Abstracts of Wills on File in the City of New York Surrogate’s Office 1660-1680

Sample Last Will and Testament

Abstracts of wills on file in the surrogate’s office city of New York 1660-1680. From May 1787 to the present, county surrogate’s courts have recorded probates. However, the court of probates and court of chancery handled estates of deceased persons who died in one county but who owned property in another. An 1823 law mandated that all probates come under the jurisdiction of the county surrogate’s courts. Each surrogate’s court has a comprehensive index to all probate records, including the unrecorded probate packets. Interestingly enough, there are wills existing and on record at the Surrogate’s Office in New York City for the time-span of 1660-1680. Genealogical extracts of these wills have been provided below.

Will of Edward Jessup – 1666

EDWARD JESSUP, Westchester. “Being sicke and weake,” leaves to daughter Elizabeth Hunt 20 shillings, “besides what I have already given her.” To daughter Hannah Jessup £35, to be paid when at age of 18. Legacies to son Edward, to grand-child Mary Hunt, to cousin, Johana Burroughs, and to Derrick Garrison. Makes wife, Elizabeth, sole executrix, and leaves her all lands, houses, and goods, and “she is to bring up my two children in the fear of God.” “I appoint my well beloved friends, Richard Cornhnl, Justice of the Peace, Mrs. Sarah Bridges, my brother-in-law John Burrows, and Ralph Hunt over-seers … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Davis W. Jessup

DAVID W. JESSUP was born February 21, 1836, in Logan County, Ky.; his parents were Acey W. and Sarah (Johnston) Jessup. The father was a farmer; his death occurred in 1866, aged sixty; the mother died in November, 1857, aged forty. They were both reared in Logan County, and had seven children, four now living. David W. began life for himself at the age of twenty-one; he rented a farm for several years, and ‘in 1874 he came to his present location; he owns 110 acres of land, about thirty-five acres of which are well improved; this has been done … Read more

Biographies of Western Nebraska

History of Western Nebraska and its People

These biographies are of men prominent in the building of western Nebraska. These men settled in Cheyenne, Box Butte, Deuel, Garden, Sioux, Kimball, Morrill, Sheridan, Scotts Bluff, Banner, and Dawes counties. A group of counties often called the panhandle of Nebraska. The History Of Western Nebraska & It’s People is a trustworthy history of the days of exploration and discovery, of the pioneer sacrifices and settlements, of the life and organization of the territory of Nebraska, of the first fifty years of statehood and progress, and of the place Nebraska holds in the scale of character and civilization. In the … Read more

Ancestry of Thomas Beatty Inness of Brockton Massachusetts

Old Families of Southeastern Massachusetts

Thomas Beatty Inness, of Brockton, one of that city’s enterprising and progressive citizens, is a native of Pennsylvania, born at Pottsville March 4, 1848, only son of the late James A. and Mary Williams (Beatty) Inness, and a descendant of sturdy Scotch-Irish.

Descendants of Leonard Crocker Couch of Taunton MA


COUCH (Taunton family). The family bearing this name at Taunton whose representative head is now Leonard Crocker Couch, Esq., who since boyhood has been a resident of the city, occupied in mechanical and business lines, and for years one of the substantial men and useful citizens of the community, is one of long and honorable standing in the neighboring State of Connecticut and of distinction in our country. And through its Taunton alliance of a generation ago – that of Maj. Gen. Darius Nash Couch, of Civil war fame, the father of the present Leonard Crocker Couch just alluded to … Read more