Cowles, Clara Mrs. – Obituary

North Powder, Union County, Oregon Mrs. Clara Cowles aged eighty-five years, died Monday morning at the home of her daughter Mrs. Robert Clark, four miles east of North Powder. Mrs. Cowles was born in Syracuse, N.Y., but has been a resident of this section many years. The funeral services were held at the home Wednesday morning conducted by Rev. G.R. Archer. The body was laid to rest in the city cemetery. North Powder News Saturday, December 25, 1920

Pfel, Lulumae Wiglesworth Mrs. – Obituary

North Powder, Oregon Lulumae Pfel, 85, of North Powder, died Sept. 24, 2006, at St. Elizabeth Care Center. Her graveside funeral will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at the North Powder Cemetery. Visitations will be from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. today at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave. Lulumae was born on April 29, 1921, to Frank and Lola VanOrder Wiglesworth. She was raised at Ramo Flat, graduating from Union High School. She married Louis W. Pfel on Aug. 26, 1938, at La Grande. She moved to North Powder in 1946, where she lived until 2005 … Read more

Gorham, Henry O. – Obituary

Henry O. Gorham, one of the oldest and best known citizens of this section passed this life at the Protestant hospital in Baker, Saturday evening of last week. Mr. Gorham’s death was not unexpected. He had been failing in health for the past two years or more, since he suffered injuries in falling from a load of hay, on his ranch near North Powder. He was 92 years old at the time of his death. Funeral rites were held from the Methodist church at North Powder Tuesday afternoon of this week and burial was made in the North Powder cemetery. … Read more

Leek, Velma Dolly Pendergraft Mrs. – Obituary

Velma Dolly Leek, 92, a former North Powder resident, died Aug. 22, 2003, at Yellville, Ark. Her graveside funeral will be at 10 a.m. Saturday at North Powder Cemetery. Pastor Lenny Spooner of the First Church of the Nazarene will officiate. Visitations will be from noon to 8 p.m. Friday at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave. Velma was born Sept. 19, 1910, to Jim Vaughn and Ellen Pendergraft at Rock Bridge, Mo. She married Clarence Leek at Gainsville, Mo., on Feb. 4, 1932. The couple moved to Prineville where they remained until 1960. While at Prineville, … Read more

Yates, Ellen Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. Ellen Yates Dead At Boise Ellen V. Yates, resident of Baker for the passed four years, died at the home of her son, William Riggs, in Boise Tuesday morning. Mrs. Yates went to Boise to visit her son about six weeks ago. Mrs. Yates was born in Illinois, October 17, 1840. She crossed the plains in 1854 and located in Washougal, Washington. She then moved to North Powder, where she resided for a number of years, then located in Weiser and four years ago took up her residence in Baker. Besides her son in Boise, Mrs. Yates is survived … Read more

Pierce, Homer Obit – Obituary

Homer Emery Pierce, 74, a longtime rancher who worked for the Wilson Cattle Co. for 12 years, died Thursday, May 7, 1987, at St. Elizabeth Hospital. A graveside service for Mr. Pierce was scheduled for 2 p.m. today at the North Powder Cemetery. The Rev. Ralph Holcomb of the First Christian Church officiated. Mr. Pierce was born March 20, 1913, at Pleasant Valley to Ivan and Mary Maharry Pierce. He was educated at North Powder. Survivors include his children, LaVelle Woodcock

Tally, Eugene – Obituary

Eugene Tally Dies At Pendleton 28th Services for Eugene Tally, 76, of Pendleton, a former longtime Baker County resident will be conducted at 2:00 pm Thursday, Oct. 32 at Grays West and Co. Pioneer Chapel. The Rev. Joe Jewett of Enterprise will officiate. Vault interment will follow in the family plot at the North Powder Cemetery in North Powder with the Baker Veterans Organizations conducting graveside honors and the Blue Mountain Masonic Lodge A.F. and A.M. No. 176 participating in the graveside services. Mr. Tally died Monday evening at the St. Anthonys Hosp. in Pendleton after an extended illness. He … Read more

