Organization of Ladies of Fairfield, South Carolina

Minutes of the Ladies’ Relief Association of Fairfield.
Copy given by Mrs. Robert Ellison, of Winnsboro.

The ladies of Fairfield held a meeting this day to form an organization for the purpose of assisting, as far as it is in their power, the sick and wounded soldiers of South Carolina, now in Virginia. On motion, Mrs. Ladd was called to the chair, and J. S. Stewart requested to act as secretary.

Resolved, That this meeting shall be called the Ladies’ Relief Association of Fairfield District.

Mrs. Ladd was chosen permanent president. Membership of Fairfield

Mrs. Couturier was chosen treasurer.

A resolution was passed that the association shall last during the war. Rev. C. B. Betts addressed the association. Mrs. David Gaillard reported $37.75 collected.

Resolved, That all moneys in the hands of the treasurer be ex-pended for such articles as are needed for sick and wounded soldiers, and shipped to them immediately.

Mrs. D. Gaillard, Mrs. W. R. Robertson, Mrs. C. J. Stewart, and the treasurer were appointed a committee to attend to purchase and shipment.

The following committees were appointed to collect contributions and see to work done for the association:

First. – Miss M. Crawford, Chairman.
Mrs. S. Cathcart.
Mrs. S. Center.
Mrs. M. D. Fraser.
Mrs. S. Jackson.
Miss J. McCants.
Mrs. J. B. McCants.
Mrs. Geo. Robertson.
Mrs. J. S. Stewart.

Second. – Mrs. H. B. McMaster, Chairman.
Mrs. B. Cockrell.
Mrs. W. H. Ellison.
Mrs. C. Fawcet.
Mrs. Hall.
Mrs. Jordan.
Mrs. C. F. Lyles.
Mrs. Geo. McMaster.
Mrs. Moore.
Mrs. Neil.

Third. – Mrs. O. Woodward, Chairman.
Mrs. R. B. Boylston.
Mrs. Dr. Buchanan.
Mrs. Ladd.
Mrs. Clark. Mrs. Lauderdale.
Mrs. Woodward.

Fourth. – Mrs. J. N. Shedd, Chairman.
Mrs. A. M. Aiken.
Mrs. Wyatt Aiken.
Mrs. Baum.
Mrs. W. Rabb.
Mrs. O. R. Thompson.
Mrs. S. Wolfe.
Mrs. E. A. Woodward.

Fifth. – Mrs. John McMaster, Chairman.
Mrs. Bratton.
Mrs. Dwight.
Mrs. T. S. DuBose.
Mrs. Gaillard.
Mrs. Means.
Mrs. Robertson.
Mrs. T. T. Robertson.

Sixth. – Mrs. McCants, Chairman.
Mrs. Dr. Aiken.
Mrs. W. W. Boyce.
Mrs. R. E. Ellison
Mrs. Jones.
Mrs. Laughlin.
Mrs. Thos. Robertson.
Mrs. T. W. Woodward.

Resolved, That this association meet in this place on Saturday-next, at 10 a. m.
J. S. Stewart, Secretary

Aug. 3, 1861. – The association met this day.

Letters read from Mrs. E. Glover, contributing four bushels of ground rice; from Miss Finney, enclosing $10.95, a contribution from the young ladies of Mr. Obear’s school.

Mrs. Couturier declining to act as treasurer, Mrs. J. S. Stewart was appointed.

The Rev. Messrs. Powell and Workman were appointed a committee to solicit and receive contributions throughout the district.

On motion of Mrs. Wolfe, Resolved, That the chairmen of the standing committees should form an executive committee.

Association met on August 15th.

Letters read from Mrs. Rion, acknowledging receipt of contributions from the merchants of Winnsboro; and from Rev. R. W. Barn-well, acknowledging receipt of part of the boxes sent him, from rail-road agent, in reference to freight.

On motion of Miss Crawford, Resolved, That the thanks of the association be tendered to Miss M. Caldwell and Mrs. Dr. John Mobley for their exertions in behalf of this association.

Resolved, That the articles now on hand, and that may be got ready by Saturday, be sent to the captains of companies from this District.

Resolved, That the association meet on first Thursday of September, and on the first Thursday of each month thereafter, until the war is brought to a close.

