Hearing, William Albert – Obituary

W. A. Hearing was Pioneer Freighter Death called William Albert Hearing, pioneer freighter and farmer, Jan. 17 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Pembrook, in the Mt. Carmel district. Mr. Hearing was born Feb. 28, 1868 at Albany, Oregon, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hearing, Western Oregon and Wallowa County pioneers. When a small child his parents brought him from Western Oregon to Wallowa County. He freighted from The Dalles to Eastern Oregon and came to Baker County in 1898, where he engaged in farming in the Muddy Creek district until 1930, when he … Read more

Shurtz, Aletta Fae Dunn Mrs. – Obituary

Aletta Fae Dunn Shurtz, 84, of Albany, a former Baker County resident, died June 10, 2008, at Albany. A memorial service will be scheduled later at Baker City. Fae was born on Sept. 1, 1923, at Haines to Roy and Clara Walling Dunn. She spent her early childhood at Sparta and attended Baker schools. During World War II she worked at the Kaiser Shipyard at Vancouver, Wash. She also worked as a waitress, a bartender and as a beautician and instructor. She married Ab Shurtz and they lived for several years at Yuma, Ariz. After Ab died she moved to … Read more

Biography of James A Richardson, M.D.

JAMES A RICHARDSON, M.D. – Doctor James A. Richardson was born in Adams county, Illinois, November 15, 1840. His grandfather, George Richardson, was born in Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia, serving in the American war of the Revolution, and after its close taking an active part under Generals St. Clair and Wayne in the war against the Indians of now West Virginia and Ohio. After the suppression of the hostility of those tribes, he, with one companion, in a canoe, floated down the Ohio river to its confluence with the Mississippi, and thence passed up that river to Kaskaskia, then a French … Read more

Crume, Ada Crystal Bilyeu – Obituary

Mrs. Ada Crystal Crume, 58, a resident of Lebanon for the past 18 months, died Sept. 24 at the Albany General Hospital. She was born at Scio, Feb. 22, 1889, and lived in the Scio and Albany areas previous to her Lebanon residence. Services were held Saturday at the Fisher Funeral Home in Albany with Dr. E. B. Luther of the Baptist Church officiated. Interment was in the Franklin Butte Cemetery. Mrs. Crume is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Ruby Schulte and Mrs. Berniece Steen both of Albany; brothers, Eddie Bilyeu, Scio, Dane Bilyeu, Lebanon and Byron Bilyeu, Salem; sisters … Read more

Gore, Wilfred A. – Obituary

Wilfred A. Gore Dies After Brief Illness Wilfred A. Gore, of 320 ½ North Main Street, died at his home early this morning after a ten days’ illness with appendicitis, which later developed into peritonitis. Mr. Gore who was born in Harrisburg, Ore., in 1874, came to Washington with his father in September, 1889. On Christmas day, 1898, he was married to Ella McEwen Lee. Beside his wife he leaves a daughter, Mrs. Hazel Waldusky, of Ellensburg. His father and stepmother, Mr. And Mrs. H. A. Gore, live in Los Angeles, Cal., Mr. Gore having come north during the illness … Read more

Brotherton, Louis S. – Obituary

Louis S. Brotherton, late resident of Lyons, at a local hospital, September 11 at the age of 64 years. Survived by son, Donald Brotherton of Lyons, and a sister, Mrs. Rhoda Trask of Albany; a brother, Wm. Brother, Ashland. Funeral services will be held at the Clough-Barrick Chapel, Tuesday, September 14, at 1:00 p.m. Interment at the Fox Valley Cemetery. Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Biography of Hon. Enoch Hoult

HON. ENOCH HOULT. – The gentleman above-named was born in Monongahela county, West Virginia, April 18, 1825. His parents were of English descent, coming to American in the Colonial days. He lived in Virginia until his twelfth year, when his father moved to Edgar county, Illinois, in the spring of 1832. There Mr. Hoult grew to manhood and remained until he was thirty-three years of age. In the fall of 1830 he was married to Miss Jeannette Somerville, daughter of John Somerville, who came from Kentucky to Illinois. In the year 1853 he came with his family overland to Oregon. … Read more

