Biography of Charles W. Kent

Charles W. Kent of Coffeyville is a veteran newspaper man of Kansas. His has been an interesting past. He served as a boy soldier in the Union army, and several of his brothers also bore arms for the Stars and Stripes. In a half century of active experience he has largely been identified with the newspaper business, and has been in Southern Kansas about a quarter of a century. On July 7, 1893, he established and brought out the Gate City Independent, the forerunner of the present weekly Independent. For a number of years Coffeyville was familiarly known as the … Read more

Biography of Charles W. Harvey

Charles W. Harvey is one of the veteran business men and residents of El Dorado, and in recent years had been a leader in the oil development work of Butler County and that vicinity, and had shared in the prosperity that had attended the development of these resources. Mr. Harvey was born in Appanoose County, Iowa, May 10, 1868. His father, Elijah E. Harvey, was a pioneer Kansan and a man of great usefulness both as a minister of the Gospel and citizen. He was of English descent, and some of his forefathers fought in the Revolutionary war. A distant … Read more

Biography of Charles W. Green

Charles W. Green, a resident of Kansas City, Kansas, since March, 1893, was born in Grcene County, New York, July 1, 1868, son of Charles and Avesta (Wright) Green. His father was a farmer and a veteran of the Union army. He was educated in public schools, in Greenville Academy and Eastman’s Business College. After some experience as a grocery clerk and in real estate and insurance lines he went west in 1891 to Colorado, was connected two years with a smelting company, and on coming to Argentine, now part of Kansas City, Kansas, had charge of the copper department … Read more

Biography of Charles W. Fielder

Charles W. Fielder, vice president of the Wilson State Bank, is a comparative newcomer in Kansas, but brought with him a large experience as a banker and business man from the northwestern states. Mr. Fielder was born at Sioux Falls, South Dakota, July 20, 1879. His father, Rev. William Fielder, was born at Hemil Hempstead, in the County of Herts, England, in 1853. He prepared for a career as a Methodist minister. He had come to America in 1868, living at first at Queenstown, Prince Edward Island, later in New Brunswick, and in 1877 was sent as a missionary of … Read more

Biography of Charles W. Brown

Charles W. Brown, a resident of Caney, had a close relationship with this section of Southeastern Kansas, where he had resided for more than thirty-five years and where he still owned a large ranch. Mr. Brown’s mother was an eighth Osage Indian and a member of that tribe, and her family thus had proprietory rights in the lands of Southern Kansas and Northern Oklahoma long before white settlers were permitted to settle there. In the paternal line Mr. Brown represents a pioneer family of Wyandotte County, Ohio. His ancestors came from England in colonial days. His grandfather William Brown was … Read more

Biography of Charles W. Barnes

Charles W. Barnes. As reporter and newspaper editor, former state superintendent of insurance and now president of the Kansas Life Insurance Company of Topeka, Charles W. Barnes has had an exceedingly busy and successful career covering almost the entire forty-year period since he came to the state. He was born on a farm in Coshocton County, Ohio, October 28, 1869, a son of William O. and Maria Lonisa (McGruder) Barnes. His grandfather Charles Barnes was a lawyer, one of the pioneer members of the Ohio bar, and in the early days served as a judge. William O. Barnes was a … Read more

Biography of Charles V. Fitch

Charles V. Fitch. Valeda is one of the flourishing small villages in Labette County and to a large degree the business activities of the place are concentrated in the enterprise of one citizen, Charles V. Fitch, who owns and manages the leading store of that community and is also the present postmaster. Mr. Fitch was born in Fleming County, Kentucky, May 2, 1875. His Fitch ancestors came from England to Virginia in colonial days. His grandfather, Nathan Fitch, was born in Kentucky, spent his life there as a farmer, and died in Fleming County. S. E. Fitch, father of the … Read more

Biography of Charles Trader Beatty

Charles Trader Beatty. One of the oldest and most prominent names in the history of Chanute is that of the Beatty family. It was in 1870 that the late John Brooke Beatty established himself at the old Town of Tioga, which had since become a part of the City of Chanute. He erected the first flour mill at that point, was the first hardware dealer in the Town of Tioga, and also an early day mayor. For eleven years he held the office of postmaster at Chanute. John B. Beatty married Maria Whiteman Trader. Of this worthy couple two children … Read more

Biography of Charles Tholen

Charles Tholen, who came to Kansas in 1857, was for a long period of years a recognized force in the professional and civic life of Leavenworth and was especially a leader among the German element of the city. He was a pioneer lawyer and had come to Kansas when it was still a territory and was first identified with Leavenworth as an employe of the fort. He was born at Emden in the Province of Hanover, Germany, January 28, 1827. He came of a prominent family and was given unusual advantages and training as a youth. His father, Claas Tholen, … Read more

Biography of Charles T. Gundy

Charles T. Gundy, county attorney of Atchison County and a well known and prominent lawyer of the city, is of old Holland Dutch lineage. His greatgrandfather, William Gundy, came from Holland and was a Colonial settler in Pennsylvania. He went with the Pennsylvania troops to help win independence during the Revolutionary war. Mr. Gundy’s grandfather, Jacob Gundy, was born in Pennsylvania in 1800, and was a pioneer settler in Scotland County, Missouri, where he followed farming until his death in 1892. He was cnrolled for service during the Black Hawk Indian war. Charles T. Gundy was born in Scotland County, … Read more

