Hood Genealogy

The Hood genealogy does not embrace all the families descended from Richard Hood, but only that succession in which the compiler of this work is found. She is indebted to a little book called “A Genealogy of Richard Hood, by Rev. George Hood and once owned by Richard Hood of Danversport for the record from Richard Hood to Josiah Moulton Hood, her grandfather. The details-names and dates, intervening-as well as the record of that succession in which the family of the above Richard Hood of Danversport is found can be seen in the little book referred to.

Previous to the year 1650, RICHARD HOOD came from Lynn Regis, Norfolk County, England, and settled on what is now called Nahant, at Lynn, Massachusetts. He owned that peninsula. A house, with a large elm tree before it, now stands on the original site.

Persecution drove him to this country, and tradition says, like many others, he was compelled to forfeit most of his large property.

The settlement of his estate shows him to have been in good circumstances, leaving to each of his thirteen children a respectable portion. One brother came with him; but whether more than one is uncertain. It is possible there were two-John, who settled in Kittery, in Maine, before 1652, and perhaps one in Boston. But this is not probable, inasmuch as the names of Richard and John only are found on the old records.

Spafford/Spaffard Letter

This letter was found among the pages of the book.

Georgetown July 1915

Dear Charlie

Received your letter and you will find everything that I know about your Spafford** ancestry in the Spaffard** book but you are one generation nearer on my side. At my Grandfather Richard Hood on Wenham was a soldier in the war and fought in the battle on Lexington and the old gun that you now own, was the gun he carried. There is some marks on the bix end that was made as he had an encounter with one of the enemy and need to defend himself.

My Father Samuel Hood born in Wenham Nov. 8, 1785, Married Phobe Wood of Boxford Dec. 29, 1814, died June 8, 1848. Grandfather Richard Hood 1753 in Wenham, married Lydia Tarbox 1775. Died 1835 in Wenham. Great Grandfather John Hood married Elizabeth Redington. Nathaniel Hood born 1672 died 1748, married Joanna Dwinell 1706.

Ggg Grandfather Richard Hood came from England before the year 1650 and settled at Nahant.

**Could be Spafford or Shafford the handwriting is very hard to read.

First Generation

Richard Hood was born at Lynn Regis, Norfolk County, England, about the year 1630 or 1632, and died at Lynn Massachusetts, Sept. 12, 1695, aged 63 or 65 years. His wife’s name was Mary; but her maiden name, or when or where she was born or married is unknown to the writer. He died first, and his son John settled the estate. Their children were numerous, thirteen in all, of whom Mathaniel was the fouorth.

Second Generation

Nathaniel Hood (2), the fourth son of Richard Hood (1) of Lynn Regis, was born about 1672, and was married October 16, 1706 with Joanna Dunnell or Dwinell of Topsfield, Mass. She died Mch. 1, 1732. He died Oct. 30 1748, aged about 76 years. For a short time he lived in Lynn and his elder children wee born there; but he removed to Topsfield in 1712, and settled in the extreme northwest part of the town, adjoining Ipswich and Boxford.

Tradition says he with his three older brothers, became a Quaker. This is not certain. His children were not baptized according to custom; but none of them were Quakers. His children numbered 7, of whom John was the youngest.

Third Generation

John Hood (3) of Topsfield, youngest son of Nathaniel Hood (2) of Lynn, and Joanna Dwinell, was born Jan. 10 1724, and was twice married. His first wife was Elizabeth Redington. They had four children – three died in infancy. Richard survived. Elizabeth Redington Hood died Oct 23, 1755 John Hood served the war of 1756 and was with Wolfe on the Plains of Abraham. On Sept. 14, 1759, he was at the taking of Louisburg on Cape Breton Island. He died in Oct., 1805.

Fourth Generation

Richard Hood** (4) of Topsfield, son of John Hood (3) and Elizabeth Redington was born

**Written in pencil on the page “Samuel Hood – son of above–Sarah Hood daughter of Samuel married George W. Spafford.”

Mch. 1, 1751 and married Lydia Tarbox, Feb. 775. She was born Sept. 16, 753 and died Mch. 10, 1824. They lived in Wenham, Mass., and had 5 children, of whom JOSIAH MOULTON was the eldest.