Yetter, Martin – Obituary

M. Yetter Killed In Wreck Of Auto Dodge Sedan Leaves Highway With Fatal Results Buhl, Idaho Party Enroute to Walla Walla -Wrecked. Two Women Slightly Injured Aged Driver Killed When Machine Overturns Near Wolfe Creek Bridge Martin Yetter of Buhl, Idaho, was instantly killed and his wife, Faye Yetter, and his daughter, Mrs. E.J. Butler, also of Buhl, were injured when the automobile in which they were riding left the highway, two miles west of North Powder and turned over three times, about 5 o’clock Saturday evening. A front tire on the machine blew out, it is said, which caused … Read more

Fordice, Kenneth L. – Obituary

Cove, Oregon Kenneth L. Fordice, 71, formerly of North Powder and Cove, died in his sleep Dec. 16, in Winston. A graveside service will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at the North Powder Cemetery. Viewing will be from 3 until 6 p.m. Wednesday at Daniels Chapel of the Valley, 1502 Seventh St., La Grande. He was born Aug. 28, 1935, in Enterprise to Willard and Lela (Gray) Fordice. He grew up on a ranch near Flora on the breaks of the Grande Ronde River and later moved with his family to North Powder where he attended school. He married Donna … Read more

Dean, John Thomas – Obituary

North Powder, Union County, Oregon John Thomas Dean, 22, of Kennewick, Wash. and a former North Powder resident, died May 27, 2005, from injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident on Cabbage Hill. His funeral will be Saturday at 2 p.m. at North Powder High School. Interment will be at the Haines Cemetery. John was born Feb. 25, 1983, to Jerry and Eydie Dean. He attended grade school in Imbler and Ketchikan, Alaska. He moved to North Powder during his seventh-grade year and he graduated from Powder Valley High School. While attending high school, he played football and was an active … Read more

Parker, Elfleda “Middy” Maxwell Mrs. – Obituary

North Powder, Union County, Oregon Lifetime County Resident Passes Here Tuesday, 19th Elfleda (Middy) Parker, 65, of River Road, North Powder, a life time resident of the Haines and North Powder area, died Tuesday, July 19, at the Grand Ronde Hospital in La Grande following a short illness. Funeral services for Mrs. Parker will be conducted at 11:00 a.m. Friday, July 21 at Grays West & Co. Pioneer Chapel. The Rev. Robert A. Jackson of the First Presbyterian Church in Baker will officiate. Vault interment will follow in the family plot at the Haines Cemetery. She was born Dec. 19, … Read more

Powers, John H. – Obituary

North Powder, Union County, Oregon Pioneer Passes John H. Powers one of the first settlers on land in the North Powder river section, died a few days ago at Stockton, California, where he has been residing for some time. Mr. Powers is survived by four sisters. Mrs. J.L. Dodson of Baker, Mrs. Mary Hutchinson of Union, Mrs. Ellen E. Mann of Baker, and Mrs. Ida E. Turner of Colfax, California. Mr. Powers left an estate valued at $30,000, mostly in land in Baker and Union counties. North Powder News Saturday, May 15, 1920

Smith, Merlin W. – Obituary

North Powder, Oregon Merlin W. Smith, 74, of North Powder, died April 5, 2003, in a Boise hospital. His funeral will be Thursday at 1 p.m. at the Loveland Funeral Chapel, 1508 Fourth St., in La Grande. Visitations will be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday at the Loveland Funeral Chapel. Vault interment will be at the North Powder Cemetery. Friends are invited to join the family at the North Powder Grange Hall afterward for a time of sharing and refreshments. Mr. Smith was born Jan. 21, 1929, at Wolf Creek. He was the son of Elias S. and … Read more

