R. Thornton Hood

Cadet, Aviation Squadron; of Lenoir County; son of J. E. and Pauline Hood. Entered service Jan. 17, 1918, at Atlanta, Ga. Sent to Camp S. M. A. Austin, Texas. Transferred to Camp Dick, Texas, from there to Southern Field, Ga., Oct. 20, 1918. Enlisted Jan. 17, 1918, went into service June 1, 1918. Mustered out at Southern Field, Texas, Dec. 5, 1918.

Biographical Sketch of James Hood

James Hood, farming and stock; P. O. Arcola; the subject of this sketch was born in West Union, Adams Co., Ohio, Oct. 29, 1834. He married Miss Sarah E. Willson Jan. 1, 1861; she was born in Adams Co., Ohio; they have seven children, viz., John E., Mary S., Sarah B., James W., Annie E., Robert B. and Clara Dell. His father was engaged in general merchandise, and he assisted in the business until he was about 26 years of age; he then came West and herded cattle in this neighborhood for one year; he then went back to Ohio … Read more

Robert B. Hood

Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engineers, 30th Div.; son of W. T. and Mrs. Rosemond B. Hood; of Mecklenburg County. Entered service April 24, 1917, at Charlotte, N.C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C., then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Was in all engagements with the 105th Engineers. Promoted to Corpl. July 11, 1917. Returned to USA April 13, 1919. Mustered out April 18th at Camp Jackson, S. C.

Ralph W. Hood

Was called into limited service in the medical department at Rock Hill, S. C., Sept. 4, 1918, and sent to Camp Greenleaf, Ga. On Sept. 24, 1918, he was dispatched with a body of men to duty at USA General Hospital No. 16, New Haven, Conn. Private Hood served three months at duty in the medical department and because of physical disability was placed in the hospital for three months for observation and treatment. On April 1, 1919, he was returned to duty and immediately attached to the Quartermaster Corps, and two months later he was promoted to Sergt. and … Read more

Hood Genealogy

The Hood genealogy does not embrace all the families descended from Richard Hood, but only that succession in which the compiler of this work is found. She is indebted to a little book called “A Genealogy of Richard Hood, by Rev. George Hood and once owned by Richard Hood of Danversport for the record from Richard Hood to Josiah Moulton Hood, her grandfather. The details-names and dates, intervening-as well as the record of that succession in which the family of the above Richard Hood of Danversport is found can be seen in the little book referred to.

Descendants of Matthew Watson of Leicester, Massachusetts

Watson Coat of arms

Matthew Watson (d. 1720), of English lineage, married Mary Orr in 1695, and in 1718 the family immigrated from Ireland to Boston, Massachusetts and settled in Leicester, Massachusetts. Descendants and relatives lived in New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Nebraska, Rhode Island, California, Nevada, Michigan and elsewhere. Includes Watson, Armington, Bemis, Denny, Draper, Kent, Washburn, Bailey, Barnard, Belcher, Bent, Biscoe, Bolles, Breckenridge, Bright, Browning, Bryant, Bullock, Burrage, Dennis, Fisher, Foster, Green, Hayward, Hobbs, Hodgkins, Holman, Howard, Jenks, Jones, Kellogg, Kitchell, Knight, Lazelle, Livermore, Loring, Mason, Maynard, Munger, Patrick, Prouty, Remington, Reed, Rice, Richardson, Rogers, Sadler, Sibley, Snow, Sprague, Stone, Studley, Symonds, Taitt, Thomas, Thompson, Trask, Tucker, Waite, Webster, Westcott, Wheeler, Whittermore, Wilson, Woods and related families.

Lowell Massachusetts Genealogy

1894 Map of Lowell

Tracing ancestors in Lowell, Massachusetts online and for free has been greatly enhanced by the University of Massachusetts in Lowell which provided digitized version of a large quantity of the Lowell public records. Combined with the cemetery and census records available freely online, you should be able to easily trace your ancestors from the founding of Lowell in 1826 through 1940, the last year of available census records. To add color to the otherwise basic facts of your ancestors existence we provide free access to a wide range of manuscripts on the history of Lowell, it’s manufactures and residents.