There is a stone in the burying ground at Wenham which bears this inscription

Erected in memory of

a soldier of the Revolution
who died Nov. 9, 1835, Aged 84 years.

Also his wife

who died Mch. 10, 1824, aged 70 years.
“They sleep till Death its human prey restore.

When Earth and sky and Time shall he no more.

Richard Hood** served in the Revolutionary War eight months in 1775 in Capt. John Baker’s Co., Col. Moses Little’s Regiment. Also in Capt. Stephen Perkins’ Co. which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, from Topsfield.

Fifth Generation

Josiah Moulton Hood (5), eldest son of Richard Hood (4) and Lydia Tarbox, was born in Wenham, July 22, 1776, and married Mary Dodge of Wenham. They lived in Wenham, and had one child, JOHN. She died in i8o6. Josiah Hood** married a second time with Betsey Cook of Old Hadley, Mass. She was born in 1806 and died Mch. 29, 1852 at Glover, Vt., where they had resided. They had two sons:

**Richard Hood written in pencil “His son Samuel Hood born in Wendham Nov. 8, 1785 married Phoebe Wood of Boxford Dec. 29, 1817—died Jan. 8, 1848 was CMS grandfather (June)

1. Wenham, July 22, 1776, and married Mary Dodge of Wenham. They lived in Wenham, and had one child, JOHN. She died in i8o6. Josiah Hood** married a second time with Betsey Cook of Old Hadley, Mass. She was born in 1806 and died Mch. 29, 1852 at Glover, Vt., where they had resided. They had two sons:

2. Calvin H. was born in Sheffield, Vt., Nov. 23, 1823. Philip Perley was born Apr. 12, 1825. He died at Glover, Vt., Jan. 22, 1844. Calvin H. Hood is now living at Turner’s Falls, Mass., 1899.

Sixth Generation

John Hood (6) of Wenham, son of Josiah Moulton Hood (~) and Mary Dodge, was born May 8, 1806, and married Rebecca Stanley of Beverly, Mass., Nov. 29, 1827. She was born Jan 6, 1808, and died at Danvers, Mch. 22, 1882. He died at Danvers, Oct. 5, 1867. They resided in Wenham, Danversport and Danvers. They had nine children:

Lydia Ann, b. in Wenhain, Nov. 20, 1828; 4. Oct. 13, 1891.

**Josiah Hood – Written in pencil “Died Aug 1865”

1. Rebecca Stanley, b. Aug. 5, 1830; d. Dec. 26, 1854.

2. Amanda Bailey, b. Wenhain, Aug. 19, 1832.

3. Mary Elizabeth, b. in Danversport, July 26, 1834; d. Aug. 24, 1895.

4. William Henry, b. Danversport. Aug. 13, 1836; d. Jan. 15, 1898.

5. Wendell Phillips, b. Danversport, Feb. 25, 1839.

6. Joseph Edward, b. Danversport, Mch. 26, 1840.

7. Cornelia Eliza, b. Danversport, Mch. 5, 1843.

8. Emeline Osgood, b. Beverly, now Danvers, July 10, 1845

Seventh Generation

Lydia Ann Hood (7), eldest child of John Hood (6) and Rebecca Stanley, married Charles W. Brown of Wenham, Mass., Dec. 20, 1846. He was born Aug. 25, 1825; died in Danvers, Dec. 1, 1877. They resided a few years in Essex, Mass., afterwards in Danvers. They had eight children:

1. Frances Maria, B. Essex, Feb. 26, 1848; D. Essex, Aug. 14, 1849.

2. Marcia D0due, B. Essex, Jan. 15, I8~i; D. Danvers, Mch. 18, 1884.

3. Ella Francis, B. Essex, June 26, 1854; D. Danvers,

4. Ella Augusta, B. Danvers, Apr. 25, 1856.

5. Charles Wallace, B. Danvers, Oct. 30, 1859.

6. Lillian Frances, B. Danvers, Dec. 26, I86i.

7. Joseph Edward, B. Danvers, Oct. 25, 1864.

8. Dennison Leslie, B. Danvers, Feb. 21, 1869.

Rebecca Stanley Hood (7), second child of John Hood (6) and Rebecca Stanley, married Thaddeus Osgood of Danvers, July 14, 1846. He was born in Milford, N. H., Nov. 9, 1827; died in Methuen, Mass., July 9, 1855. They resided in Danvers. They had two children:

1. Thaddeus, b. Beverly, now Danvers, Sept. 5, 1847; d. in Beverly, Dec. 9, 1873.

2. John Hood, b. Essex, Apr. 30, 1853; d. Danvers, Jan. 30, 1854.

Amanda Bailey Hood (7), third child of John Hood (6) and Rebecca Stanley, married William B. Jenness of Alton, N. H., May 2, 1851. He was born in Strafford, N. H., July 20, 1828. They have resided in Rochester, Minn., St. Louis, Mo., Casco, Me., Danvers and Alton, N. H. They had five children:

1. Alice Amanda, b. Casco, Oct. 20, 1854; b. St. Louis, Jan. 29, 1881.

2. Harriett Elizabeth, born in Casco, Nov. 10, 1856; d. Albuquerque, N. M., Feb. 28, 1895.

Two infants, (twins) died in Rochester, Minn., and one in Danvers.

Mary Elizabeth Hood (7), fourth child of John Hood (6) and Rebecca Stanley, married Moses Hooper Goodwin of Danvers, Feb. 4, 1856. He was born in Shapleigh, Me., Oct. 27, 1831, and died in Lynn, Mass., May 1, 1880. They resided in Springvale, Me., Danvers and Lynn. They had no children. She married a second time John W. Frost of Springvale, Mch. 11, 1891. He was born in Springvale, Me., May i6, 1827. They resided in Springvale.

William Henry Hood (7), fifth child of John Hood (6) and Rebecca Stanley, married Sarah Lizzie Hammond of Danvers, Sept. 28, i8~S. She was born in North Berwick, Me., Jan. ii, 1839; died in Danvers, Oct. 20, 1862. They resided in Danversport, Haverhill and Danvers. They had one child:

1. Joseph Edward, b. Danvers, Aug. 1862; d. Danvers, Sept. 1862. He married a second time Augusta P. Dodge of New Boston, N. H. She was born Feb. 22, 1834, and died in Danvers, Sept. 28, 1886.

They resided in Danvers and had three children, all b. Danvers:

1. Lizzie Frances, b. Sept. 9, 1864.

2. Addie Rebecca, b. Feb. 3, 1867.

3. Caleb Batchelder, b. Apr. 4, 1872.

He married a third time Mrs. Clara P. Tufts, of Danvers. She was born in Shapleigh, Me., July 16, 1835, and died in Danvers, Mch. 31, 1894. They resided in Danvers.

Wendell Phillips Hood (7), sixth child of John Hood (6) and Rebecca Stanley, married Maria Phelps Putnam of Danvers, Mch. 27, 1866. She was born in Wenham, Apr. 5, 1843. They resided in Red Wing and Winona, Minn., and in Danvers and Melrose, Mass.

They had three children, all b. Red Wing:

1. Robert Putnam, b. Feb. 17, 1868.

2. William Phelps, b. Apr. 2. 1870; b. in Red Wing, Aug. 4, 1870.

3. Susan Mabel, b. May 10, 1876.

Joseph Edward Hood (7), seventh child of John Hood (6) and Rebecca Stanley, married Martha A. Gilpatrick of Danvers, Nov. 23, 1866. She was born in Shapleigh, Me., Mch. 30, 1843, and d. in Danvers, Sept. 6, 1897. They resided in Danvers. They had four children, all b. Danvers:

1. Ralph Otho, b. July 5, 1870.

2. Charles G., b. Jan. 22, 1873; d. in Danvers, Jan. 22, 1873.

3. Mabel, b. June 26, 1877.

4. Leroy S., b. June 26, 1877; d. in Danvers, May 31, 1879.

Cornelia Eliza Hood (7), eighth child of John Hood (6) and Rebecca Stanley, married John Francis Whipple of Danvers, June 17, 1871. He was born in Ipswich, Mass., Aug. 20, 1842. They have resided in Danvers. They had two children, both b. Danvers.

The first, b. Aug. 15, 1873; died Aug. 15, 1873.

1.Guy Montrose, b. June 12, 1876.

Emma Osgood Hood (7), ninth child of John Hood (6) and Rebecca Stanley, resides in Danvers.

AccessGenealogy.com. Compiled Genealogies. Original sources listed on specific pages.

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