Phillips, Francis E. – Obituary

North Powder, Oregon Francis E. Phillips, 81, of North Powder died Aug. 31 at Grande Ronde Hospital. A celebration of life was held at the grange hall in North Powder. His cremated remains will be scattered at Keating Bluff at 4 p.m. today Sept. 5. Mr. Phillips was born April 14, 1925, to Bahleum Alanzo and Ruth Fern Black Phillips in Stroud, Okla. The family moved to a farm outside of Baker City in 1934. He served in the Navy during World War II, and on March 7, 1948, married Dorothy M. Calloway in Baker City. He worked on ranches … Read more

Wood, Lenore Pearl “Babe” – Obituary

North Powder, Oregon Lenore Pearl “Babe” Wood, 96, of North Powder, died March 14, 2001, at Phillips Foster Care at North Powder. Her funeral will be scheduled later. Mrs. Wood was born June 6, 1904, at Caldwell, Idaho, to Charles Wesley Wood and Esabelle Hanna Eames. She went out on her own when she was 16. She moved to Portland where she worked at an orphanage taking care of babies. She met Harold Wood and they married and moved to San Francisco. Mrs. Wood lived there until 1977, when she moved back to Baker City. Her many interests included basketball, … Read more

May, Leonard E. – Obituary

E. F. May of this city received the sad news this week that his grandson, Leonard E. May, son of A.B. May of Gaston, had died Monday, Dec. 17, of appendicitis. The young man was 17 years of age, having been born in North Powder in 1911. Oregon Trail Weekly North Powder News Saturday, December 22, 1928

Pierce, Homer – Obituary

Homer Emery Pierce, 74, a longtime rancher who worked for the Wilson Cattle Co. for 12 years, died Thursday, May 7, 1987, at St. Elizabeth Hospital. A graveside service for Mr. Pierce was scheduled for 2 p.m. today at the North Powder Cemetery. The Rev. Ralph Holcomb of the First Christian Church officiated. Mr. Pierce was born March 20, 1913, at Pleasant Valley to Ivan and Mary Maharry Pierce. He was educated at North Powder. Survivors include his children, LaVelle Woodcock, Wilma Shankel and Bill Pierce, all of Baker, Joanned Salsby of Sparks, Nev., Judy McKey of Reno, Nev., Larry … Read more

Conyers, Henry – Obituary

North Powder, Union County, Oregon Former Powder Man Dies In Missouri Word was received here Sunday telling of the death of Henry Conyers who died March 4 at the home of his sister in Osborn, Missouri. Burial took place March 6, which date was the anniversary of his birth. He was an old time resident of North Powder, having lived in this vicinity for the past 34 years and only left here a few months ago. Heart trouble was the cause of his death. He was 65 years of age. Oregon Trail Weekly North Powder News Saturday, March 17, 1928

Graffe, Peter Mrs. – Obituary

Mother of Editor Dies Word was received Tuesday of the death of Mrs. Peter Graffe, mother of L.J. Graffe, of this city, at Superior, Wisconsin, on Tuesday, February 24. She had been ill for six years, suffering from apoplexy. Because of the extreme distance the editor was unable to make the trip and keep the paper going. She is survived by her husband, five sons, and three daughters, and several grandchildren. She was 57 years of age. Burial was in Duluth, Minnesota. North Powder News Saturday, February 28, 1925

Dale, Anna Mrs. – Obituary

Sister of Wolf Creek Men Passes Sunday Mrs. Anna Dale, Sister of Simonis Brothers, and Pioneer of North Powder, Passes in Baker. Mrs. Anna Dale, sister of Simonis brothers and who came to the Wolf Creek district with her parents in the pioneer days, died last Sunday, the last day of the year in Baker at the age of 73 years. Mrs. Dale was an invalid for some time but was critically ill but a short time before death. The deceased was a native of Stevens Point, Wis., and as child accompanied her parents as emigrants to the Oregon country … Read more