Genealogy of Joseph and Mary (Baker) Allen Family

Ch. of (i) Joseph and Mary (Baker) Allen. 1. Ethan: b. Jan. 10, 1737-38. 8 ch. See Chapters (I) and (H) for additional facts. 2. Heman: b. 1740; m., 1778, Abigail Beebe, of Salisbury, Conn. He d. 1778; captain of a company in a regiment of Green Mountain Boys on an expedition to Canada; present at the battle of Bennington as a member of the Committee of Safety. 3 ch. See Chapter (H). 3. Lydia: b. 1742; m. Daniel Arms, of Suffield, Conn.; had 3 ch.: Daniel, who d. unm.; Ira, who m. Betsy Holmes and settled in the wilds … Read more

Expeditions of Fowler and James to Santa Fe, 1821

General Thomas James

When Pike returned from his western expedition and related his experiences in Santa Fe and other places among the Spaniards, his accounts excited great interest in the east, which resulted in further exploits. In 1812, an expedition was undertaken by Robert McKnight, James Baird, Samuel Chambers, Peter Baum, Benjamin Shrive, Alfred Allen, Michael McDonald, William Mines, and Thomas Cook, all citizens of Missouri Territory; they were arrested by the Spaniards, charged with being in Spanish territory without a passport, and thrown into the calabazos of Chihuahua, where they were kept for nine years. In 1821, two of them escaped, and coming down Canadian and Arkansas rivers met Hugh Glenn, owner of a trading house at the mouth of the Verdigris, and told him of the wonders of Santa Fe. Inspired by the accounts of these travelers, Glenn engaged in an enterprise with Major Jacob Fowler and Captain Pryor for an expedition from the Verdigris to Santa Fe.

Church History of Norwich Vermont

The great achievement of the first generation of Norwich settlers was the building of a meeting house. More than any other event of the time, with the possible exception of the accomplishment of the national independence, this was an undertaking that enlisted the energies and taxed the resources of our forefathers. The building of a meeting house in a New England frontier settlement a century ago was regarded a matter of public concern, to be supported by the whole community without regard to sect or party, like the opening of roads or any other public charge. In less than ten … Read more

The Ancestry of Sarah Stone

The ancestry of Sarah Stone, wife of James Patten of Arundel (Kennebunkport) Maine

The ancestry of Sarah Stone, wife of James Patten of Arundel (Kennebunkport) Maine
Contains also the Dixey, Hart, Norman, Neale, Lawes, Curtis, Kilbourne, Bracy, Bisby, Pearce, Marston, Estow and Brown families.

Genealogy of James Allen Family of Medfield Massachusetts

H130 JAMES ALLEN: the progenitor of the Allen Family, of Medfield, came to America with his wife Anna, in 1639, and settled in Dedham, Mass. They had (1) John: b. in Dedham Dec. 4, 1639. (2) James: b. in Medfield; m. Lydia Adams. (3) Nathaniel: m. Mary Frizwell, 1673; nine ch., viz.: Samuel, Nathaniel, James, John, Ebenezer, Edward and three daus. (4) William: who had Mary and William. (5) Benjamin: who had Benjamin, Mary and Lydia. (6) Martha: m. William Sabine, of Seekonk, R. I., Dec. 22, 1663. (7) Mary: m. Joseph Clark, of Medfield. (8) Sarah: m. Domingo White … Read more

Sawyer Genealogy of Narraguagus Valley Maine

Narraguagus Valley Some Account of its Early Settlement and Settlers

Josiah Sawyer, about 1757, came from Cape Elizabeth and settled near the river in what is now Milbridge Maine. His wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Jesse Brown. There were born to them four sons and four daughters, Josiah, Jr., William, George B., John, Lydia, Sally, Jane and Hannah.

History of San Juan County Utah

Saga of San Juan

“Saga of San Juan,” originally published in 1957, is a history of San Juan County Utah, compiled by the San Juan County Daughters of Utah Pioneers. The book provides a comprehensive look at the county’s origins and development. It spans from prehistoric times to the year 1957, offering insights into the diverse communities and challenges faced by early residents of this unique region.

Osborn Family of Fall River Massachusetts

Covel & Osborn Company Letterhead Invoice, 1904

During the latter half of the century but recently closed and on into the present one, during the period of the great growth and development as an industrial center of Fall River, the name Osborn has stood out conspicuously in the business life of the city. Reference is made notably to the Osborn brothers — the late Hon. Weaver and James Munroe Osborn — for many years among the most prominent mill promoters and bankers of Fall River; and they have been followed by a generation now representative of the name and family, Mr. James E. Osborn, the son of … Read more

Alabama Court Records

1910 Alabama Census Map

This page provides an extensive list of Alabama court records that have been transcribed and placed online.

