Thompson, Julia Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. Julia Thompson passes away Monday.

Julia Scarbrough was born in Rock Creek, Raleigh County, West Virginia, May 6, 1858, and passed away at her home in Wallowa on March 2, 1931, at the age of 72 years, 9 months, and 26 days.

She was the youngest child of a family of eleven children and the last remaining one.

She was married to Perry H. Thompson on May 20, 1879. To this union were born eleven children; E.Z., Joe, Al, John and Willie of Wallowa; Mrs. Belle Trump of Milton, Oregon; Ed and Clownie of Enterprise, Ore.; E.S. of La Grande, and Ike of Imnaha, Ore. One boy, Bee Thompson, died at Denver on April 24, 1919. In April, 1900, Mrs. Thompson came to Oregon with her husband and children and they homesteaded in Promise. Later they moved to the Wallowa valley.

While residing on Dry Creek, Mr. Thompson passed away on August 17, 1915. Since that time she lived with her son, John, most of the time in Wallowa.

At the early age of 13 she gave her life to Jesus and lived a faithful follower until the time of her death. She was a beloved and faithful member of the Christian Church in Wallowa. While she was not in the best of health the past few years, she was up and around until two weeks before her death. At that time she was taken to the Wallowa hospital where she underwent an operation from which she recovered nicely. But the move home was too great a shock for her and she only lived about fourteen hours after being taken home.

She is survived by her ten children, one step son, B. Sarrett, 26 grand children and four great grand children. She also leaves numerous relatives and friends.

The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon in the Wallowa Christian Church at 2 o’clock. Minister Arthur A. Harriman officiating. Interment was in the Wallowa cemetery.


White, Judy Wallis. Baker County, Oregon Obituaries. Published by Copyright 1999-2013, all rights reserved.

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