A. E. Lambert Passes Life
Arthur E. Lambert, 52, cost accountant for the Portland bureau of water works, died Sunday at the United States veterans hospital in Portland.
His parents were pioneers of Yamhill county, his mother having crossed the plains in 1852. Mr. Lambert was born near Dayton, February 13, 1876. He was educated at Corvallis and at the University of Oregon. At the outbreak of the Spanish-American war he enlisted in the Second Oregon regiment and was in numerous engagements in the Philippine islands, serving throughout the war as corporal of company A.
For a number of years Mr. Lambert lived in Pendleton, where he was assistant cashier of the Pendleton Savings bank. He moved to North Powder to become cashier of the North Powder State bank.
In 1903 he married Mae Smyth of Dayton, and is survived by his wife, a son Eldon, a daughter, La Valle, his mother, Mary E. Lambert, a brother, C.Q. Lambert, a sister, Mrs. J.O. Palmer, all of Portland, and a brother, Chester Lambert, of Umatilla.
Mr. Lambert was prominent in civic affairs and last year he was senior vice-commander of the Scout Young camp, Spanish War Veterans.
Funeral services were held at the Edward Holman & Sons parlors at 2:30 P.M. and Spanish War Veterans were in charge.
Oregon Trail Weekly
North Powder News
Saturday, July 11, 1928