Lee, Ruthella Chaplin – Obituary

Ruthella Chaplin Lee, 95, died Wednesday, May 10 [1989], in Providence Hospital in Centralia. She was born Oct. 3, 1893, in Brownsville, Ore., and was the daughter of Ralph and Sarah [Coshow] Chaplin. Lee attended Bellingham Normal School and was a teacher in the Chehalis School District until her marriage in 1917 to Virgin R. Lee. He died in 1986. She was a life member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and a long-time member of the St. Helen’s Club and the Pioneers of Washington. Surviving are a son, William R. “Bill” Lee of Chehalis; three granddaughters; and three … Read more

Biography of August Ferdinand Krumrei

August Ferdinand Krumrei, a Muskogee contractor whose extensive patronage is at once proof of his skill and of his ability, was born in Germany, October 17, 1862, and acquired his education in the schools of his native land. He there remained to the age of twenty years, when in September, 1882, he bade adieu to friends and family and crossed the Atlantic to the new world, making his way first to Ann Arbor, Michigan. He had previously acquainted himself with the trade of masonry and carpentering and he became identified with building construction in that city, working for others for … Read more

Mudd, Robert Linton – Obituary

Union, Oregon Robert Linton Mudd, 87, of Union, died Nov. 15, 2001, at St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center in Boise. There was a celebration of life service in his honor today at Loveland Funeral Chapel in La Grande. Pastor Ray Bates and assistant paster Jim Meyers of the Sonrise Free Methodist Church officiated. Mr. Mudd was born on May 14, 1914, to Jacob and Grace Quible Mudd in Bassett, Neb. He moved to Union from Crawfordsville 25 years ago. Mr. Mudd enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1941. He was honorably discharged on Oct. 24, 1945, at St. Louis, Mo. … Read more

Biography of Oliver P. Coshaw

OLIVER P. COSHAW. – This leading citizen of Brownsville, for many years a merchant of that place, was born July 4, 1831, at Connorsville, Indiana. His parents, who were characteristically thriving and agreeable people of French extraction, went to Iowa in 1843. After leaving school, the young Oliver was employed in a store as salesman, clerk or book-keeper, and there laid the foundation of knowledge and experience which has so well served him in his later years. In April, 1851, he engaged to drive an ox-team to Oregon for Honorable R.B. Cochrane, long known in our state and now, as … Read more

Bilyeu, Mary Jane Gumm – Obituary

Mrs. Mary Jane Gumm died at her home here Friday [May 1, 1914] . She was born in Appanoose County, Iowa, November 9, 1852. She lived there until 1865 and then came to Oregon with her parents. The whole journey was made with an ox team. She settled with her parents near Scio. She was married to J. T. Bilyeu in 1868. There were three children born, Mrs. Oscar Gresham and William J. Wriger, both of Lebanon and Fred T. Bilyeu of Scio. Mr. and Mrs. Gumm lived on a farm near here for 35 years and then moved to … Read more

Marks, Benjamin – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Pioneer Of Imnaha Passes To His Rest Benjamin Marks Settled On River In 1889 And Always Loved Canyon Died, March 9, 1923, at his home on Imnaha. Benjamin Marks, aged 83 years, 1 month and 25 days. Mr. Marks had been in fair health this winter the rather feeble and inclined to rest and sleep a great deal. Thursday he was about, as usual, eating dinner and then taking a nap. He said he did not care for supper and retired rather early. At the family bedtime he was seen to be sleeping peacefully but when … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fred D. Cleaves

