Mitchell, Opal E. – Obituary

Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon Opal E. Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mitchell, died last Friday, September 19, 1919, at the Enterprise hospital of a complication of maladies. She was taken down with Typhoid Fever while at the family home on the Imnaha, and then Appendicitis developed, and she was very ill when brought out to town. Everything that the loving care of parents and friends could suggest, or medical skill could offer, was done, but she never seemed to gain strength or to have a fighting chance. The funeral was held on Saturday, and services were conducted … Read more

Mink, Max – Obituary

Joseph, Oregon Joseph Resident Dies at Hospital Death came to Max Mink of Joseph Sunday morning, August 17, 1941 at the Enterprise hospital following a critical illness of seventeen days. He had not been feeling well for several days but no one thought of the illness being serious until Friday, August 1 when he was brought to the hospital suffering from double pneumonia. Max Mink was born September 25, 1892 at Marysville, Kansas and came west in 1908 settling first in Baker County where he resided until 1915 when he moved to Wallowa County, taking up a homestead on Marr … Read more

Miller, Lella Mae Read Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. Geo. Miller Dies at Pendleton Friends of the Roy Read family were shocked this week to hear of the death last Saturday of Lella Mae Miller, 22, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Read. Mrs. Miller passed away suddenly Saturday morning at St. Anthony’s hospital in Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Read had driven over to Pendleton on Friday and planned to take Lella Mae with them on a two week trip to the coast. At a restaurant they all ate some tuna fish sandwiches and Mrs. Miller became quite ill with what appeared to be ptomaine poisoning. She seemed to … Read more

Miller, Henry – Obituary

Henry Miller, an honored pioneer of Wallowa county, died at his home in Turlock, California, Sunday morning aged 73 years. No particulars of his death has been received. Mr. Miller was born in Virginia and cmae to Oregon 30 years ago. He was active in the upbuilding of this county and no man was mre highly respected. He served two terms as county treasurer. About a year ago he removed to Beaverton and last winter to Turlock. He leaves a widow, two sons, Charles Miller of Turlock, Robert Miller of Vail, and one daughter, Mrs. George O’Brian of Wallowa. Source: … Read more

Miller, Barbara Ann – Obituary

Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon Barbara Ann Miller, 58, of Wallowa, Oregon, died Wednesday, Feb. 5, 1992, at her home of an extended illness. She was born June 28, 1933 at Beckwith to Samuel and Russie Treadway. Through her life, she worked at the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Washington, DC. She also worked in Wallowa County at Shells, the Cougar Den and as a fire dispatcher and time keeper for the Oregon Dept. of Forestry. She enjoyed hunting and the outdoors of Wallowa County. Surviving: husband, Russell Miller of Wallowa; son, Neil of Wallowa; sisters, Leona Woodin of Nashville, Tenn., … Read more

Miller, Albert Burton – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Last Rites Held For Burton Miller Memorial services for Albert Burton Miller, who passed away at Wallowa Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, January 20, 1965, were held Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Bollman Chapel with the Rev. James E. Jones officiating. Mrs. Gail Swart was organist and George Thompson sang “Beyond The Sunset” and “You’ll Never Walk Alone.” Casket bearers were: U.P. McGinnis, Keith Wilson, R.V. Chrisman, W.H. Wergen, Delbert Pratt, and Harold Lay, and vault entombment was in the Enterprise Cemetery. Source: Wallowa County Chieftain, January 28, 1965, Front Page Contributed by: Sue Wells

Milady, Barney – Obituary

Drowned While Intoxicated Barney Milady, and Old Man, Meets Unfortunate End Barney Milady, an old man who had been employed as watch at Rumble & McCully’s sawmill about 6 miles below the Wallowa Bridge, was found dead last Friday morning in a small ditch about one mile above the mill. The old man had gone from the mill to the Canyon Hotel on the night of March 8th for supplies and stayed at the hotel that night, leaving early the next morning for the mill with a sack load of supplies thrown across his back, and was seen about 1 … Read more

Meek, Hiram W. Mrs. – Obituary

Leap, Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. Hiram W. Meek passed away at the family in Leap last Thursday, March 13, 1930. Death was caused by cancer from which she had suffered for a year. She had been a resident of the county since 1884, living most of the time in Leap. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at the Methodist church in Wallowa, conducted by the pastor, Rev. C.E. Calome, and burial was in the Wallowa cemetery. She was born in Union County July 29, 1868 and came to Wallowa county when 16 years old. She was married to Hiram W. … Read more

Meek, Hiram W. Mrs. – Obituary

Leap, Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. Hiram W. Meek passed away at the family in Leap last Thursday, March 13, 1930. Death was caused by cancer from which she had suffered for a year. She had been a resident of the county since 1884, living most of the time in Leap. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at the Methodist church in Wallowa, conducted by the pastor, Rev. C.E. Calome, and burial was in the Wallowa cemetery. She was born in Union County July 29, 1868 and came to Wallowa county when 16 years old. She was married to Hiram W. … Read more

Meek, Hiram W. – Obituary

Leap, Wallowa County, Oregon Hiram W. Meek, a resident of the Leap section since 1891, died at the Wallowa hospital last Friday, July 18, 1924. He had been ill for a few months but his condition did not become serious until a week before he passed away. Bladder trouble was the cause of death. The funeral was held at the Wallowa Methodist Church, with two pastors assisting, Rev. G. H. Feese and Rev. W. F. Shields. Burial was in the Wallowa Cemetery. The Grange had charge of the services, this being the first funeral conducted by that society in the … Read more

