records of Liberty County Georgia, 1785-1895

Marriage records of Liberty County, Georgia, 1785-1895

These marriage records were abstracted from unbound marriage bonds and licenses in the Liberty County Courthouse, Hinesville, Georgia. The names were copied as they were spelled on the bonds, often barely legible and often spelled differently on the same bond. Sometimes the marriages were performed before the licenses were issued. The first date given in the abstracts is the date of the license or bond; the second is the date of marriage. The following abbreviations are used in these abstracts with the meaning indicated:

History of Adair County Iowa and its People – vol 2

History of Adair County, Iowa, and its people vol 2 title page

Back in 1915, Lucian Moody Kilburn, was engaged to write a history of Adair County Iowa by the Pioneer Publishing Company of Chicago Illinois, he then being at that time a resident of the county for 50 years. The manuscript was divided into two volumes. This volume, numbered 2, provides biographical sketches of 348 leading men and women of the County of Adair including many of its founding families. You can read or download the free eBook from this website.

Newton Family Cemetery, El Dorado, Arkansas

A cemetery transcription of the Newton Family Cemetery in El Dorado, Union County, Arkansas Highway 82 about 3 miles east of El Dorado about 200 ft. south of the highway right of way on what is known as the Old Dunbar Place. Gravestones Canvassed, 22 Feb. 1961, by Annie Laurie Spencer & Mary Spencer Riley (non-member). Submitted to Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, El Dorado, Branch, Genealogical Committee. NEWTON Harrell, b. 1 Sept. 1818, d. 20 July 1866. Not on marker, but was born in Ala. according to 1850 Union Co. census. Penelope, b. 17 Oct. 1855, … Read more