J. E. Allen

Bugler, Field Artillery, Battery C, 30th Div., 113th Artillery. Born in Orange County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Allen. Husband of Mrs. Grace Allen. Entered the service July 25, 1917, at Durham, N.C. Was sent to Camp Sevier and from there to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed for France May 27, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne, Meuse. Gassed on Woevre Sector, Nov. 5, 1918. Returned to USA March 19, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C., March 28, 1919.

Samuel and Sarah (Rust) Allen Family

Ch. of (H) Samuel and Sarah (Rust) Allen. (a) Jonathan: b. 1700; m. (1), 1726, Elizabeth Allen; m. (second), 1763, widow Rebecca Whitmore; d. 1780. Issue. (c) Samuel: b. 1703; d. 1703. (d) Samuel: b. 1706; m., 1730, Hannah Miller. He settled in New Marlboro, Mass., where he d. in 1755. 8 ch. (e) Joseph: b. 1712; m., 1733, Elizabeth Parsons. He d. 1779. This couple had fourteen children, six of their sons being patriots who had notable service in the Revolutionary war. and left records worthy of fame. (f) Hannah: b. 1714; m., 1736, Elias Lyman, who was among … Read more

Wakefield Genealogy of Narraguagus Valley Maine

Narraguagus Valley Some Account of its Early Settlement and Settlers

Samuel Wakefield and his wife Mary Burbank, came from Kennebunk in 1756 or 57, and settled at the head of the bay on the lot now comprising a considerable part of Steuben village. Their children were Samuel, Lydia, Ruth, Benjamin, Phebe, Hannah and Sally. After the death of his first wife, Mr. Wakefield m. a widow Small, and their children were James, Myriam and Daniel.

Descendants of Captain Michael Pierce

Charles M. Peirce

The Pierce family is one of the ancient Colonial families of the Commonwealth, the forerunners of the name playing a conspicuous part as masters of vessels bringing hither emigrants from England. For several generations there has lived in New Bedford a branch of the old Rehoboth and Swansea Pierce family, descendants of Capt. Michael Pierce, who have been leading-spirits in the community — names especially conspicuous in the industrial life of the town and vicinity. Reference is made particularly to some of the descendants of the late Otis Norton Pierce, whose son, the late Hon. Andrew Granville Pierce, was for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. B. Allen

H.B. Allen, postmaster of the firm of Allen & Jacobs, dealers in hardware and agricultural implements, was born in Clinton county, N.Y., in 1835; moved to Elgin, Ill., in 1855, and engaged in farming. In 1860 moved to De Kalb County, Ill. He enlisted in the 95th Ill. Vol. Inft., served three years. He was with Gen. Grant in the Vicksburg campaign, and was wounded, losing a portion of his right hand; was discharged in July, 1865. In 1867 he came to Sac County, Ia., and engaged in farming. He moved to Wall Lake in the autumn of 1874, and … Read more

Genealogy of Joseph and Mary (Hulet) Allen Family

Ch. of (b) Joseph and Mary (Hulet) Allen. 1. Hannah: b. 1725; m., 1746, Caleb Booth. Issue. 2. Joseph: b. 1727; m., 1755, Lois, dau. of Capt. Michael Burnham. He d. 1808. Resided in E. Windsor, Conn. 10 ch. 3. Noah: b. 1730; m., 1756, Anna Root. She d. 1806; he d. 1776. Served in the Revolutionary War. Resided in E. Windsor, Conn. 7 ch. 4. David: b. 1734; m., 1753, Mary Bancroft; b. in E. Windsor, 1731; d. there 1754. He m. (second) 1754, Miriam, dau. of Luke and Sarah Parsons; b. in Somers, Conn., 1730; d. 1805. He … Read more

History of Bland County Virginia

History of Bland County Virginia

The History of Bland County was compiled in 1961 and published to coincide with the 100th Anniversary of the formation of Bland County. Largely comprised of interesting anecdotes concerning early settlers, it is one of the most valuable secondary source available for researchers of Bland County Virginia ancestry. Free to read and download.

William Allen

WILLIAM ALLEN and Betsey Swinnerton, both of Croydon, were m. Aug. 1, 1806, and lived in Cornish several years and had these children, b. in Cornish: i. HIRAM, b. March 13, 1809. He m. in 1834, in Cornish, Martha E. Huggins of Cornish. They returned to Croydon in 1837. They had six children. ii. LUCY, b. Feb. 2, 1812.

Carleton Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

It appears by the records that there were four person who settled in the south part of the town by the name of Carleton, whose given names were Edward, Dudley, Moses and David, all from Andover, Massachusetts, and evidently brothers. They built the mills first known as Carleton’s mills, mentioned in the town records in 1770 for the first time when Dudley Carleton was elected a selectman, in 1771 was re-elected and in 1772 was chosen one of a committee to keep the fish course clear at Carleton’s mills.

Angeline Todd Allen

ALLEN, Angeline Todd8, (Asahel7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born March 5, 1819, died April 13, 1844, married Jan. 8, 1841, Hiron W. Allen, who was born in 1817. Child: I. Angeline T., b. 1843.