Hammack, Betty Joan – Obituary

Elgin Girl Dies In La Grande Funeral services for Betty Joan Hammack, 15, who died today in a La Grande hospital, will be held in The Christian Church at Elgin Monday at 2 p.m., with burial in the Summerville cemetery. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Martin, Elgin, and a pupil at Elgin High School. Survivors include her parents; two brothers, Harold and Bobby; and three sisters, Mrs. Herr Burns; Patty, Elgin; and Mrs. Gene Davis, Elgin. Miss Hammack underwent an operation three weeks ago. Used with permission from: The La Grande Observer, La Grande, Oregon March … Read more

Hammack, Harold V. – Obituary

Word has been received of the death Monday of Harold V. Hammack, 54, of Riddle and formerly Hermiston. He was born March 24, 1920, in La Grande. He is survived locally by his mother, Katheryn Martin, of Elgin. Graveside funeral services will be held at the Elgin Cemetery at 3 p.m. Saturday La Grande Observer, January 30, 1975, Page 2 Contributed by: Sue Wells Second Obituary Hammack, Harold V. Harold V. Hammack died Jan. 27, 1975 at Riddle, Ore. He was born in La Grande, Ore., March 24, 1920. He leaves to mourne him one son, Skip Hammack and two … Read more

Hammack, Alice Irene Bohannan – Obituary

Enterprise, Oregon Mrs. Irene Hammack, who resided in Enterprise until two months ago, passed away at the home of her son, Lester, in Jamieson, Oregon, on May 1st, at the age of 74 years. She was born at Huntsville, Ark. Mrs. Hammack had been in poor health for several months and due to her physical disability, her son, Fred, went with her to Ontario where she might be near her other children and where she would receive medical care. It was soon learned that she was a victim of diabetes and she was removed to the hospital where an amputation … Read more

Hammock, Elizabeth – Obituary

Elizabeth Hammock Who died December 17, 1903 in Union County Another Pioneer Gone Yesterday afternoon at three o’clock Mrs. Hammock, one of Union Counties pioneer women passed away at the age of eighty years. The funeral will take place at the home of her daughter Mrs. W. T. Grider near this city at eight o’clock this morning. After the services at the house the remains will be taken to Summerville for internment in the cemetery there. Grandma Hammock, as she has been known to her friends for a generation or more, has been confined to her bed the greater part … Read more

Hammack, William Shelton – Obituary

Short Illness fatal to Wm. Hammack William Shelton Hammack, 74, retired teamster and lifelong resident of the Grande Ronde valley, died Tuesday evening after a short illness. Funeral services will be held Thursday in the Daniels Funeral Home, with burial in the Summerville cemetery. Rev. Gene Robinson will officiate. Burial was September 18, 1952 He was born to Ephram and Susanna Prow Hammack July 3, 1878 in the Mt. Glen District. Survivors are a number of nephews and nieces. La Grande Evening Observer September 17, 1952 Front Page Contributed by Sue Wells, Elgin, Oregon

Hammock, James M. – Obituary

At the residence of his daughter, Mrs. John Prow, near La Grande, April 22, 1890, James M. Hammock, aged 75 years. Eastern Oregon Republican, Thursday May 1, 1890

Hammack,Ross Robert

Ross Robert Hammack, 85, died on Nov. 27, 2004 He was born on Aug. 22, 1919 in Lostine to Floyd and Zelma Hammack, the youngest of six children. Ross graduated from Enterprise High School as president of his class and went to college at Oregon State University where he studied engineering. He married his wife of 63 years, Donna Mae Brown, on Aug. 2, 1941. He is survived by four children, Jonathan Ross Hammack (Linda) of Portland; Jeffrey Charles Hammack (Sandra) of Buhl, Idaho; Linda Hammack Giles (Don) of Portland; and Matthew Lyle Hammack of Danville, Calif.; nine grandchildren; nine … Read more

Hammack, John L. – Obituary

Wallowa, Oregon Linz Hammack, Early Day Freighter, Passes (By Lostine Correspondent) Funeral services were held for John L. Hammack, better known as Linz at the Christian church. Rev. Earle Miller of Wallowa conducted the services. The Pall bearers were: M. Crow, Roy Edgmand, Harrison Holmes, D. H. Magill, Edgar Marvin and Edward Thompson. A quartette, Mrs. Ella McArtor, Mrs. Helen Bright, Chas. Bridwell and Melvin Crow, sang “No Night There”. And “Sweet By And By”. Mrs. McArtor sang the solo, “The Old Rugged Cross.” There were many beautiful floral pieces. Burial was in the Summerville cemetery where a number of … Read more

Womack, William – Obituary

Wallowa, Oregon William Womack Laid To Rest Here Tuesday Wallowa and community were saddened Saturday afternoon to learn of the death of William Womack. While irrigating a field near his home on the Bear Creek road, Mr. Womack apparently suffered a heart attack, resulting in his immediate death. He was 75 years of age. Mr. Womack was active daily up to the day of his death. The first of the week he had been using his Caterpillar tractor to do some custom work at the Running farm just east of town. His well cared for truck was a familiar sight … Read more

Hammack, Sarah Miller Mrs. – Obituary

Far Home Calls Pioneer Woman Mrs. J. W. Hammack, one of the best known of Wallowa an Union county pioneers, died at her home at Lostine, Friday night, June 3, 1927 at the age of 84 years, 7 months and 17 days. Sarah Miller was born in Spencer County, Indiana, Oct., 17, 1842. In 1856 she was united in marriage to J. W. Hammack who passed away Oct. 15, 1912. She united with the Christian church when about 19 years of age and remained a faithful member until her death. About ten years ago she had a severe stroke of … Read more