J. S. Stewart, Secretary.

September 5, 1861. – The association held its first regular monthly meeting. Letter read from Mrs. Davis, enclosing $103.00, contributed by the ladies of Monticello, in part. Also a letter from Mrs. Edward Mobley, contributing $100.00.

Mrs. Woodward moved that a committee of five be appointed to draft rules for the government of this association. Carried.

The president appointed Mrs. O. Woodward, Mrs. J. W. Shedd, Mrs. W. R. Robertson, Mrs. J. H. Rion, Mrs. H. B. McMaster.

Resolved, To notify the quartermaster that the association will make 300 garments for the soldiers in camp.

Association adjourned till Saturday, the 7th, to meet hereafter on the first Saturday.
J. S. Stewart,

September 7, 1861. – Report of committee to draft by-laws and constitution read and adopted. Mrs. C. Felder was placed on Mrs. Boyce’s committee; Mrs. Douglass on Mrs. Shedd’s; Mrs. John Mobley on Mrs. O. Woodward’s; Mrs. Baum and Mrs. Ed. Wood-ward were placed on Mrs. J. N. Shedd’s committee.

Committee No. 4 was dissolved. Mrs. Lauderdale was added to Mrs. Woodward’s committee. Mrs. R. E. Ellison and Mrs. M. A. Laughlin added to Mrs. Boyce’s committee. Officers were elected:

President – Mrs. Ladd.
Vice-President – Mrs. Sarah McCants.
Corresponding Secretary – Mrs. J. H. Rion.
Treasurer – Mrs. J. S. Stewart.
Secretary – J. S. Stewart.
J. S. Stewart,

September 30, 1861. – The association held a called meeting.

Resolved, That the executive committee send to the volunteers in Virginia, by Mr. Creighton, such articles as they think necessary.

That one and one-half dozen pairs of socks be sent to Colonel Winder, of the Sixth Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers.

That the corresponding secretary be requested to ascertain what hospital stores are wanted by the volunteers from the District, now at Lightwood Knot Springs; and that the executive committee be instructed to furnish the same as they believe to be consistent with their means.

October 5, 1861. – Association met. Letters read. Mrs. Thompson, of New Hope Association, and Mrs. Lemon, of Jackson Creek Association, being present, were invited to seats.

Mrs. Dr. McCants moved that the place of meeting should be the Thespian Hall. All work done by committees should be sent to that place on days of meeting.

November 6, 1861. – Association met. Letters from J. B. Davis and Colonel Winder read. On motion of Mrs. McCants,

Resolved, That all the ready-made clothing on hand, and $50 in money, be sent to Maryland volunteers. That three pairs wool socks and one necktie and two colored shirts be given to Mr. Christmas. That the executive committee be authorized to draw sufficient money for the materials for twenty-four mattresses, twenty-four comforts, twenty-four pillows.

November 13, 1861. – The motion in reference to the Maryland volunteers was rescinded, and the clothing sent to the volunteers from the District, now on the coast. One hundred dollars appropriated to purchase cloth for the volunteers. Mrs. H. B. McMaster, Mrs. J. S. Stewart, and Mrs. Dr. McCants appointed a committee to carry out this resolution.

Resolved, That Mrs. Laughlin and Miss Wolfe be a committee to send off immediately all clothing on hand.

December 7, 1861. – The corresponding secretary read letters from B. Huger Jr. and Captain B. Davis, acknowledging receipt of clothing.

A letter was read asking aid for McPhersonville Hospital.
On motion of Miss L. McCants,
Resolved, To send ten pairs blankets to Captain Rion.
The corresponding secretary declining to serve, Miss Fannie Boyce was elected. Miss Ellen Barber offered to make four com-forts, and received material.

Resolved, To meet every two weeks.

December 21, 1861. – Letters of acknowledgement were read from Captains Rion and Clarke.
Resolved, To send part of clothing now on hand to Captain Clarke, of Maryland Volunteers.

January 4, 1862. – Ten pairs of blankets sent to Captain Irby’s company.

March 1, 1862. – Association met. Letter read from McPherson-ville Hospital acknowledging receipt of sundry articles sent, also giving information regarding needs of the hospital. Also letter from J. L. Clarke, Winchester, Va., acknowledging box of clothing.

Committee appointed to send to hospitals in Columbia such articles as they think best.

