Biography of Christian D. Ladner

Christian D. Ladner. In electing Christian D. Ladner their sheriff in 1916 the citizens of Pottawatomie County exereised a wise discretion in the choice of one of the most important county officials. Mr. Ladner is a native of Pottawatomie County, and had played a varied and successful part in the affairs of this community for over thirty years. He is of fine old Swiss stock. His father, George Ladner, was born December 25, 1823, in the largest Canton or Province of Switzerland, Gran Buenden. He grew up in his native country and married there Barbara Neff, who was born in … Read more

Biography of Chester Thomas

Chester Thomas. There are two factors which loom larger than any others in determining the life and characters of an individual. They are, first, the stock from which he springs and of which he is naturally an expression, and second, his surroundings. The observance or non-observance of the virtues by successive generations of ancestors largely forecasts and predetermines the character of those who come after them so far as inclination, mental and moral gravity, are concerned. Strength begets strength, weakness reproduces weakness, wisdom and folly advertise themselves in their offspring. Circumstance however, surroundings, environment, play an equally important part in … Read more

Biography of Chester Stevens

Chester Stevens, representing a pioneer family in Montgomery County, had been an active factor in local affairs and in the legal profession for the past ten years. He is now serving as county auditor, and also enjoys some influential and profitable connections as a lawyer with offices in Independence. Some of his ancestors fought in the American Revolution, and the Stevens family came from England and settled in New York in colonial times. His grandfather, Chauncey Stevens, was born in New York, and went as a pioneer to the State of Indiana, where he followed farming until his death. Chester … Read more

Biography of Chester I. Long

Definite distinction and assured prestige have been gained by Chester I. Long as one of the representative member of the Kansas bar, and his influence in public affairs had been wide and potent, as indicated by the fact that he was elected to the United States Senate from Kansas and had been a recognized leader in the councils of the republican party in the Sunflower State. He is engaged in the practice of his profession in the City of Wichita, had honored Kansas by his character and achievement, and is eminently entitled to recognition in this history. Mr. Long was … Read more

Biography of Chester E. Hunsaker

Chester E. Hunsaker is editor of the Everest Enterprise at Everest in Brown County. The Enterprise is now in its twenty-ninth volume. It was first published on March 9, 1888, having been founded in that year by T. A. H. Lowe. It is a weekly paper and had a large and influential circulation in that section of Brown County. Mr. Hunsaker is one of the younger editors of Kansas, and had spent most of his life in this state. He was born at Tarkio in Northwest Missouri July 4, 1891. His ancestors were Colonial settlers from England in New York. … Read more

Biography of Chester C. Shelden

Chester C. Shelden has followed in the profession which his father, the late Alvah Shelden, did much to dignify and honor, and is now proprietor and editor of the Walnut Valley Times at El Dorado, his father’s old paper. The late Alvah Shelden was for thirty years owner and editor of the Walnut Valley Times. He was born at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, January 13, 1849, a son of Benjamin and Louisa (Vaught) Shelden, the former of German and the latter of Dutch ancestry. When Alvah was three years old his parents removed to Little Rock, Arkansas, and a year … Read more

Biography of Chester C. Houston

Chester C. Houston. When he came to Elgin nearly twenty-five years ago Chester C. Houston still had his fortune to make, and he was first known among his fellow townsmen as a hard worker at any employment he took up, until he finally graduated into independent merchandising. He had made a success by studying the needs and demands of his customers and had built up the largest and only distinctive clothing store in the town. Mr. Houston was born at Orangeville, Cass County, Illinois, June 23, 1866, a son of W. T. and Sue C. (Gaines) Houston. In the maternal … Read more

Biography of Chester Adelbert Latham

A member of the bar of Wichita, Chester A. Latham is now established in a good practice as patent attorney in that city, and represents one of the early Kansas families. The Lathams have lived in the Sunflower State nearly half a century. Though brought to Kansas in early childhood, Chester Adelbert Latham was born in Adrian, Michigan, December 19, 1861. He obtained his early education while living on the farm near Wichita, and also attended the Wichita High School and for three years was a student in the Kansas State Agricultural College. Mr. Latham had had a varied business … Read more

Biography of Chase W. Brown

Chase W. Brown. Growing naturally from man’s necessity, healing potions were compounded as far back as human records go. The application of roots and herbs for the alleviation of pain had never been entirely abolished although the twentieth century druggist would scarcely recommend as beneficial, some of the natural growths that once were deemed invaluable. Science had been able to separate the healing from the obnoxious, and in no branch of knowledge have more important advances been made in modern times than in that of physiological chemistry. Important indeed to the general public, is the fact that every thoroughly trained … Read more

Biography of Charlie H. Riker

Charlie H. Riker. At Gage’s Park, on West Sixth Street Road, near Topeks, is situated one of the most beautiful suburban homes of this locality, that belonging to Charlie H. Riker, who for many years had been engaged in agricultural pursuits in Kansas. Mr. Riker was reared a farmer and is the son of a pioneer of 1870, since which time with the exception of several years spent in Ohio, he had been engaged in operations in different parts of the Sunflower State, and in each locality in which operations have been centered, he had not only made a success … Read more

