
History of Salemsborg Evangelical Lutheran Church

The committee in charge of preparing the material for this anniversary booklet were instructed by the Congregation to translate the history which was presented in the Swedish Language in 1909. It contained a great deal of detailed description of the early days and the development of the Church work and Community life, it seemed proper that this early history should be preserved for future generations. They sincerely hope that those who read these pages will feel that they have tried to be impartial in selecting the historical events in the history of our dear Salemsborg Church.

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Families of Ancient New Haven

The Families of Ancient New Haven compilation includes the families of the ancient town of New Haven, covering the present towns of New Haven, East Haven, North Haven, Hamden, Bethany, Woodbridge and West Haven. These families are brought down to the heads of families in the First Census (1790), and include the generation born about 1790 to 1800. Descendants in the male line who removed from this region are also given, if obtainable, to about 1800, unless they have been adequately set forth in published genealogies.

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History of Blaine Washington, 1884-1959

“History of Blaine Washington, 1884-1959” offers a comprehensive and engaging exploration of Blaine, Washington’s rich history and cultural heritage. Published in 1959 to commemorate the diamond jubilee of Blaine, this book captures the essence of a community that has thrived on the principles of peace and cooperation. Situated in Whatcom County, Blaine’s unique geographical location near the Canadian border plays a pivotal role in its identity, an aspect vividly illustrated through the symbol of the International Peace Arch.

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