Biography of Charles T. Carpenter

Charles T. Carpenter is one of the pioneer bankers of Coffeyville, and for thirty years has been closely identified with what is now known as the Condon National Bank, being vice president of that institution. Mrs. Temple W. Carpenter, his wife, is one of the prominent women of Southern Kansas, has been a leader in religious, social and public affairs, and is president of the Carnegie Library of Coffeyville, and is the only woman who has ever been honored with a place on the school board of that city. The Carpenter family is a very old one in America, having … Read more

Biography of Charles T. Bickett

Charles T. Bickett. Well established in business affairs at Coffeyville, with an office for the handling of insurance, collections and also for the discharge of his duties as justice of the peace, Charles T. Bickett has had an unusually wide range of experience and association with Montgomery County, where he has lived since pioneer times. His ancestry goes back to an old English family, and in fact may be traced to that noted scholar and thinker, Thomas a’ Becket, of the fourteenth century. The Bicketts came from England to Virginia in colonial times. From Virginia they spread across the mountains … Read more

Biography of Charles T. Atkinson

Charles T. Atkinson is one of the oldest members of the bar in Southern Kansas, having been an attorney at Arkansas City since 1884. He is a lawyer first and last, and had seldom allowed outside interests to interfere with his complete devotion to his profession, in which he had made a most noteworthy success. Mr. Atkinson had an interesting ancestry. His people for generations back were Quakers and were identified with the early history of the City of Brotherly Love. It was during the time of William Penn that the first of the name came from England to Philadelphia. … Read more

Biography of Charles Sumner Risdon

Charles Sumner Risdon. Among the men who have lent dignity to the educator’s profession in Kansas, Charles Sumner Risdon is deserving of more than passing mention. Throughout his career he has been a resident of the Sunflower State, and from the time of his earliest ambitions for a career as an educator until he realized the attainment of his goal, he attended the educational institutions of the state. His standing in his profession was recognized in 1901, when he was appointed superintendent of schools of Independence, and this office he has filled so capably, that there has been no thought … Read more

Biography of Charles Stephens

Charles Stephens. The history of Kansas can best he interpreted by the careers of the men who have made the state what it is and also by those careers which have been largely shaped and moulded by Kansas influences. A resident of Columbus almost continuously since 1872, and a widely known lawyer in Southeastern Kansas, Charles Stephens is a man who had practiced the principles that self-help is the best means of realizing all the resources of an individual character and advancing one’s self to a worthy station in the world. As an orphan youth he had experience in farming, … Read more

Biography of Charles South

Charles South. The oil industry in the Mid-Continent field of Kansas had an able representative in the person of Charles South, of Chanute, who had been producing in this field since 1903. Like many of the men interested in the business here, Mr. South had his introduction to oil production in the Pennsylvania fields, and when he arrived in Kansas had a number of years of experience back of him to assist him in his enterprises. Mr. South was born near the City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 26, 1864, and is a son of John and Vilinda (Everly) South. He … Read more

Biography of Charles Samuel Strahan, M. D.

Charles Samuel Strahan, M. D. While Doctor Strahan has the distinction of having been the mayor of Galesburg, Kansas, his high standing in that community is chiefly due to his long and active practice as a physician and surgeon. Doctor Strahan fought many battles with circumstances before he was able to gain his ambition and enter upon the practice of medicine, and throughout life has been a hard worker, conscientious in all his dealings, and has thoroughly deserved every item of his success. The Strahan family is of Scotch-Irish origin, and Doctor Strahan’s grandfather, Robert, was a native of Scotland, … Read more

Biography of Charles Samuel Bendure, M. D.

Charles Samuel Bendure, M. D. One of the best known families in Southeastern Kansas is the Bendures. Many of the name have gained honorable distinction in their several vocations, and among them is Charles Samuel Bendure, one of the widely known physicians of Labette County, who has practiced for a quarter of a century at Bartlett. He traces his descent along the Bendure line to France originally, but the family has been represented in America since colonial times and were among the pioneers of the Green Mountain state. His grandfather, Stephen Weeks Bendure, was born in Vermont in 1803. He … Read more

Biography of Charles S. Walker

The Farmers Union of Kansas is a branch of the great national organization known as The Farmers Educational and Co-operative Union, with business headquarters at Atlanta, Georgia. C. S. Barrett is president of the national organization. This organization had a membership of 2,500,000, located in thirty-one different states. The head office of the Kansas organization is at Salina, and the president of The State Farmers Union is Maurice McAuliffe, while the manager, with headquarters at Kansas City, Kansas, is Mr. Charles S. Walker. The Kansas Union had 50,000 members, and had undoubtedly been the greatest single factor in creating a … Read more

Biography of Charles S. Putt, Hon.

Hon. Charles S. Putt. Among the prominent men of Jewell County, using the tern in its broadest sense to indicate business acumen, sterling character, public service and upright citizemship, is Hon. Charles S. Putt, mayor of Mankato and one of that eity’s leading merchants. He had been a resident of this community since 1900 and in his activities had been one of the integral parts of the forces which have combined to bring the locality prominence and prosperity in both evic and commercial lines. Mayor Putt was born at Lisbon, Kendall County, Illinois, November 21, 1862, a son of John … Read more