Election of officers:
Mrs. Ladd, President.
Mrs. Wolfe, Vice-President.
Mrs. Dwight, Recording Secretary.
Mrs. H. B. McMaster, Treasurer.
Mrs. W. R. Robertson, Corresponding Secretary.

April 12, 1862. – Association met. One hundred dollars, on motion of Mrs. Hugh McMaster, appropriated for buying cloth for volunteers.

Resolved, To meet on Thursday, 17th, to cut out and distribute work.

May 3, 1862. – Association met.

Resolved, That the association pay for making the remaining uniforms of Boyce’s Guards. That two blankets be given to Mr. Yongue and Mr. Olney.

June 7, 1862. – Association met. Corresponding secretary instructed to inquire if Boyce Guards stand in need of clothing. Seventy-five dollars appropriated to buy cloth.

June 12, 1862. – At a called meeting, $10 was appropriated to buy stove for Columbia Hospital
E. P. Dwight,

July 5, 1862. – Letter from Mr. Gregg, of Graniteville factory, taking one-third off bill for cloth sent the association.

Committee appointed to cut work on Monday, 7th – Mrs. Boyce, Mrs. McMaster, Mrs. Cohen, Mrs. McCants, Mrs. Gaillard, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Rivers, Mrs. W. Robertson.

One-half dozen shirts and drawers sent to Columbia Hospital; also resolved to send monthly box of private contributions to the same place.

Resolved, To write to Medical Director of the State (Dr. Kinloch) to ascertain whether the wishes of the ladies to establish a hospital at Winnsboro meet with his approval.

A committee, of Mrs. Fraser, Mrs. McMaster, and Mrs. Porcher, was formed for the purpose of making necessary arrangements, should the offer be favorably received.

August 2, 1862. – Resolved, To send part of clothing in hand to Columbia Hospital. Letter received from Dr. Kinloch declining the offer made him, and suggesting that they should assist Columbia Hospital.

Later on in August, a meeting was held to establish a Wayside Hospital in Winnsboro, and to form committees to send refreshments daily to the sick and wounded on their way from Virginia.

September 5, 1862. – Resolved, To retain clothing intended for Columbia Hospital, for use of Wayside Hospital, in Winnsboro.

October 4, 1862. – Resolved, to make up all cloth in hand, and to purchase thirteen pairs socks.

November 1, 1862. – Resolved, To meet again on 5th for purpose of arranging for making up soldiers’ clothing.

August 1, 1863. – Resolved, That this society cooperate with that in Chester in furnishing refreshments to the wounded soldiers.

Letter was read from secretary of Charleston society, thanking the ladies for $100 sent for relief of wounded at that place.

November 1, 1863. – Donations: To D. Miller, two pairs drawers, shirts and socks. To John Neil, two pairs drawers, two pairs socks, two shirts. To G. Ladd, two pairs socks.

E. M. Porcher,

December, 1863. – Donations: Mrs. Lauderdale, three pairs socks. Mrs. Wolfe, stocking yarn. Mrs. Aiken and Miss Crawford, three pairs socks. Miss Porcher, paper of tea and one pair socks, fifty shirts, fifty pairs socks, twenty-six pairs drawers. To Mrs. Harris, two pairs drawers, two pairs socks, two shirts. C. Johnson, two shirts, two pairs drawers. Mr. Lewis, two shirts, two pairs drawers.

January, 1864. – Donations from association: Mr. Murphy, Fifteenth regiment, two shirts, two pairs drawers.

October, 1864. – To Mr. Yates: Twelve pairs drawers, eight pairs socks. Crocheted and given by Mrs. Fanny and Minnie Boyce, for Boyce Guard, seventy-two wool comforters.

March, 1862. – List of articles sent to hospital at Columbia: Four dressing-gowns, twelve pairs drawers, twelve shirts, twelve pairs socks, one scarf, twelve comforts, twelve pillows, eight pillow-cases, four bottles brandy, three of whiskey, two bottles blackberry vinegar, one bottle cordial, one bottle tomato catsup, four bottles port wine, two quarts blackberry wine, five pints blackberry wine, four dozen candles, two packages dried fruit, one cake of salve, one small bundle soap, one package herbs.

Sent to Dr. Robertson, at Richmond: Sixteen white shirts, twelve colored shirts, thirty-five pairs drawers, twenty pairs socks, two packages sage, various private contributions, filling several boxes.

