Biographical Sketch of Joseph Blanchet

JOSEPH BLANCHET. – The farm of twelve hundred and eighty acres of fenced and improved land, belonging to Mr. Blanchet, is a sight rare even for this region of big farms. Its proprietor has been so successful in multiplying his flocks and droves, that he has been obliged to remove a part of them to Idaho. He came to Vinson in 1880; and his acquisitions have thus been the work of but a few years. He was born in Canada in 1846, and was occupied, until his removal to this coast, in draying in the cities. He has three fine … Read more

Biography of Archbishop F. N. Blanchet

ARCHBISHOP BLANCHET. – The Most Reverend F.N. Blanchet ranked among the apostolic men who laid the deep foundations of the Catholic faith in this country. He was born at St. Pierre, Riviere-du-Sud, Quebec, Canada, September 5, 1795, was educated in the Petit Seminaire, Quebec, and was ordained July 18, 1819, by Archbishop Plessis. At that time Oregon was simply the name given to a territory extending along the Pacific coast from latitude forty-two degrees to fifty-four degrees, forty minutes north, until finally, in 1846, – the year of the accession of Pius IX. to the see of Peter, – all … Read more