Hammack, Amber M. – Obituary

Boise, Ada County, Idaho Funeral services for Mrs. Amber M. Hammack will be held this afternoon at 4 o’clock at the McBratney Funeral Home. The Rev. E. N. Murphy will officiate and internment will be in Morris Hill Cemetery. Idaho Statesman, Sunday, November 5, 1933. Contributed By: Sue Wells

Hammack, Allen Winifred – Obituary

Portland, Oregon Winifred Allen Hammack died March 30, 2003, at age 95. Winifred Haynes was born May 2, 1907, in Rupert, Idaho. She moved to Portland in about 1930 and was a homemaker. In 1929, she married Donald M. Allen; he died in 1968. She married Lyle Hammack in 1976; he died in 1996. Survivors include her daughters, Sunny A. Smith, Sally A. Harris and Denice A. Scharer; son, Donald Allen Jr.; stepdaughters, Connie H. Morgan and Sharon H. Richards; 11 grandchildren; and 20 great-grandchildren. Private service. Remembrances to Legacy VNA Hospice. Arrangements by Autumn. Source: Oregon Live.com 04/04/03 Transcribed … Read more

Hammack, Lester E. – Obituary

Lester E. Hammack 89, of Jamison, died July 13, 1989, in a Vale nursing home. Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Monday at the First Christian Church in Vale, Rev. Paul Ratzlaff officiating. Internment will follow at Valley View Cemetery in Vale, under the direction of Lienkaemper Chapel of Vale. He was born June 12, 1900 in Lostine, Oregon, the son of John L. and Alice Bohannon Hammack. He moved with his parents and lived in Elgin, Echo and Milton-Freewater, Oregon before moving to Cow Valley in 1918. He moved to Jamison in 1920 where he ranched and farmed. He … Read more

Gastin, Emily Elestia Hammack, Womack, – Obituary

Wallowa-Funeral rites were held here Saturday at the Christian Church for Mrs. E. Gastin. Mrs. Emily Elestia Hammack, Womack, Gastin was born April 12, 1871 at La Grande, Or. and came with her parents to Wallowa County when a small girl. The family settled near Lostine where she grew to womanhood. She was married to T. M. Gastin at Lostine, about 42 years ago following the death of her husband Jacob Clairborne Womack a number of years ago ( 1904), Mrs. Gastin had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Eugene Johnson of Middle Valley. She is survived by four … Read more

Biography of James Westley Hammack

James Westley Hammack, who is living on his ranch located one mile east of Lostine, has always devoted his energies to agricultural pursuits, and has met with a goodly measure of success. His life record was begun in Knox County, Kentucky, his parents being James and Elizabeth (Moore) Hammack, both of whom are now deceased, the father having passed away in 1899 and the mother in 1905. The early years in the life of James Westley Hammack were passed on the farm where he was born and in the cultivation of which he began to assist while still in his … Read more

Hammack, James Lafayette – Obituary

Lostine, Union County, Oregon James Hammack Laid To Rest James Lafayette Hammack was born Oct. 18, 1860 in Wayne County, Iowa, and passed away at Lostine June 13, 1948. He crossed the plains with his parents in 1865, first to Yamhill County, and later to Summerville in Union County, where he lived until he was a young man. He then moved to Wallowa County where he had since made his home except from 1915 until 1928 when he lived in Hermiston, Oregon. He was united in marriage to Sarah A. Allen April 11, 1886. She passed away October 2, 1903. … Read more

Hammack, James Wesley – Obituary

Lostine, Wallowa County A resident of Wallowa County for 13 years died Tuesday October 15, 1912 at his home near Lostine. Asthma, from which he had been a sufferer for many years was the cause of death. Mr. Hammack was born in Kentucky in 1838. He married Miss Sarah Miller in 1856 in Wayne County, Iowa. They came across the plains in 1865 and lived two years in the Willamette Valley. Thence they moved to Union County, where they made their home at Summerville until they came to Wallowa County. The funeral was held at the home last week Wednesday … Read more

Hammack, J. W. Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. J. W. Hammack, one of the best known of Wallowa an Union county pioneers, died at her home at Lostine, Friday night, June 3, 1927 at the age of 84 years, 7 months and 17 days. Sarah Miller was born in Spencer county, Indiana, Oct., 17, 1842. In 1856 she was united in marriage to J. W. Hammack who passed away Oct. 15, 1912. She united with the Christian church when about 19 years of age and remained a faithful member until her death. About ten years ago she had a severe stroke of paralysis, from which she never … Read more

Hammack, Floyd – Obituary

Lostine, Wallowa County, Oregon Floyd Hammack Of Lostine Dies Funeral services were held in Lostine Thursday for Floyd W. Hammack of Enterprise, who died of a heart attack Tuesday at his ranch near Lostine. He was serving his third term as county commissioner and had become a member of the Lostine school board for 20 years, prior to moving Enterprise three years ago. He was a member of the Lions Club and was active in civic works, and had been a member of the IOOF for more than 40 years. Survivors are his wife of Zelma of Enterprise, six children, … Read more

Hammack, Marion – Obituary

Lostine, Marion Hammack Is Called To His Rest Marion Hammack died at the Enterprise hospital Wednesday, February 28, 1940. He had not been strong for several years and had been helpless since he was struck by an automobile May 6, 1938. Funeral services were held in the Christian church at Lostine, Friday, and were attended by many friends and relatives, including all county officials in tribute and Commissioner F. W. (Floyd Waitman) Hammack, brother to the deceased. A quartet composed of Mrs. M. Crow, Mrs. Charles Page, Charles Bridwell and Melvin Crow, sang three hymns, accompanied by Miss Martha Crow. … Read more