Biographical Sketch of Joseph M. Dinwiddie

This well’ known pioneer and responsible and leading business man and stock man of Malheur County is one of the prominent citizens of the town of Jordan Valley and is a man of sterling qualities of worth and integrity, being possessed of excellent capabilities which have wrought with a winning hand in the business and financial realm of our County for many years.

Joseph M. was born in Indiana, on September 1, 1851 being the son of Daniel and Elsie Dinwiddie. In 1853 his parents came with the noble .band of pioneers who crossed the plains in those days, and located in Linn County, Oregon. That was their home until the time of their death. There also our subject received his education and grew to manhood’s estate. It was in 1875 that he started out for himself, and at once went to Klickitat County, Washington, and engaged in the stock business. He made a success, but in 1880 he determined to try the vicinity of Jordan Valley, and accordingly came hither with his herds and here he has been one of the prominent citizens since that time. He now has a fine estate of one section of fine land adjoining the town of Jordan Valley, and it is well improved with good buildings and all conveniences for handling it in a first class manner Also he owns twelve and one-half acres in the village and operates a first class hotel and livery barn. Mr. Dinwiddie is also one of the leaders in the realm of stock raising, for he has about three hundred and fifty head of horses and a large band of cattle, having been successful in this line and continuing at it constantly since his first residence here.

The marriage of Mr. Dinwiddie and Miss Laura E. King, a native of Walla Walla, Washington, was solemnized in Jordan Valley in ‘884, and they have become the parents of four children, Zora, Elsie, Davis, and William Rufus. Mr. Dinwiddie enjoys the distinction of being one of the leaders of the County, a man of substantial qualities and whose labors establish him to be a man of excellent worth and reliability and wisdom.



Whitman, Marcus. An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1902, 871 pgs.

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