Biography of Charley W. Oswald

Charley W. Oswald. Few cities of its size anywhere have a livelier commercial organization than Hutchinson, and for a number of years the Hutchinson Commercial Club had spelled power and influence and had had much to do with the substantial prosperity and well being of the community. It indicates the general esteem in which he is held in Hutchinson that the president of this organization is Mr. Charles W. Oswald, who had had a business record identified with the city for more than a quarter of a century. Mr. Oswald was born in Wayne county, Ohio, November 3, 1867, son … Read more

Biography of Charles Yoe

The record of the Yoe brothers in connection with The Tribune is one of special interest to Kansans. W. T. Yoe was born at Port Republic, Calvert County, Maryland, March 26, 1845. The Yoes were an old Maryland family, having come from England with Lord Baltimore and most of the descendants of the first emigrants still live in Maryland. Walter Yoe, father of the Yoe brothers, was born in Maryland in 1800 and died at Rushville, Illinois, in 1867. He was reared and married in Maryland, and in 1848 moved to Rushville, Illinois. He followed his trade as carpenter and … Read more

Biography of Charles Wood Davis

A significantly varied, distinguished and interesting career was that of the late Charles Wood Davis, and fortunate it was for the State of Kansas that he early established his residence within its borders, for his splendid initiative and executive powers came most effectively into play in the furtherance of the eivic, industrial and general material development and progress of this commonwealth. He was one of the famous argonauts of the year 1849 in California, was long and prominently identified with railway interests, was a recognized authority in all matters pertaining to the basic industry of agriculture, was a pioneer in … Read more

Biography of Charles Wolff

The careers and activities of many citizens enter into the solid structure of a city like Topeka. But the prosperity which distinguishes this city can be traced to the enterprise of a group of men who chose it as the seene of their business careers and who through their leadership, their executive ability and their splendid capacity for business organization, created and maintained the greater part of what is prominent and flourishing in industry and commerce. Among this group of business builders, one of the most prominent names is that of the late Charles Henry Wolff, Sr., whose untimely death … Read more

Biography of Charles William Trickett

Charles William Trickett. That Kansas City, Kansas, can claim distinction of being the largest city in the United States without a saloon or commercialized vice district is due more to the fearless and strenuous efforts of Charles William Trickett than to any other one man. The people of an entire state committed to the cause of prohibition followed with a great deal of interest and admiration his remarkable campaign, made some years ago while assistant attorney general, for rigid law enforcement and the driving out of the saloons and other commercialized forms of vice which had hitherto enjoyed immunity in … Read more

Biography of Charles Wilbur McCampbell

Associate professor of animal husbandry in the State Agricultural College at Manhattan and secretary of the State Livestock Registry Board whose offices are in the same city, Charles W. McCampbell is a native Kansan and for ten years had broadened and amplified his experience and authoritative knowledge of all phases of the livestock industry, not only with reference to Kansas but to the world at large. While he had perhaps rendered his greatest service as an instructor of the younger generation of Kansas farmers, some of his practical demonstration work and experiments have attracted national attention from livestock men. He … Read more

Biography of Charles Wesley Peter

Charles Wesley Peter. A valuable, well conducted farm is that owned by Charles Wesley Peter, one of the substantial and respected citizens of Jackson Township, Riley County, a property largely developed through his own efforts and handsomely improved. Mr. Peter has been a resident of Kansas for forty-four years. Charles Wesley Peter was born November 16, 1850, in Jackson County, Indiana. His parents were Jonas and Barbara (Bruenner) Peter, who were born in Switzerland. They were married in the United States and then settled in Jackson County, Indiana, where the mother died after the birth of four children: Susan, Mary, … Read more

Biography of Charles W. Shinn, Hon.

Hon. Charles W. Shinn. In an able and vigorous service of eight years on the bench, Hon. Charles W. Shinn, now city attorney of Neodesha, Kansas, gained an enviable reputation for legal ability, thorough understanding of the law, wise judgments and unimpeachable integrity. As a private practitioner of law this reputation is still justified, while as a citizen Judge Shinn is numbered with the foremost men of Neodesha. Judge Shinn is a native of Illinois, born May 30, 1854, in Hancock County, and is a son of John K. and Tabitha (Ogden) Shinn. The Shinn family is of English ancestry … Read more

Biography of Charles W. Sample

Charles W. Sample has been a business man at Kingman nearly forty years and had been closely identified with the commercial affairs of that city, as a land owner, banker and in real estate and loans. Mr. Sample was born in Jefferson County, Indiana, October 29, 1851. His ancestors came out of Ireland and settled in Virginia in colonial days. His grandfather, Andrew Sample, was a pioneer farmer in Indiana and died in Jefferson County in that state in 1854. George W. Sample, father of Charles W., was born in Jefferson County, Indiana, in 1815, a date which indicates the … Read more

Biography of Charles W. Parker

Charles W. Parker is the world’s Napoleon in the manufacture of amusement devices. He lives in Kansas, had his immense plant, sometimes known as the “Wooden Horse Ranch,” at Leavenworth. He had been a resident of Kansas since he was an infant of five years. A philosopher may discover, if he can, any connection between the fact that he was brought to Kansas in one of the old fashioned movers or emigrant wagons, and the fact that his carnival outfits, shows, amusement machinery now circulate and travel to all parts of the habitable globe. He was born April 26, 1864, … Read more