Miller, Lella Mae Read Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. Geo. Miller Dies at Pendleton

Friends of the Roy Read family were shocked this week to hear of the death last Saturday of Lella Mae Miller, 22, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Read. Mrs. Miller passed away suddenly Saturday morning at St. Anthony’s hospital in Pendleton.

Mr. and Mrs. Read had driven over to Pendleton on Friday and planned to take Lella Mae with them on a two week trip to the coast. At a restaurant they all ate some tuna fish sandwiches and Mrs. Miller became quite ill with what appeared to be ptomaine poisoning. She seemed to get better after first becoming ill, but (continued on back page) rest of article missing.

Source: Enterprise, Oregon, name of paper and year missing
Contributed by: Sue Wells
Transcribed by: Belva Ticknor



White, Judy Wallis. Wallowa County Oregon Obituaries. AccessGenealogy. © 1999-2016, all rights reserved.

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