November 3, 1862. – Sent to Sixth Regiment by Mr. McCully: Twenty-three pairs cotton socks, one dozen wool socks, five pairs gloves, three dozen dark drawers, two and one-half dozen light drawers, twenty-two colored shirts, one and one-half dozen shirts, thirteen pairs wool socks, four blankets, four comforts, six white shirts, twelve drawers, twenty-five drawers, five pairs socks, ten shirts, five pairs socks, three comforts, seven pairs pants, two quilts, two pairs socks.

February, 1863. – Sent to Ladies’ New Hospital, Columbia: Six comforts, six mattresses, three cots, twelve pillows, six pairs sheets, three pairs pillow cases, three spittoons, three basins, dried fruit and herbs.

February, 1863. – Sent to Colonel Bratton: Fifty pairs drawers, fifty pairs socks, seven carpet blankets, sixteen blankets, four pairs gloves, sixty shirts.

Sent to the coast: Four shirts, four pairs drawers, two pairs socks. Given to Mr. Williams: Two shirts, two pairs drawers. Sent to Ladies’ Hospital, Columbia: Twenty-four shirts.

April, 1863. – Sent to Central Association: Eight pairs mitts, eighteen woolen blankets.

Given to soldiers: W. Williams, two pairs drawers, two pairs socks, two shirts. Glass, two pairs drawers, two pairs socks, two shirts. Romedy, the same.

To two soldiers in Captain Thompson’s company: Four pairs drawers, four shirts. James Fraser, two pairs drawers, two pairs socks. Mr. McCants, three pairs socks. Mr. Corstin, two pairs drawers, two pairs socks, two shirts.

July, 1863. – Sent to hospital in Charleston: Four dozen shirts, one dozen drawers.

Four shirts and two pairs socks given to two soldiers named Harris. To Mr. Yarborough, two shirts, two pairs socks.

March, 1864. – Sent to Central Association: One hundred shirts.

Sent to Wayside Hospital: $100.00.
Sent to hospital, Columbia: $100.00.
Sent to Wayside Home, Charleston: $100.00.
Sent to Rev. Mr. Yates, for sailors: $100.00.

To soldier: Two shirts, two pairs drawers, one pair socks. To Finley, 1 shirt, two pairs drawers, one pair socks. To Alabama: Two shirts, two pairs drawers, two pairs socks. To Blake, two shirts, two pairs drawers, one pair socks. To Murphy: Two shirts, two pairs drawers, one pair socks.

September, 1864. – Sent to hospital in Virginia: Forty shirts. To Mrs. Howe’s hospital: Two shirts. To hospital, through Mrs. Morrison: Two shirts.

Given to soldiers: Two shirts, one pair drawers, two pairs socks. To Gladden: Two shirts, one pair drawers, one pair socks.
To soldiers thrown from cars: Three shirts, two pairs socks, two pairs drawers.
To sick men last left here: Two shirts, one pair socks.
To Murphy: One shirt, one pair drawers, two pairs socks.

January, 1865. – Articles donated to society: Mrs. W. Robertson, six pairs socks. Clifton, five pairs socks, four pairs gloves. Mrs. S. DuBose, six pairs socks. Miss Crawford, four pairs socks.

February, 1865. – Horeb Society, eight pairs mitts.
Mrs. Martin, one bolt jeans, two pairs socks.
Miss M. Caldwell, seven pairs socks.
Mrs. Lauderdale, six pairs socks.
Miss Dantzler, six pairs socks.
Mrs. T. Woodward, three pairs socks.
Mrs. M. Barber, one bushel dried apples.
Bought, fifty cents, ten pairs socks.

March, 1865. – Mrs. Martin, two pairs socks.

April, 1865. –
Mrs. McElroy, five pairs socks.
Miss Bacot, six toilet mats.
Miss Crawford, three pairs socks.
Mrs. Felder, one pair socks.
Miss Crawford, four pairs socks.

Articles Sent Away, to Virginia

South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Edited and Published By Mrs. Thomas Taylor, Chairman, Mrs. Smythe, Mrs. August Kohn, Miss Poppenheim, Miss Martha B. Washington, State Committee Daughters of the Confederacy. Columbia, South Carolina, The State Company, 1903.

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