McGraw, Elizabeth – Obituary

Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon Elizabeth McGraw Passes Away Mrs. Elizabeth McGraw, who resided at Wallowa with her daughter, Mrs. Lester Jackson, suffered a stroke Saturday morning, March 17, 1951 from which she never regained consciousness and passed away quietly at 1:04 p.m.. Elizabeth Almeda McGraw was born at Arnett West Virginia March 29, 1875, and was one of eleven children born to James Perry and Julia Ann Cook. She was married to Lewis Marshall McGraw of McGraws, West Virginia on March 7, 1894 at the home of her parents in Arnett, West Virginia. To this union seven children were born. … Read more

McFetridge, S. M. – Obituary

S. M. “Mac” McFetridge died June 15, 2007. He was 84. Mr. McFetridge served as a corpsman in the U.S. Navy during World War II in the Solomon Islands, Bougainville, Guadalcanal and Bella la Vella. He was also a crane operator for Kaiser Aluminum and raced horses at Playfair Race Track. Mr. McFetridge is survived by his wife Dodie McFetridge; three stepsons; a stepdaughter Shari and numerous cousins. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m., June 23, 2007, at Ball & Dodd Funeral Home, 5100 W. Wellesley Ave; Spokane, WA 99205. Interment will be at Fairmount Memorial Park in … Read more

McFetridge, John – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Services Held For John McFetridge John Oliver McFetridge, son of pioneer parents and a retired rancher and grocery man, passed away Sunday, April 21, 1974, at Wallowa Memorial Hospital where he had been a patient for one week. He had been in frail health for several months. He was born Dec. 12, 1890 near Enterprise, son of John C. and Martha Jane McFetridge, and had lived in Wallowa County most of his life. On June 30, 1918 he was married to Alta Owenby at La Grande. He was a former deputy sheriff of Wallowa County, and … Read more

McFetridge, Elmer – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Elmer McFetridge Dies In Dallas Elmer Clarence McFetridge, a native of Enterprise and a retired rancher, who had been in ill health for the past four years, passed away Monday morning, February 8, 1965 in a nursing home in Dallas, Ore., where he had been a patient for one month. He was the son of John and Martha McFetridge, early pioneers of Wallowa County, and was born near Enterprise on July 11, 1887. He had lived in Wallowa County all his life until 1960 when he and his wife moved to Salem, Ore., and in 1964 … Read more

McFetridge, Alta M. – Obituary

Wallowa County, Oregon Alta M. McFetridge passed away September 3, 1978 at Emanuel Hospital in Portland. Born February 8, 1900 at Enterprise, she was the daughter of Nicholas and Mary Ownbey. She was a resident of Wallowa County most of her life. Mrs. McFetridge was a homemaker, a member of Enterprise Christian Church, the Woman’s Benefit Association, and a former employee of a local bank. On June 30, 1918, she was married in La Grande to John O. McFetridge, who preceded her in death on April 21, 1974. Funeral services will be held Thursday (today), September 7 at 2:00 p.m. … Read more

McFarland, Philip – Obituary

Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon Chief Philip Dies On His Native Sod Head of Nez Perce Indians Passes Away While Visiting in Wallowa County. Philip McFarland, leader of the Nez Perce Indians, died Tuesday afternoon at the Wallowa County Fair grounds. With about 30 members of his tribe he had come to his native hills to visit old scenes and enjoy the fair. His body will be buried on Captain John creek, on the Idaho side of Snake River, about 23 miles above Lewiston, beside his father and mother. All thru his life Chief Philip had been a frequent visitor in … Read more

McElhannon, Janet – Obituary

Janet McElhannon died in Spokane, Wash., on April 1, 2008. A Wallowa County resident since 2000, she was born Janet Raye Osier on April 28, 1943 in Valley City, ND. She married Dallas McElhannon in May 1978. She was a hard worker, enjoyed the simpler things in life, and most recently enjoyed serving the wonderful folks at the Alpine House in Joseph. Her consistent and devoted prayer life kept her close to her savior and served as an example to many who knew her. Janet was the loving wife of Dallas McElhannon, mother of Cynthia, Joie, and Ray. Sister to … Read more

McDonald, Hector – Obituary

Wallowa, Nov. 12—Hector McDonald, aged 52, and one of the larger landholders of the valley, died last evening, following several months’ illness at this home on Diamond Prairie, a few miles west of Wallowa. 1920 newspaper item Contributed by: Larry Rader

McDaniel, C.T. Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. C.T. McDaniel Answers Call Mrs. C.T. McDaniel, who passed away Saturday, March 6, at the Enterprise hospital, was a member of Wallowa County’s pioneer families,. Born near Wallowa, Mrs. McDaniel spent practically her entire life in this vicinity until the death of her husband in 1942. Since that time she had made her home with a sister in Portland. Julia Ellen Tulley, the eldest daughter of Levi and Alma Tulley was born on a farm near Wallowa, April 8, 1875. She spent her girlhood days on her father’s farm about three and a half miles … Read more

McCully, Williard – Obituary

Mrs. Wm. Arnold and daughter left Friday for Elgin where they were called by the death of Mrs. Arnold’s nephew, Williard McCully. Mr. McCully was well known in Enterprise, having lived here formerly. Wallowa County Reporter, Wallowa County, Oregon, Wednesday July 31, 1918