Biography of J.P. Morelock

Among the promising and capable business men of Wallowa must be mentioned the enterprising and active gentleman, whose name is at the head of this article and who is well and favorably known in all parts of this section, being commended to his fellows by his affability and excellent capabilities, that have been manifested as characteristic of him in a successful career of business, since he has been domiciled within our county. A native son of the northwest, being born in the Grande Ronde valley, the date thereof being September 23, 1872. His parents, E.B. and Rebecca J. Morelock, were … Read more

Biography of Edward B. Morelock

EDWARD B. MORELOCK. – As one of the oldest pioneers of the Grande Ronde valley, and a wel-known citizen, the subject of this article appears today, having discharged the duties incumbent upon him in both public and private life during the long years that have intervened since he has domiciled here, in a manner that betokens the excellent capabilities of which he is possessed as well as with manifestation of those stanch qualities that are a concomittant part of the upright man and loyal citizen. From the state whence come so many of our best citizens, came also the subject … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward B. Morelock

EDWARD B. MORELOCK. – Mr. Morelock was born in Missouri in 1845. While but a child of two years he suffered the loss of his father, who, as sheriff of Sullivan County, was killed by the owner of property that he was selling under execution. Upon the outbreak of the Rebellion, Edward, a youth of sixteen, joined the Missouri state militia, and in 1863 and enlisted in the Forty-second Missouri Volunteer Infantry, wherein he served until the end of the war. In 1865 he crossed the plains to Oregon, locating near Summerville in Union county, where he took a claim … Read more

Morelock, James – Obituary

James Morelock Funeral Will Be Held Wednesday  Funeral services for James P. Morelock, who died unexpectedly early Monday morning, will be held a 1:30 o’clock tomorrow afternoon at the Snodgrass and Zimmerman mortuary. Dr. Henry Marcotte, of the Presbyterian church will officiate. The Stanley lodge, A. F. & A. M., of Wallowa, of which he was a life member, will have charge of the grave services at the Summerville cemetery. Mr. Morelock was a native of Union county. He was born in Summerville Sept. 23, 1872 and was 65 years, one month and 9 days of age. He resided in … Read more