FRED D. CLEAVES. – Although among the young men, Mr. Cleaves has for a number of years held responsible public positions. He was born in Stockbridge, Wisconsin, in 1852, residing in that village and at Fond du Lac until ten years of age, and coming in 1864 to this coast with his father’s family. Here is one of the few cases in which we find one of the early settlers returning to the East. After a year’s residence at Whidby Island, and two years at Albany, Oregon, the elder Cleaves recrossed the plains to his old home in Wisconsin. The … Read more

Crawford, Clarence H. – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Clarence H. Crawford Clarence H. Crawford, 78, of La Grande and formerly of Elgin, died Tuesday at Grande Ronde Hospital. A funeral service at 10 a.m. Saturday at Loveland Funeral Chapel, followed by a graveside service at Grandview Cemetery. Mr. Crawford was born July 4, 1928, near Gotham, Ark, where he grew up. Later in life he worked with handicapped children for the State of California. After retirement, he moved to Oregon and ranched near Lebanon and Prineville, then moved to Eastern Oregon. Clarence loved the outdoors. He felt he was a caretaker, a protector of the … Read more

Biography of Henry M. Thatcher

Throughout the greater part of his life Judge Henry M. Thatcher has resided on the Pacific slope, and as one of the honored pioneers of this section of the country has been prominently identified with its development, progress and up-building from an early day. He was born in Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, October 17, 1833, and is of German lineage. His grandfather, Samuel Thatcher, was born in Germany, and when a young man emigrated to the United States, settling in Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania, where he married Miss Hannah Smith. He was a soldier in the war of 1812 and lived to … Read more

Bilyeu, Hannah Jane Wassom – Obituary

Surrounded by sorrowing relatives and friends and of which there were a large number, and encased in a beautiful casket, all that is mortal of the late Mrs. Hannah J. Bilyeu was placed beside the husband of her youth, the late John M. Bilyeu, in Franklin Butte Cemetery, last Tuesday afternoon. The funeral cortege arrived from Lebanon to the cemetery shortly after 1 p.m., where a large number of relatives and friends from this city and vicinity had already arrived. After some little delay, caused by the non-arrival of Wm. Bilyeu, a son and his family from Jefferson, Rev. Baker, … Read more

Long, Charles – Obituary

Charles D. Long of Haines, whose sudden death October 11 following an operation for appendicitis was recorded in this newspaper last week, lived all but one year of his 62 years of live in Baker county, having been brought here by his parents when a baby. He was born in Linn county, Oregon March 16, 1872. His parents were Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Long, pioneer Baker county residents. Mr. Long was employed for several years by the Farmer Mercantile company in Haines and in recent years had operated a farm west of Haines. He was a member of the Baptist … Read more

Hearing, James Albert – Obituary

Pioneer Rock Creek Farmer Passes After a long illness, death called James Albert Hearing, October 27, at his ranch home on Rock Creek. Mr. Hearing, a prominent Rock Creek farmer, was born in Linn County, December 14, 1870, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hearing, Oregon pioneers. He is survived by his widow, Lydia; one daughter, Mrs. Leona Bell of Haines; one son, Leo Hearing of Bay City; one sister, Mrs. Nell Stanley of Haines; two brothers, Sam Hearing of Vernonia and Earl Hearing of Sheridan; four grandchildren and one great grandchild. Funeral services were held from … Read more

Bilyeu, Vera Coon – Obituary

Vera L. Bilyeu, 66, of Lebanon, died Saturday [May 20, 1989] at Lebanon Community Hospital. She was born Vera Coon on Sept. 18, 1922 in Pleasant Green, Utah. She married Raymond M. Bilyeu in 1944 in San Diego, Calif., and they moved to Lebanon in 1960. He died Aug. 17, 1979. Mrs. Bilyeu was a member of the Lebanon Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. She also belonged to the Sweet Adelines of Lebanon, and enjoyed oil painting and sewing. Surviving are sons Kelly of Lebanon and Mike of Spokane, Wash. and daughter Connie Bracy of … Read more